Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

So don't want to talk it up too much....but....

I look forward to watching you go beserk :)


Have a great day mate, Hey Dennise you too hugs to both of you :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I hope everyone has a good day today. If you are traveling, please be safe!

I'm heading to work this morning, when I get home I'll be building a door for the haven. Thank goodness I didn't sell my miter saw. LOL
Supposed to get rain today, yey! Good opportunity to do some inside work.

I got very concerned on the seeds that haven't sprouted yet, so I dug them up last night. There were 3 that had just plain come to a standstill on growing out the taproot. They didn't look rotted by any means, but they weren't growing either.

So.....I'm trying a little experiment. I replaced the seeds with some that had already popped and had nice taproots showing, and planted them in the containers with some fresh soil. The other seeds were rinsed with water and then I placed them back into moist paper towel on top of the freezer. Let's see if they decide to come back around to growing. ;-)
I haven't checked the seed on the one with the blackish taproot, I'll do that this afternoon. If it is the same, I'll do the same process with it.


Edit: I decided I had a few minutes so I checked on Purple #1 with the black taproot. It's grabbing soil and rooting! Should be breaking soil any day. Yey!
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Purple with a black taproot. :hmmmm: Are you ready for such a dark pagan plant? :slide::slide::slide::grinjoint:

LOL, bring it on! :)

So, I got to thinking at work you hear it? That my head...."Warning Will Robinson! Warning! Warning!"

yeah, thinking...If I ran out of water/food in my house, I would have to go outside of my house to find those items to survive.

When I saturated that soil with the SNS gnat spray, I did slow those seeds down. Not because of the SNS, but because the soil was too wet and gave no reason for those taproots to have to leave home. I hope I haven't stopped them completely, but we'll see in a day or two. If they are sogged out, then lesson learned.

Dumb Chit! LOL

Won't do that again.

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

>>>Edit: I decided I had a few minutes so I checked on Purple #1 with the black taproot. It's grabbing soil and rooting! Should be breaking soil any day. Yey![/QUOTE]<<<

"PURPLE ZOMBIE #1" :MoreNutes: nice job Sista. :high-five:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

LOL, bring it on! :)

So, I got to thinking at work you hear it? That my head...."Warning Will Robinson! Warning! Warning!"

yeah, thinking...If I ran out of water/food in my house, I would have to go outside of my house to find those items to survive.

When I saturated that soil with the SNS gnat spray, I did slow those seeds down. Not because of the SNS, but because the soil was too wet and gave no reason for those taproots to have to leave home. I hope I haven't stopped them completely, but we'll see in a day or two. If they are sogged out, then lesson learned.

Dumb Chit! LOL

Won't do that again.


i wish I learned qualitative techniques that quickly.

14 months into indoor growing and I'm still struggling with how to water seeds and seedlings.
I THOUGHT I had a working system, then I drowned seven seeds in a row.

Six of them were a local Kong cross that I won't likely see again. Sigh.

- -
Sometimes a seed has to leave the husk and grow up :)
I'd like to grow food outdoors. My outdoor soil is still in glycophosphate recovery. Next year.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Dang Radogast, that would have drove me crazy on the Kong cross loss. :-(

I try to be sure the bottom half of the soil in the cup is moist and the top half just dampish. That way when I plant the seed it has to go down to search for that water, but not get completely dried out either. It's not a perfected system by any means. The three that broke soil at first must not have had enough of the SNS dousing to stop them. LOL

My first ever grow, when I planted my seeds I completely forgot to put drain holes in the cups. Yup, I was drowning my seedlings.

I really need to get my herbs outside. I bought the herb seedlings at a local nursery and apparently that's where the danged gnats came from. I have them in with the mj plants under the lights. Didn't notice the gnat until after planting. I only saw the one.....

Last night I hung a fly paper trap, the roll out sticky thing. This morning there were at least a couple dozen tiny gnats stuck to it. So it works. :cheertwo:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Morning Canna :)

$2.19c for 8 flysticky things...I should buy shares I use so many of the dang things's all the orchards so close around me.

Sorry for you're troubles Radogast...

Hope your having a great day mate :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

UPDATE 5-24-2015

Just some pics of the kids, they are all doing well. That little one leafer might just make it. I put the loupe to the center of the top stem and it looks like there is new growth there. :)

Here's some of the wildlings stretching on the window sill:


And the newborn babes stretching. One of them has a major stretch going on, I'm going to lower the CFL light to see if I can control that a bit:




Evening Tassie,

Sing along with me...
(to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad")

I've been watching all the seedlings, all the live long day...
I've been working with the seedlings...just to pass the time away.......

Hope you are having a great morning dude.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Evening Canna :high-five: Tassie

Sing along with me...
(to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad")

I've been watching all the seedlings, all the live long day...
I've been working with the seedlings...just to pass the time away.......

I'm having a good morning now little ones got repot last night...and put on 3/8" in about 10 hours.... :)

..oh and critical haze went from laying down and just popped the seed to fully upright, shell and coty off, 1/2" above the same time...

...In a gravely, thick, yet lively morning tone...

I've been watching all the seedlings, all the live long day...
I've been working with the seedlings...just to pass the time away.......

hugs, you made my day :)

EDIT...I want the word 'Wildlings' in the title...just what I want is all :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hey Taz,
I like the idea of putting Wildlings in the title. Puts a little mystery to it. LOL
So here's the edit: (not sure if they allow the quotation marks in titles)

Cannafan's Return To Growing! - Autos Indoors - Purples - & "Wildlings" Outdoor Grow

Congrats on the events over the last 10 hours! I just peeked in and see one of my Pyramid Purple is about to toss her shell too. Woo hoo!

The crowd in the Cannabis arena is filling up and about to get rowdy with it!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Morning Canna :)

$2.19c for 8 flysticky things...I should buy shares I use so many of the dang things's all the orchards so close around me.

Sorry for you're troubles Radogast...

Hope your having a great day mate :)

I was trying to give Cannafan a compliment on her observation skills and willingness to adapt and change - Sorry it came out more whining about me :)

I like the flypaper stickies. I need to get a replacement. My current one is almost a year old and covered with former gnats.

I had a GREAT day! Finished filling the last of my perpetual indoor soil pots with Clackamus Coot mix. This is my last large soil mix for the forseeable future. Future mixing will be in 1 gallon-ish and transplant into one of the 11 large pots. --- That under my belt I test ran water from the brook over a rock to make a waterfall and then carved a little streamlet across the yard towards the brook. No photos yet. The yard hydraulics are a work in progress. The rock waterfall is looking magnificent.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I was trying to give Cannafan a compliment on her observation skills and willingness to adapt and change - Sorry it came out more whining about me :)

I like the flypaper stickies. I need to get a replacement. My current one is almost a year old and covered with former gnats.

You didn't come out whining at all. :blalol:
Every time someone gives a story of what they did not-so-rightly, we all learn from that. :)

Such as....should I really say how many times I got my hair stuck on "fly paper thingies" in the barns during my childhood years?
What a mess! LOL So, Ladies...and gents...mind your hair around those things. ;-)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

You didn't come out whining at all. :blalol:
Every time someone gives a story of what they did not-so-rightly, we all learn from that. :)

Such as....should I really say how many times I got my hair stuck on "fly paper thingies" in the barns during my childhood years?
What a mess! LOL So, Ladies...and gents...mind your hair around those things. ;-)

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Lol. I got my hair stuck in this damn things too.

And, yes, I vote for the use of wildlings myself.

You got quite a nursery going gal. Happy lil Wildlings. Tame... for now.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Okay, Wildlings will be in the title change for sure. :)

I'm up early for being a day off. I think my brain is now trained to wake me up at 4:00 a.m. on work days. LOL
Haven't checked on the new kids yet, I'm reading and enjoying a cuppa.

Radogast, you and I are so much alike. I built a rock waterfall flowing into the pond a few years ago. It didn't turn out great, but I love the sound of it when I sit on the deck. The frogs love hanging out on it. :laughtwo: Be sure to share pics on the seasons thread!

Have a comforting and safe day everyone!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Well, I felt the need to find something for a "feel better" effect this morning.
How about some seriously up close and personal pics?

This is Pyramid Purple as of this morning:


You can see the whole process in this picture. The membrane is still attached to her, but that will dry up and fall right off as exposed to air. Most times it takes the seed shell with it if it is still there after breaking soil. And those are not sideways pics. That's the angle she came up. LOL


So, as of this morning I have 1 pyramid purple, 1 Cash crop, and 1 Buddha seed sprouting. :yahoo:

Hope you enjoy. I'm heading outside before the rain starts again to check some things out. Daylight in the swamps!!
We are supposedly past the frost danger, so it's time to get serious here. The herbs are definitely going outside today. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Yes! :bravo: Excellent title change.

Rad, I can't wait to see the photos of the rock waterfall. How exciting.

Canna, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to be able to ride along on one of your delightful journals. Reading yours and Sorenna's has loosened me up even more. LOL! Ni'm not sure the community can take even more of me, but we shall see. Haha!

I'll be watching for proof of a productive gardening day outdoors. Love your photos too. We've all just turned into gardening fools haven't we? I guess we were already there. :laughtwo::green_heart:
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