Cannapot Sponsored Grow: Bushman's & Amnesia F2 Regulars, By Emilya

Length of Grow - 44 days
Geoflora time between feedings - 6 days
Time since last watering - 6 days


All is good here in Veg Room #1. The color is slowly returning to the leaves that were showing complaints and the plants just keep bushing out from the bottom. No additional chops were made but a further evaluation on training well be done this evening when I revisit this room in order to water.

It has been 6 days since that last watering and by this evening they will be quite dry and needing a good drink. They will get SNS 209 and Dandelion extract with their water and I expect to see a good growth spurt on this second watering cycle since the uppotting. All appears to be fine and we are just waiting for the wet/dry cycle to come down to 36 hours the first time, so we can get these girls into 3 gallon pots.... but before we do that, we will need to make sure that it is only the girls getting this special treatment and at some point we are going to throw any of the plants not showing pistils into a 12/12 lighting situation and see who comes out of it alive. Those who survive, sans the males, well be uppotted when it is time.
It has been 6 days since that last watering and by this evening they will be quite dry and needing a good drink. They will get SNS 209 and Dandelion extract with their water and I expect to see a good growth spurt on this second watering cycle since the uppotting. All appears to be fine and we are just waiting for the wet/dry cycle to come down to 36 hours the first time, so we can get these girls into 3 gallon pots.... but before we do that, we will need to make sure that it is only the girls getting this special treatment and at some point we are going to throw any of the plants not showing pistils into a 12/12 lighting situation and see who comes out of it alive. Those who survive, sans the males, well be uppotted when it is time.

Good afternoon, Emilya.

I know dandelions are a natural supply of silica (Thank you, @Azimuth ). Are you adding it to the water so that it's watered in or are you using it as a foliar spray, which I've heard is more effective?
Good afternoon, Emilya.

I know dandelions are a natural supply of silica (Thank you, @Azimuth ). Are you adding it to the water so that it's watered in or are you using it as a foliar spray, which I've heard is more effective?
Hi @HashGirl. Yes, the dandelion extract has lots of extra goodies in it, including silica, so I am not giving additional silica on this grow just to check that out. I am adding it to the water and not doing foliar applications. Since the roots are the main nutrient pathway into the plant, I am not sure why anyone would think that foliar would be a more effective way to apply this multinutrient supplement. I am sure it could also be done that way to good effect, but more effective than a drench... color me skeptical.
Hi @HashGirl. Yes, the dandelion extract has lots of extra goodies in it, including silica, so I am not giving additional silica on this grow just to check that out. I am adding it to the water and not doing foliar applications. Since the roots are the main nutrient pathway into the plant, I am not sure why anyone would think that foliar would be a more effective way to apply this multinutrient supplement. I am sure it could also be done that way to good effect, but more effective than a drench... color me skeptical.

Thanks, Emilya.

I added GroTek Gro-Silic (Available Silicon (Si[OH]) - 44%, Boron (B) - .0009%, Molybdenum (Mo) - .0015%) to my water every time I watered my GSCs and they were still a floppy mess. I only did the foliar spray once. If you believe it's better on uptake rather than a foliar, how do you explain why my girls were so floppy?
Thanks, Emilya.

I added GroTek Gro-Silic (Available Silicon (Si[OH]) - 44%, Boron (B) - .0009%, Molybdenum (Mo) - .0015%) to my water every time I watered my GSCs and they were still a floppy mess. I only did the foliar spray once. If you believe it's better on uptake rather than a foliar, how do you explain why my girls were so floppy?
no clue, but this deserves investigation. Do you know anyone else getting floppy plants by using it in the soil? I added silica through most of my last grow... no problems.
no clue, but this deserves investigation. Do you know anyone else getting floppy plants by using it in the soil? I added silica through most of my last grow... no problems.

I know that a few growers had floppy plants but I have no idea which GSC growers (if any) added silica to the feed water. Should I ask on the GSC general thread?
probably... but floppy probably also has several possible causes, not sure its just the silica. First, we need to define floppy.

Unable to stand on its own. Or unable to stand without support.
Unable to stand on its own. Or unable to stand without support.
hmm. That does sound bad... but please forgive me, I am picturing you spraying water on these poor flopped down plants, yelling, grow! stand up, you! lol. sorry, I am a little off, everyone knows it.

I can't figure out why watering the soil with it was less helpful than spraying it.
hmm. That does sound bad... but please forgive me, I am picturing you spraying water on these poor flopped down plants, yelling, grow! stand up, you! lol. sorry, I am a little off, everyone knows it.

I can't figure out why watering the soil with it was less helpful than spraying it.
Foliar can certainly help if you need to correct a deficiency but the plants don't need water. Also, I use it for pest management. I spray them with a seaweed FPJ which is supposed to be an effective treatment for mites (according to Coot anyway).
All of my plants needed support. Here are some examples of how they looked at the end:


ahhh... that floppy! That is just heavy buds. To solve this you have to go back to the training period. You will note that some of the better gardeners start early to produce short plants that can hold a lot of weight. I have never been able to get a plant to hold up a bunch of heavy buds though, without getting floppy The silica is supposed to help, but most of the time our plants will need some sort of support near the end. Those who can grow a plant with 5 or 6 large kolas that can support themselves, are my idols. I still rely on tomato cages and garden wire.... and before this it was bamboo and a lot of twine.
Length of Grow - 44 days
Geoflora time between feedings - 6 days
Time since last watering - 0 days

This was indeed watering day for our young plants, the 6th day since the last watering, and soon they will be sucking water hard enough to get into the 3 gallon containers that await them. They should need water in about 3 days. At that point, anyone not showing sex is going to be forced.


Most of the yellow on the leaves has given way to green again since this last feeding and I expect this watering to completely eliminate it as more of the @GeoFlora Nutrients dissolves into the soil adding more nutrients and microbes to the mix.

The little j-rooted fighter is still working on being a big plant, and we are still encouraging her, while also warning her not to even think about being a male.

Length of Grow - 48 days
Geoflora time between feedings - 10 days
Time since last watering - 4 days

The plants have all made a lot of progress in the last 4 days and today we were able to get a lot done. First, it was watering day, so they all got watered slowly to runoff with @Sierra Natural Science SNS 209 and my home made Dandelion fermented extract. The bug problem is almost non-existent and the plants don't seem to be developing any deficiencies.


I trimmed under the canopy on all the plants today, simply because without physically lifting up the leaves on one side it was impossible to water. Today we trimmed out the lowest node that is not going to make it up to the canopy and all sucker leaves and stuff that will have eventually been cleared out anyway.

The other problem was that after the first topping at node 5, the two resulting nodes have grown up and are now working on their third node on most of the plants. Those two top main kolas had definitely seized dominance and the plant was preparing for that 2 kola shape. Today, each of those nodes was topped, right before the alternating nodes started, so that there will be 4 kolas instead of 2, but more importantly, so that the lower nodes will now continue rising up to meet the canopy. The training is going well on each of the strains and I think we are going to end up with some pretty shaped plants. I am not going for a huge amount of buds this time, moreso going for an even canopy.

The little one is still trying hard to become something, and today we set her up on a riser so she can get closer to the light

Length of Grow - 48 days
Geoflora time between feedings - 14 days
Time since last watering - 4 days

Today was watering and feeding day. The plants were quite dry this time and I think that we will see a quick reduction of the wet/dry cycle over the next couple of waterings and soon we will be ready to see who moves to 3 gallon containers. Already some of the big ones are starting to look like they might be males... the females are still reluctant to show me conclusively who they are. This shall soon change.

Today we gave them their next @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG feeding and they were watered to runoff. The plants are all starting to get huge, yet we are maintaining strict control over the height of the canopy. They are starting to stretch out a little bit more now, while a couple of them appear to wanting to be very short bushy plants.

All is looking strong, and with this feeding tonight, I expect to see a strong growth spurt. Still not playing with the light pattern to determine sex, and I am hoping that this nonsense will not be necessary if I remain patient. Pistils guarantee you a transplant, girls... let's get going.

Length of Grow - 59 days
Geoflora time between feedings - 7 days
Time since last watering - 2 days

These plants are rapidly reaching the time to be transplanted. They are now able to drain the pot in a day or two easily, but we still don't know who is who. Unfortunately, this weekend is the time for me to take a trip to bury my brother, and that work is not going to get done before I leave. The crew has been instructed to water each day until I get back, and then we will see what we need to do to sort these plants out into male and female.

We are having a little bit of a thrip problem in the room right next to this one, but so far I have not seen any indications of the critters in here, so I have not yet sprayed my SNS 203, and am still relying on the SNS 209 given with each watering to hold them off. When I get back from my trip and start working toward the transplant, I will spray these plants too because it is better to be safe than sorry.

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