Cannabis Schwazzing method

Royal Queen Seeds - Schwazzing

What you think about this method? For me sounds like a lollipopping but pruning almost all the fan leaves off before flipping into 12/12 bloom cycle? o_O And second time during the flowering period...

IMO actually could be nice to compare with Scrogging IF actually pruning almost all the fan leaves off from the plant focuses it to give more light to the popcorn buds/starting calyxes.

Any1 using this method? Would be pleased to see any kind of footage from the method in action! :thanks:
I know this topic is intended for those who actually did it, but im gonna put my nose here anyway hahaha
i dont see a point in letting light hitting buds. Bud packing has nothing to do with light reaching them.

Fan leaves are a great reservoir for sugars and nutrients, also the solar panels for taking energy from light, taking them all is so sad for me to even think.

I wouldn't worry trying it. Dont believe that stripping a plants reservoirs will revolutionize yield or potency.
Just my take, science hasnt studied yet all this defoliation thing in MJ.
I'm not sure if the term schwazzing will catch on to be honest when the mass majority may know it as defol.

Their is truth in allowing more light to reach the bud sites for extra yield :thumb:

Hence training methods known as scrog, main lining (also go's by another name) LST are just a few terms used.

So lets take a look at some natural grown bush.

The further down the stem the smaller the popcorn & if those had an equal share or more light exposure how much more yield would you have ?
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