Cannabutter and Wicked Awesome Brownies

damn that butter is awsome!

Mind blowing, isn't it. That Rx prescription in my comment above could be an actual quote from a "natural" doctor, or medicine woman!

That's why i'm talking with my State Representative (actually, his aide), talking up MMJ, and the RESEARCH!! that we should be doing on how MMJ helps, and how we should be prescribing it. I'm coming off of Big Pharma anti-depressants (which were quite depressing, actually, no shit) and using one pull from one joint in the morning to give me energy, optimism, ideas -- geez, what wonderful things to get from an herb! And if the dose seems to be tapering off, we have a perfect feedback mechanism, (da buzz, or lack thereof) to alert us to take another toke! An awesome med, and considerate, too!
Quoted excerpts taken from a February 2005 interview for the Chicago Reader by Stephen Young titled "Should This Woman Be Arrested?"

" 'Every couple of weeks I bake a new pan of brownies, each pan containing about 14 grams (half an ounce) of cannabis.' " This comes out to average 1/4 to 1/2 cup of plant material.

1. The first step in my preparation is to grind up in a coffee grinder, the cannabis leaves and seeds. I discard hard stem pieces. I sometimes chew on these pieces like a toothpick.

2. I then warm up the required amount of oil for the brownie mix in a skillet. I like to use olive oil after finding out that it also has anti-inflammatory properties. I also found out that THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol (a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant) is oil soluble, which means that to activate the THC in your body it needs to be broken down into oils (read 7th paragraph below). THC binds to specific receptors we have in our brains called cannabinoid receptors.

3. Then I add the powdered plant material to the oil and simmer for almost an hour on a very low heat. This releases all the beneficial oils of the plant and assures even distribution of the oil throughout the brownie batch.

With no experience and having never looked up how to make any type of food that gets you high.. I made a cake.
I followed the instructions exactly on the box, the only difference was.. I added weed.
Leaves, Bud & Stem (not that i looked at the time, this is just what i assume was in there since i didnt grow it myself).

I got soooo high, as did everyone else who ate it.

So i was wondering why people use cannabutter for this?
Is it because you use less than putting straight weed in to the cake mix?
Or maybe because people see eating plants disgusting? =P

Ohh and the kitchen didnt smell at all, is this normal? lol Thanks

Thank you for reporting on this variation - using the all the plant material. That would be the easiest thing to do, and would solve the problem of HALF of your cannabinoids getting lost in the process of separating bud from butter.
Did you let the herb dry first?
How fine did you grind the herb?
How much did you use in the cake mix?
How did it taste? (like, dank?)
How aware were you that you were chewing something?
Nice to know the kitchen didn't light up!
Excellent! i think it was the chewy part that put me off, so good to hear it wasn't off-putting. Well, if people can put zucchini in chocolate cake, MJ should go, too. And thinking about it, the moisture and baking would plump up all those dry flakes.
Thanks for the report - i should do another batch of brownies and use all the plant.
How much would a moderate to heavy smoker have to eat to get high? I see it says 1 inch squares.... I'm using 1 ounce of mid BUD to make 1 lb of butter. I plan on having these ready for 4/20!!
Because it's an herb with huge variation in its strains, just take half an inch and work up to your comfort level. Oddly enough, even tho modern medicine thinks they solved this problem with synthetics, they didn't consider that people vary considerably, and we still have to play with doses to find what works.
Even odder, the US Govt published the US Pharmacopoea, which listed Cannabis, wrote how to make tinctures, and how many drops of tincture was considered a dose. Maybe strains were more consistent then.
Here is a link to the pharmacopoea;
United States Pharmacopea
Here is the overall website, lots of fascinating stuff; Antique Cannabis Book / A Price Guide to Antiques
I would think forever, but i have no personal experience. So i googled and found a reference that says up to 8 months with no change in texture. So if texture is of no concern....
I also freeze brownies now, as i was trying to stretch out a batch and it got moldy! the horror.
ok i just put a batch of brownies in the oven. i am doing them on 325 degrees iinstead of 350 just in case and i will bake them a little longer. i made some cookies with a bunch of shake my son had but we didnt cook the weed into the butter, we just threw it in. we didnt feel a thing. so this time i did it right and cooked the weed into the butter low and slow. i kept about half of the weed in there instead of straining it out, again just in case. will post after i have some!! if this works i will start buying some of the B grade my dispensary has for around 100 an ounce. we'll see!! im not going to smoke anything so i can get a true sense of whether im feeling these.
ok brownies out of the oven and slightly cooled. i ate a pretty good sized one so i will check back in an hour. they taste good anyway and i would maybe use this recipe to make regular brownies too!RoorRip
well its been over an hour and i dont feel a thing. :helpsmilie: same as with the cookies. nothing, just a bunch of wasted weed. this wasnt a bunch of swag either, there was vaped out weed and some trim and then A and B grade weed. i made the cannabutter and the brownies exactly according to instruction. i have purchased several edibles from the dispensaries, including cheeba chews which are supposed to be "quad dose" (i ate a whole one) and now two different batches of cannabutter goodies. nothin. i will not be wasting any more weed on this bull. the only thing im noticing is now i have a headache. great. i guess its time to fire up the vape.
u guys just dont know, im so bummed!! i use mmj for stomach issues so it was really hard to choke down that rich chocolate brownie without smoking first! everyone says eat one and wait to see if u need to eat another, but i dont think i could eat another one without smoking first, which is kind of a catch-22. i guess im done with edibles. dude at the dispense says he is a "heavy medicater" and he only needs to eat a half a cheeba chew. i am more of a medium level smoker and i ate the whole thing. whatev.
ok update on the brownies. i gave my husband a brownie, approx twice the size of mine, about 2 and half inches squared. he doesnt really use weed and has smoked with me maybe 4 times in almost 12 years together. he didnt feel the "quickie" cookies i made the other day. so he eats the brownie and goes in to work on the computer. about an hour and 15 minutes later, he comes out of the office with this red face and this big grin and says "im sorta dizzy, i cant type, etc" just cracking me up. this was around 10 at night. i asked him if he wanted to have sex and he said he couldnt deal. the next morning he couldnt go to work til about 1 oclock. he was still fucked up, dizzy and even nauseous. ??? :MoreNutes: i mean he was tore up. he ate a big brownie tho and has no tolerance. im gonna continue to save my vaped out stuff, leaf, etc and maybe get some mids on a deal and make the butter more concentrated. like more weed in the butter so u dont have to eat such a big piece.
sorry to cuss in the previous post. i got an ounce of trim and a half ounce of mid bud for the pound of butter. so im gonna make extra strong brownies. i need a way to medicate while im guiding if i start getting sick.
I noticed with the brownies and cookies I made with my butter, they both had what seemed to be a slight taste of mint and it added a good taste to them.

Odd that you are not getting any effect with yours. I use the stems and everything when I made mine. got a bunch of trim in the freezer waiting to turn into butter after I cut my last lady down.

I thought I read somewhere about 3-4 ounces per pound of butter
well all the different ways to do the butter say 1 ounce per pound of butter but i think this is probably a minimum. so i did almost an ounce and three quarters when it was all said and done. this batch of butter came out darker and more green than the last batch so i think thats a good sign. its weird though because i dont have a huge tolerance when it comes to smoking but with edibles, they really havent done much.
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