Cannapocalypse 2017

The "correct" pH, in any medium is 6.3-6.8. < 700 ppm? Seriously? I hope not.

old PPM 1200, PH 7.3

new PPM 700, PH 5.8

We are on a coco journal which is hydroponics not soil. I wouldn't mind seeing your grow Mr. Noob...



See you in 48 hours for another peek
Thats right, vlad. Hydro ph is 5.5-6.5 and you are sitting right in the sweet spot of 5.8. Thats where i set mine at and let it fluctuate as it will, within the 5.5-6.5 range. I hope you get the mars light man. Your diy is awesome but id like to see what you can do with one of their lights. I love mine but found for the end results i want a mix of led and hid is great. 2 of the old model mars 300s and a 400 watt mh/hps gives me the weight and solidity and the leds bring out soooo many trichs.
Its looking nice here, sir, and i like how you are not afraid to experiment to see what works best for you.

Sent from my LGLS990 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Thats right, vlad. Hydro ph is 5.5-6.5 and you are sitting right in the sweet spot of 5.8. Thats where i set mine at and let it fluctuate as it will, within the 5.5-6.5 range. I hope you get the mars light man. Your diy is awesome but id like to see what you can do with one of their lights. I love mine but found for the end results i want a mix of led and hid is great. 2 of the old model mars 300s and a 400 watt mh/hps gives me the weight and solidity and the leds bring out soooo many trichs.
Its looking nice here, sir, and i like how you are not afraid to experiment to see what works best for you.

Sent from my LGLS990 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Thanks a lot Laz.

I just got approved to provide a doctor with legal medicinal cannabis so I will be constantly busy with new plants and expanding.

I would love to grow my new Punto Rojo clone that just rooted in that tent, it's a Pure sativa colombian land strain :bongrip:

I have 75% humidity, great temps and feed it low and slow
so what PPM do you suggest, so I can adjust it. Do you think less is better ? Thanks

Anything really above 6.0 ph with Coco in flower you will not get enough Mag to get through. 5.8 really is the balancing point or ideal would be down to like 55.5 then to 6.2 fluctuating slowly over time to really balance the intake but 5.8 for Coco is ideal if you run it hydro like with lots of dampness or feedings... If you run your coco like dirt and let it dry more then ph can go up a little but still not soil levels.. 6.5 -6.6 for soil as far as I have read.. never grown in it ...Yet...

Veg you can run up to 6.2 ph cause it needs so little mag and more cal.. that gets through to higher PH...

Just what i have read...

As far as PPM's go...OK so what I am testing right now and believe it to be true... PPM is bogus...
It is all based on what you are putting in it... If you add tons of things like silica and cal/mag.. PH up.. down they all add to the PPM but the are not quite feed they really are beneficials and they do not "burn". So if you run your PPM high but the base nutes are low and it is all the other stuff your actually not feeding well but could show a real high PPM.. Make sense?
Base nutes i believe you have to err on the low side easily getting the plant more than enough... I tun 50% recommended... But my silica and cal/mag.. Orca ..Sos all the bennies i run full.... My PPM is 1080 for a week straight up from 500... Base nutes i did add some increase but nothing like all the other stuff...

I have not hurt a single leaf in doing so and I can tell the plants are enjoying the extra as I was getting deficiencies... But with barely raising the base nutes.. not a burnt tip or anything...

Take all that shit for what ever you want im 20 months only into this adventure....


Well, I've just started like 20 beans, so I'll be sure to post the link to the journal when I make it. Still trying to figure out whether I want to do more hydro, or give no-till a try.

6.3-6.8, in pro mix.


It works both ways. Whilst he might think I'm a shitty person, he shows he's a shitty grower.

If he were to bump it up to 6.3+ and actually feed them, his plants wouldn't look how they do now. Not one time,nor will you ever have to use ca/mg if you properly pH, etc. Don't believe me? Try it. It doesn't take much to keep an ounce plant happy, so he could take any suggestions at this point, especially with it being a sativa leaning plant that's probably going to flower longer than 8 weeks without a doubt.

Vader would be disappointed with the name, especially after seeing the product.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using 420

Unfortunately I have .. I run perpetual and I have left my PH at 6.2 for a stretch and got mag issues... I bump it down to 5.8 and it has taken care of it...
I usually stay out of stuff like this but SN you are spreading around misinformation. Read up and you will see there is a difference in growing hydro versus soil. You are giving good info for soil... NOT for hydro....

Just sayin....


And Don't let one troll get to you Vlad.. I have watched you do more experiments in the last year plus than most people do in a lifetime. I know you get on your soapbox once in awhile and go on a rant that I don't always agree with but I know it is just you being you and i respect you for that. Just ignore the troll... He is just a new member with no Journal and that gives him ZERO credibility... A troll...


Thanks for the support FE. I will let this sit on the back-burner for now.

I explained a few times that I failed to check runoff midflower and that's why the plants went crispy and the dude wants to crucify me on my own journal for it!

He tells me I stole the name of my journal from some guy that owns the COPYRIGHTS to use "cannapocalypse".

He tells me I should feed the Acapulco Gold higher PPM when I know that she doesn't like more than 900 max.

I'm mad at the level of ignorance that has just washed over my journal like a tsunami of garbage and feces.

But it Seems kind of silly in retrospect... after all he has no grow journal, just some pics that are probably not even his.

Whether we live on a rapidly spinning ball zooming through infinity or just an immovable slab of land, this world is F**ked up thanks to humans like Noob :rofl:
You have always done odd things Vlad. I don't follow you because you grow normal healthy bushy plants... 420 is loaded with them. I had 100 subs and most where all perfect grows.... I like to see the more off the path stuff nowadays...I am down to under 20 subs and you are still one so keep it up... If you actually ran a normal run it would be odd but I know your results would be good... I average 4-6 zips per plant running the max my state lets me and they are far from perfect.. just laziness though.....We all could do better...

Keep up what you do Vlad.... I don't think SN is making his own LED panel.... Am I wrong?


You have always done odd things Vlad. I don't follow you because you grow normal healthy bushy plants... 420 is loaded with them. I had 100 subs and most where all perfect grows.... I like to see the more off the path stuff nowadays...I am down to under 20 subs and you are still one so keep it up... If you actually ran a normal run it would be odd but I know your results would be good... I average 4-6 zips per plant running the max my state lets me and they are far from perfect.. just laziness though.....We all could do better...

Keep up what you do Vlad.... I don't think SN is making his own LED panel.... Am I wrong?



Well my bro you are right. I should not have trifled with that guy. I am a little sensitive to be mid flower with some crispy plants and maybe that's why I let it get to me.

The story is I watered/fed the coco plants like soil. The potassium built up making my PH skyrocket. The pots got light and dry like soil which left the roots exposed to the salts. I flushed the coco pots 4 days ago and check Runoff back down to normal range (approximately 5.8).. If I would have been doing that from the get-go I would not have poopy looking plants. But the buds are still growing regardless so that's why I didn't cancel my journal and throw the plants into the garbage like SN suggests.

This is acapulco gold, not some indica dom strain that wants to be fed 1400 ppms

I'm going to finish this damn grow whether SN likes it or not :bongrip:

It's my journal and if I'm going to post pics of my crispy plants, it's none of his damn business!
Once damage is done in flower it is done you can't fix it so yes you are right to just correct what hurt them and then finish them out... Better to get something than nothing... Veg they adapt and flower react. I run Veg a little more like soil with Coco but actually just increased my feedings in Flower to make sure the Coco stops drying out near the end of light cycle. They drink a 5 gallon pot dry in 12 hours in flower...So I do two shorter ones now.... You have battled bugs... Lockouts... Heat.... Not everyone has perfect grows. Keep it up and see it through... I have finished off some sorry looking plants that i enjoyed every puff!


Thanks again FE, you bring positive thoughts that heal the damage this guy did to my pride.

I've only been growing for about 1 year and 3 months. I live in a 3rd world country where there are no hydroponics stores.

I don't want SOIL because... my plants are in my house. I like the idea of sterile growing.

This forum has been my only source of learning as all the info one needs to learn is literally right here on 420.

I am aware that the plant's leaves will not look better and the only thing I could do is stop the damage from progressing to the buds.

They will finish out and I expect 150 grams minimum. I don't know where that guy gets off calling my plants 1 ouncers.

I will be posting here today the next acapulco gold clone that is set for flower on a "perfect" run in 4 weeks.

I have seen plenty of mediocre plants here on 420 and I have never been so abrasive, ignorant or spiteful like SN when making a "constructive comment". I have never seen on anyone else's journal some random guy come in and take a dump like that either...

Anyway, enough about SN. I'm in for the next 4 weeks while these girls finish up, I will cure them, smoke them meanwhile a new plant is in 12/12 with a more proactive growing strategy inspired by good guys like you.

Peace !
I just harvested a JH that started flowering in Veg cause it didn't like Gas Lantern lighting and that will give me 1.5 zips max... I will post pics later it is beautiful... I grow for myself... I want quality not quantity... But I do pretty well on most... I started growing not long before you vlad and We have come a long way.... Keep it up bro...

No need SN to post anything here on your stuff.. Just start a thread somewhere and people will see and enjoy it... What you did here was uncool and if you can just be positive here only, everyone would appreciate it...

I'm out for the day


I have... a bit... of an anger-management problem. In my younger days, I'd have stated (and did so state) that I managed my anger just fine, thanks, and that if people would quit making me angry, I would quit making them bleed, lol. That is undoubtedly part of the reason that I'm where I am at today. But I eventually grew up (a little) . I still occasionally have my moments, though; I can be a hind-end. It's probably my natural state, to be honest, but I try not to express it. My brother, well, he doesn't try. He is older than I am, so I have seen people that were his friends become my friends, too. Some of them are... not exactly the best of friends with him these days. Thinking about this just now, it is a little surprising - but not greatly so. I have found that I do not have so many friends that losing even one would be an insignificant thing. Maybe thinking about that helps me be a little politer than I would otherwise be. Or maybe it was the fact that I am old enough to have been raised by a couple of parents who knew that I needed parents a whole lot more than I needed them to "be my friends," ha ha.

And, since I'm speaking (rambling) about parents, Dad has passed on and Mom is in her upper 70s - and is not doing well. She seems to have aged ten years in August. Her mind is... not what it once was. She fell down the last few of her basement steps and it laid her up (thankfully, no broken bones, or at least none that she would admit to). September was a little better, but she has been suffering from a kidney stone recently that apparently wasn't quite large enough for removal... but it doesn't seem to want to be passed. I have been spending a lot of time at her house, which is stressful for both of us (affection grows with distance, as they say) - and difficult, since we live on opposite sides of town and I have to walk everywhere. I actually had a smidgen of work, and was happy that I could pay a bill or two and maybe eat more than once a day - and then she asked if I could give her more money to help her get by since she has missed work. <SHRUGS> Not a drop against the ocean that her - and Dad - spent and expended on me, of course, but... stressful. On the other hand, things like this really help put matters in perspective; "Internet stuff" isn't nearly as important - and knowing this makes it easier to not "explode" on people in forums like I used to. Besides, lol, you cannot transmit a punch via WiFi, so to even try would be foolish.

Speaking of Mom, she is going to try to go clean some offices today, and she lets me help her with that particular job, so I need to quit rambling and start moving. I hope everyone has an okay day!

Nobody ever hear's the president address his nation with F*** this or F*** that, why should 420 be any less classy than a silly government !!!

Political Profanity: Obama Among Presidents Who Swear - TIME
Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians -
I have... a bit... of an anger-management problem. In my younger days, I'd have stated (and did so state) that I managed my anger just fine, thanks, and that if people would quit making me angry, I would quit making them bleed, lol. That is undoubtedly part of the reason that I'm where I am at today. But I eventually grew up (a little) . I still occasionally have my moments, though; I can be a hind-end. It's probably my natural state, to be honest, but I try not to express it. My brother, well, he doesn't try. He is older than I am, so I have seen people that were his friends become my friends, too. Some of them are... not exactly the best of friends with him these days. Thinking about this just now, it is a little surprising - but not greatly so. I have found that I do not have so many friends that losing even one would be an insignificant thing. Maybe thinking about that helps me be a little politer than I would otherwise be. Or maybe it was the fact that I am old enough to have been raised by a couple of parents who knew that I needed parents a whole lot more than I needed them to "be my friends," ha ha.

And, since I'm speaking (rambling) about parents, Dad has passed on and Mom is in her upper 70s - and is not doing well. She seems to have aged ten years in August. Her mind is... not what it once was. She fell down the last few of her basement steps and it laid her up (thankfully, no broken bones, or at least none that she would admit to). September was a little better, but she has been suffering from a kidney stone recently that apparently wasn't quite large enough for removal... but it doesn't seem to want to be passed. I have been spending a lot of time at her house, which is stressful for both of us (affection grows with distance, as they say) - and difficult, since we live on opposite sides of town and I have to walk everywhere. I actually had a smidgen of work, and was happy that I could pay a bill or two and maybe eat more than once a day - and then she asked if I could give her more money to help her get by since she has missed work. <SHRUGS> Not a drop against the ocean that her - and Dad - spent and expended on me, of course, but... stressful. On the other hand, things like this really help put matters in perspective; "Internet stuff" isn't nearly as important - and knowing this makes it easier to not "explode" on people in forums like I used to. Besides, lol, you cannot transmit a punch via WiFi, so to even try would be foolish.

Speaking of Mom, she is going to try to go clean some offices today, and she lets me help her with that particular job, so I need to quit rambling and start moving. I hope everyone has an okay day!

Political Profanity: Obama Among Presidents Who Swear - TIME
Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians -

Good Stuff TS.. thank you for sharing. Yah we all have our stuff... sometimes that can bleed into places like this too... I am not against profanity to speak of at all.. i don't like to see it aimed at a person ..If someone wants to drop an f bomb in excitement I Laff... I do it my self... Or like a policy is bullshit... Stuff like that... But aiming it at a person or excessiveness isnt really cool... Attacking a person without swears is just as bad.... I tell my wife alot.. "it's not what you meant it is how they took it" Because you didn't articulate it well is not the persons fault. If we all followed that rule then life would be easier...

got rambling.....

Things look great Comrade... quite some time to go.. I look forward to the harvest...

Well one good thing I see right away in the photo from today is that since adjusting the PH and PPM correctly about 3 days ago, her calyxes took on a healthy green where as before were just palish

By the way I'm feeding as low Nitrogen as I can at this point but not yet cutting it out entirely from the feed.

I don't see any need to feed her more than 700 PPM at this point however I am at 800 right now anyway.

I'm very excited about the next plant that is even bigger and is going to have a healthy regimen during 12/12 all the way through next time.

I cracked her by spreading her wide open. 90 cm wide plant 10 inches tall. But it's cool. You'll see how well she healed come 30 days when I put her to 12/12

Peace comrades :bongrip:
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