You guys are so close! It is the concentrated oil your after, just not the right way to take it. Soooo close for what ails you good folks. Eating concentrated oil for the euphoric can be an fail on certain medical conditions and can set off anxiety/panic attacks because of its strength in potency. What about no euphoric and have a feeling of wellness while you heal? Once you regiment your body dosing with the concentrated oil properly you can still enjoy your herb. I know, I know I'm so redundant I cannot stand myself sometimes. Its my love for people not wanting them to be in pain and suffering
I'm am posting somewhat in reply to the article and my experience with Cannatonic strains in Summit County Colorado. The quick answer is this is a miracle and I feel amazing! Want to read more please continue. Plus, I quoted this post because the passion is uplifting and so is this Bud if used properly.
The Business
This Strain packs so much potential for people,(such as myself) who suffer from Panic/anxiety. Those who have it, know it, and those FanBoy's and Girl's who says its relaxing? Much love too but there is some much more involved. Currently, concentration levels in CO are readily available but missrepresented. This will change in July 2014 for the betterment of the movement in my opinion. 19.1% to 6% CBD/THC is the highest report to date since legalization. I can look at the color and abundance of the trichomes, matched with my experiences, and tell the difference. I Digress.
Since age 26 I have had multiple hospitalizations for Panic Attacks. Most, But no all, directly related to significant events i.e. hangovers, sleeplessness, high stress work (stock broker/advisor). Pharms like Lexapro Xanax and so forth were my first choice. Followed by, quitting my $100k per annum lifestyle/job, doing the manuals and packets of training to control the symptoms. All helpful but some, Drugs, a terrible slippery slope. I packed the Ranger and moved to be a ski bum in CO, changed my lifestyle and all is well. Uh, I forgot one thing? Your body can hate you in ways thought unimaginable and i started have attacks again! Pot and medical use has always been intriguing but the weed had nothing to do with the move to CO. In fact I didn't smoke much before CO because it had triggered anxiety in the past, though not quite the same responses I had felt before. Something was different about this plant despite my feelings of anxiety. Over the course of a smoking session I could get the heady feeling, panics, shakes, tingles. However, fully aware of my state. Invariably, this would subside. I would always tell my friends the come down is better than the high and the Re-high was better than the first. But wisdoms says the High is the reason you smoke so you don't feel the pain. Awe!! The dichotomy was compelling!
"Give me the Ringer"
Weed is stronger than ever and when people come to a place where they can build your brand of smoke everything changes. This is the God Plant and for me, Jesus is Cannatonic so to speak. The come down is the High. The relaxation is a prayer answered. Its like a bottle of Xanax in a bowl, but can last days. The best part is my other Issues. The pain of years of abuse in sports, alcohol, ulcers, IBS, all things linked to this disorder, melt away slowly as time passes. I have energy with this strain and hardly ever get cloudy minus the first smoke ever so often. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7). (I just take the wisdom of the Ancients and apply them as necessary
Final Thought
My personal experience leads me to speculate that years from now we will find the strains to match each person who wants/needs to use Cannabis. This a drug!, of great power, and with that, the need for great responsibility. Battles against MJ will continue, "But MJ has six rings to prove he's a winner". you'll find yours. Cheers!!