CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

I am a lazy cook and I also like the extra fibre I get from leaving the ground up leaf powder right in with the butter. That way you do not lose anything and there is no messy nylons or cheesecloth to deal with. The alternative to that is when I do strain out the cannabis, I use it in cooking soup or stews. The cannabis does not get wasted in my house!
As I am typing this, I wanted to share the fact the that I am ingesting a form of cannabis toffee and a healthy "cake" (turned out more like muffins). The chocolate I added to the mix makes it all very gooey. I can only nibble at it since it is so sweet. It works fine on my pain!
you know, when you are done with your cook book, I want a copy :) seriously, are you planning on publishing it? Really just starting to explore edibles, but so far, it's been great (well for me,, not so much for the wife)
The shot of Jack really made a difference in the smell and flavor. I made choc chip cookies. They tasted a bit sweeter than without the Jack with a slight taste of mild nuts.
I also found that this time I had a lot of powder stuck to the bottom of one batch after chilling. I just rinsed it a little and added it to the cookie batter. Couldn't even tell cus it was powder not clumps, more like a spice.
The budder looks and smells like the best I've made personally, but I'm a bit concerned with the strength cus a lot of the weed was early trimmings for this time of year. I did throw some other types in to help make it stronger so we'll see. I ate 1 cookie about 20 min ago. By the length of this post, I'm thinking it may be working lol
I have extreme stomach problems and acid reflux. The only thing that helps is cannabudder. There's not a pill on the market that can match it.
i made brownies with the same recipe,turned out better than i imagined.i used 1 oz to 1 lb of butter. it took about an hour to hit me ,but when it did it hit hard!
The shot of Jack really made a difference in the smell and flavor. I made choc chip cookies. They tasted a bit sweeter than without the Jack with a slight taste of mild nuts.
I also found that this time I had a lot of powder stuck to the bottom of one batch after chilling. I just rinsed it a little and added it to the cookie batter. Couldn't even tell cus it was powder not clumps, more like a spice.
The budder looks and smells like the best I've made personally, but I'm a bit concerned with the strength cus a lot of the weed was early trimmings for this time of year. I did throw some other types in to help make it stronger so we'll see. I ate 1 cookie about 20 min ago. By the length of this post, I'm thinking it may be working lol
I have extreme stomach problems and acid reflux. The only thing that helps is cannabudder. There's not a pill on the market that can match it.

thanks for the report,, will have to try it.. I know your pain on the stomach thing,, got the reflux myself,, and was just diagnosed with baretts esophagus.. :goodluck:
Final verdict. Cookies are nice and strong. The herb in my area is regular at best and the good stuff is super expensive. Using a mix of reg buds and skunk leaf trimmings makes it affordable for me. My "Vapor poo" is vaped very lightly so it gets thrown in too.

I cut the normal cookie recipie in half and only bake 10 cookies at a time. Wrap the unused dough tight and refrigerate. I then wrap each baked cookie in saran wrap. They last me several days, stay fresh and there's still a stash of cookie dough for a quick treat.
The extra budder is in a plastic bowl in the fridge and will last as long as normal butter.

I'm so bummed that both bills failed in my state. It was only cus they stuck them in red tape committees until the Senate went on summer break. You don't get the paperwork in by summer break, it fails and you start over. I wrote our reps earlier. They both seemed awful pleased to send me letters stating it failed. I'll never give up though!
While making Cannabis candy, I also made some refined "green" butter. I have been using it in noodle soup, shakes made with the butter, ensure and peaches mixed in a blender (VERY GOOD!!!) and tonight I mixed it with hunny and put it on bread! There are very little in the way of limits to using the butter.
Thanks for the shake recipe!

Makes me wish that I could remember the classic Indian bhang recipe. All I can recall is the last line that said something about going outside and finding a comfortable place to lay on your back to watch the clouds play for the next several hours, lol.

I wonder if it's here somewhere? I'll have to try the site's search engine. [EDIT: Yep, and more than one.]
just whipped up a batch last nyte.. looks and smells great...
made with 1 oz. of pure ground leaf no stem or seed.
1 shot of Jose Cuervo Tequila & 3 sticks of butter... total outcome 198 grams...

I just made a batch of peanut butter cookies (actually 2 large cookies cut in to 12 pieces) and the rest of the cookie dough is in the fridge. It tastes fantastic when crumbled on top of Icecream and mixed in - heaven - !

My candies are getting better and people are calling me the candyman. That is a good thing.

Belated thanks to Hash for this awesome how-to. :thanks:

I've made my 5th batch of butter this afternoon with a slight twist. Since buying a Volcano I've mixed in a pile of saved vaped bud. The proportions I used were 30 grams vaped bud, 14 grams of fresh nug and 3/4 Lb unsalted butter. I followed Hash's recipe and simmered at very low heat for 4 hours in a regular covered pot.

It's cooling as I type this.

After straining the mixture into the container my wife suggested I fry up the onions we were making for dinner in the unwashed pot. I did and we enjoyed them with dinner. I must say that if this is a preview of what the butter will be like I'm really impressed.

All I could do for an hour after dinner was hammer on the drums!

Mmmm... Good cannabutter fried onions!
I use butter dropped directly in my coffee, so my coffee has an oily sheen. It is a great way to ingest butter. I recently helped harvest some plants and I got to have some fresh, small buds. I also had some dried leaf to experiment with. I have a corning ware 10 cup perculator model #P-149 that I put in the holding cup a layer of leaf then about a half cup of coffee then covered with more leaf and then buds. I made just coffee then let it cool, then let it perc again and then added lots of milk. I perced it again with the milk and then added some butter. It comes out kind of like a chi tea. Eating a bud or 2 directly has stopped my nausea completely. Now I need to find a strain that helps my appetite.
I've made my 5th batch of butter this afternoon with a slight twist. Since buying a Volcano I've mixed in a pile of saved vaped bud. The proportions I used were 30 grams vaped bud, 14 grams of fresh nug and 3/4 Lb unsalted butter. I followed Hash's recipe and simmered at very low heat for 4 hours in a regular covered pot.

K, I have to say this was a good batch! I'd even consider adding the last 1/4 Lb of butter to the mix to make it a full pound.

My wife baked some delicious chocolate chip cookies. Trouble is trying to eat just one.

I have to say that the Volcano was a great investment. It lets me have my vape and eat it too!
DUUUUUUUUUUDDDDEEEE!!!! Sorry i took so long to post back but I just woke up. those cookies were some bad ass edibles! I will definately be doing this again
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