Cape Mountainside Bay Garden: Transkei Sativa Soil Grow

Y'all should look for this guy inspirational for general, all round inspiration in the garden and behind the lens.
My video link was edited out. Apologies to the staff. It was a video made under the Youtube label The Weedy Gardener, who is actually David Trood, a real rockstar photographer and you will see why if you watch his video entitled Getting A Shot Of The Creek In Flood. I am a great admirer of Trood's lifestyle and talents as both a gardener and a photographer. I have watched all of his videos. They are beautifully made.
I'm doing a bud porn update because tomorrow the Inzane is coming down!

Holly, the Transkei, Double Wild Durban and LC-18 x Transkei have a way to go.



Wedding Cake not quite ready



Inzane In The Membrane coming down tomorrow

Excellent bud porn Carmen, looks a treat! :goodluck: with the harvest.

Any time you want to post a non-weed-related video, post it to an off-topic thread like this one:

and then post a link here to that post! Then it's all legit.
Thanks Shed! And also, thank you for the info on posting off-topic items.

Wedding cake is close. I recon you are definitely in the window. With both so it's all preference from here. Good job, they look tasty
Thank you LR. That Inzane is going to keep me busy tomorrow. Perhaps I will give the Wedding Cake a chop in a couple of days. How long are you drying before jarring/ bagging? I would imagine my dry time will be similar to yours.
Nice one. I'm still looking at a month
I have too, on Holly, and longer on the other two. Do you ever get pm or budrot as the rains pick up, or are these landrace sativas naturally resistant?
They are to an extent. More budrot resistant, unless it's real wet for too long. It's crazy windy on my deck and the plants are exposed so I have never had it at this location. Aphids occasionally show up in winter. I flower through winter too. Also plant seeds and they go 12/12.
Harvested both the Inzane and the Wedding Cake today. Wedding cake on top and hanging on side. Inzane hanging at the back.
Hey congratulations ☺ thats great, all the plants were looking super in the last post as well. How many weeks on the inzane again? Also am glad you were around for a harvest Carmen looking well stocked for a while. a garden is good for the soul ay?
Hey congratulations ☺ thats great, all the plants were looking super in the last post as well. How many weeks on the inzane again? Also am glad you were around for a harvest Carmen looking well stocked for a while. a garden is good for the soul ay?
Thanks Yogi! It was about 8 weeks on the Inzane. I first start noticing flowering in the photos about 8 weeks ago but I wasn't accurate with my spreadsheet. Gardening is sooooooooo good for the soul, you are right!
They are to an extent. More budrot resistant, unless it's real wet for too long. It's crazy windy on my deck and the plants are exposed so I have never had it at this location. Aphids occasionally show up in winter. I flower through winter too. Also plant seeds and they go 12/12.
Thanks LR. I will cross fingers that it is plain sailing for my housemate to bring the remaining three plants to harvest.
Missed your question about dry time. Dark and cool until the medium thick branches can snap. About 5 days. Into jars. Open for one evening then closed. Open 3 x per day week 1. Then I usually just open once a day for a week then seal up. Always checking for mold when opening. Rotate in the jars as in empty the jars twice a week. Repack. Tasty.
Sativa Saturday. I got some shots of the flowers to enjoy. They are in different stages of growth. I am still captivated by the pink in the DWD. The LC-18 x Transkei is stunning too, and the Transkei is fattening up.
Too bad you're going to miss the finale (when do you leave?) but with a bit of :goodluck: you should return to a beautiful harvest!
Thanks Shed. I'm actually relocating, so will manage this next leg from a distance.
Missed your question about dry time. Dark and cool until the medium thick branches can snap. About 5 days. Into jars. Open for one evening then closed. Open 3 x per day week 1. Then I usually just open once a day for a week then seal up. Always checking for mold when opening. Rotate in the jars as in empty the jars twice a week. Repack. Tasty.
Exactly how I just done mine and this is spot on for 40-50 rh (normal house humidity). Im currently at the one open a day for about a week and WOW, I love that smell. Good advice friend. Cheers!
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