It took me a while to read through all the comments and I got to tell ya, all those posts and comments was great and very informative....
One of the things I have notice is there was a few concerns about baking with cannabutter. Most notable was cooking the eatables with too high of heat. I do have an option for those who are scared of burning their delightful teats, especially the bottoms of the eatables where there is some THC there, like, in Cookies and Brownies..
With most baking recipes, temperatures can exceed over 350 degrees. My solution is, instead of baking your eatables, try using a Pressure Cooker. The reason for using a Pressure Cooker is, the steam which is created in the cooker, only gets to be about 250 degrees. So, No burnt edges that can kill the THC which lies on the outer edges of your eatables.
I suppose now your saying to yourself, How can I cook My Brownies in a Pressure Cooker? Well, there are a lot of How to's on Youtube and many recipe sites that deal with Pressure Cooking Recipes. My Favorite pressure cooked eatable is Brownies. They come out really moist and Delicious.
For those of you thinking, I think a Pressure Cooker will let the THC float away with the steam... This is Not so. Steam is a byproduct of water and THC does not stick to water solubles.
So, cooking your baked goods in a Pressure Cooker is a Win-Win... No burning the bottom of your eatables and no cooking with extreme high heat...
I hope this has given some of the "Herb Chefs" another interesting way of cooking with cannabutter..