Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I am in. Thank You!

A great big :welcome: and a great big :thanks:

I'm so happy you can be here ba2bb :love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I got about 5 grams on my oil yesterday. About half the average of what I've been getting with 2 ounce of bud.
John, what do you normally average on it? Or anyone else.....

I'm chopping another plant today and it's loaded with trichomes! Another sugary harvest of Afghan Kush.

And the oil emoticon idea is still in the works, I had to revise for better resolution. Hope it goes well this time. :) Keeping the fingers crossed.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I got about 6.5 grams on my oil yesterday. About average of what I've been getting with one ounce of bud.
John, what do you normally average on it? Or anyone else.....

I'm chopping another plant today and it's loaded with trichomes! Another sugary harvest of Afghan Kush.

And the oil emoticon idea is still in the works, I had to revise for better resolution. Hope it goes well this time. :) Keeping the fingers crossed.


Congratulations on yet another harvest Cannafan AKA "my Sista from anotha mista" :cheesygrinsmiley:

This is getting to be a very nice habit. :love::drool:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Oops, calculation error. I had included the other ramekin amount in there. That was from a different batch.
I'm guessing there was 5 grams in the fresh batch. Maybe a tad less than that.

yeah, and I usually do 2 ounces of bud at a time, so I'm right with the average I guess.

Made me look real pro there for awhile, eh? My excuse....way too many interruptions and surprises changing my day around.


Still want to hear what John, Cajun, or others get. If they are getting more, I wanna know what they are doing differently. :)

Is is that much dependent on strains when you read of people getting 8+ grams per ounce?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That emoticon is looking good Canna. :thumb:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for all the great information that is available in this post. I want to start making CCO for my mother. She has degenerating discs in her back and is taking opiates twice a day just to manage the pain. Hopefully this will help her with that.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for all the great information that is available in this post. I want to start making CCO for my mother. She has degenerating discs in her back and is taking opiates twice a day just to manage the pain. Hopefully this will help her with that.

:welcome: HemiSync. It's always a pleasure to greet a new member to our virtual neighborhood. I sincerely hope we can assist your search for relief for your mother. In Cannafan's signature line there's a link to the thread devoted to the making of Concentrated Cannabis Oil. The dedicated people who frequent the threads on CCO will do everything in our power to make your search as easy as possible and bolster you through the journey.

We're on this thread for moral support and general conversation about the oil, so please don't hesitate to ask any questions. If we can't answer them outright we'll move heaven and earth to find those answers for you. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable and take a deep breath. You're in good hands. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for all the great information that is available in this post. I want to start making CCO for my mother. She has degenerating discs in her back and is taking opiates twice a day just to manage the pain. Hopefully this will help her with that.

Welcome HemiSync, Please read the first pages on the two links in my signature, then maybe a little light reading beyond those pages. CCO will not only help your mother with her pain and reduce her doses of the opiates she will start to heal other organs that she doesn't even know she needed repaired. Good luck and read, read, read.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I am not sure if the is the right place to post this or not, but since this is where the smartest people on :420: are hanging out these days, here we go.

I have a friend that wants to try MMJ for ADD. She watched her son struggle with it through High School and did not like what the meds did to him. In the end, he finished High school, stopped the meds, and is one of the most prolific song writers around right now. He writes for his own bands (you would know the songs if I told you Several gold and platinum records in the last 3 or 4 years) and has written for many other BIG artists that you wouldn't eve know the songs are his if you didn't see the credits.

Anyway, she does not want to go the route of Aderall or ridalin. So my questions are, which strains and what are the best methods of treating? Oil? Eatables? smoking/vaping? I am thinking a good Sativa. I have C99 and Carnival seeds on the way. The way Sue seemed hyper focused on the Carnival I am thinking that might be a good one to try.

Suggestions? :peace:

Unscientific response based upon local high school students with ADD / ADHD and spectrum disorders.
Quote from son "When ADD / ADHD kids smoke pot they calm the f*ck down!"

Sativa's work, Indica's work, but the favorites are Indica Heavy hybrids: OG Kush, Grape Ape, LA Confidential.

They are teenagers, they smoke and dab. Noone ever seems to know the strains of dabs.
I like the way edibles last a long time, and the ADD ADHD kids seem to get the long lasting effects from edibles.

For the students with spectrum disorders and depression issues, they tend to self select more Skunk & Haze hybrids: Blue Dream, Northern Lights
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for all the great information that is available in this post. I want to start making CCO for my mother. She has degenerating discs in her back and is taking opiates twice a day just to manage the pain. Hopefully this will help her with that.

Hi HemiSync and :welcome:,

I am so sorry that your mother is going through this awful pain.

You've already seen the links to read up on the CCO, hopefully you can get some time to read through those soon.
There are many things the CCO will do for her, in addition to relieving the pain she is suffering and helping to reduce her opiate needs. Many people who suffer from this also experience depression and anxiety. Concentrated oil is going to help tremendously with that, as well as giving increased energy which will give them the desire to exercise and eat the way they should. Soon they will experience a feeling of overall wellness.
There are so many benefits to using the oil for our health.

If you have any questions on making it or administering it, please do not hesitate to post them to the threads.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I also have a ruptured disc at T5\6 that has calcified with arthritis... It friggin hurts:phew:... But with Mo's guidance I have cut the narcotics in half and am able to sleep pretty much through the night for the first time in a very long time.... What you're doing for your mother will give her back quality of life.....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Unscientific response based upon local high school students with ADD / ADHD and spectrum disorders.
Quote from son "When ADD / ADHD kids smoke pot they calm the f*ck down!"

Sativa's work, Indica's work, but the favorites are Indica Heavy hybrids: OG Kush, Grape Ape, LA Confidential.

They are teenagers, they smoke and dab. Noone ever seems to know the strains of dabs.
I like the way edibles last a long time, and the ADD ADHD kids seem to get the long lasting effects from edibles.

For the students with spectrum disorders and depression issues, they tend to self select more Skunk & Haze hybrids: Blue Dream, Northern Lights

What an invaluable share Rad. :hug: :love:

Supergroomer, that Carnival was the best I'd come across for kicking out depression and creating a focused mind. It was almost a meth high as far as energy goes, something that should definately be taken into consideration. Try with a cautionary eye. I don't see any danger, but it's an incredible rush. I now completely understand why it's Graytail's go-to.

For a haze with potency, B A R recently gave Ultra Lemon Haze a rating of 10 out of 11 and proclaimed it a one hit wonder. That got my ears to perk up.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I also have a ruptured disc at T5\6 that has calcified with arthritis... It friggin hurts:phew:... But with Mo's guidance I have cut the narcotics in half and am able to sleep pretty much through the night for the first time in a very long time.... What you're doing for your mother will give her back quality of life.....:circle-of-love:

Ouch Dennise!
My dad is suffering degenerative arthritis in the hips, I am really working on getting him to use the oil after my Mom gets back to it on a serious level. He doesn't take anything for the pain, just suffers with it. He stays very active, constantly doing heavy lifting and gets more exercise than I do. I think that's the only reason it hasn't completely taken control of him.
But, I can see his pain. I don't like to see that...

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

For my wifes fractured ankle (on top of the Fibromyalgia)
+1g per day smoked and vaped bud means -25mg day oxycodone.
She has can't totally replace the oxycodone with just bud, but I am hopeful she can with CCO.
The 60% reduction in oxycodone is great. Needing to bring in a more harvest to replenish smoked MMJ is a welcome challenge.

Bumping up the MMJ also helped soothe the menapausal symptoms that were formerly being managed by herbs - which had to be stopped due to warfarin (for blood clots/PEs in the lungs.)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It's so important that the oil relieves pain, not just in the sense of the pain, but what happens as a result of no pain.
If there is no pain, a person can move around...moving around is exercise. Exercise keeps the joints from settling into a "frozen" state with the arthritis or other afflictions.

I recently had started having trouble with a knee. The energy I get to go up and down those stairs to the grow room and all of the other things I do in active movement here has all but stopped it now. The oil regimen keeps my energy level going.
While I watch a sister in law who started having trouble with her knee a couple years ago...she has allowed it to settle in because she refused to use it due to the pain. It's so bad now that she needs a cane to get up steps. She just allowed let it settle in to the point that there is little can be done without possible surgery.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

CBD vs. THC came up today and I started looking around at different strains.
This is just an FYI if people find it helpful or want to comment. I got this list from a site called drug forum...

Charlotte's Web - 23% CBD - around 1 % THC
Valentine X - up to 25% CBD and low range around 1% THC ( specimen may vary )
ACDC - up to 19% CBD and 1% THC
Harlequin - 8 % CBD and 6 % THC >> 12.6 % CBD and 8.4 % CBD
Canna Tonic - 8.11% CBD and 6.9% THC
Sour tsunami - 7.24% CBD and 4,32 % THC
Omrita RX - 9.5% CBD and 11% THC.
Canna Sue - 13.8% CBD and 10.4% THC
Harle Sue - 9.4% CBD and 6.7% THC
Swiss Gold - 7.2% CBD and 3.6% THC
Med Gom 1.0 - autoflowering 15 CBD and 4 > 5% THC
Otto #1 - CBD 0.18 % and THC 0.40 % >> CBD 27 % , THC 1 % ( 28 % of plants expresses low CBD THC)
Sin Tra Bajo Auto - CBD very high and THC 12 > 15 %
White widow ( or automatic ) High CBD high THC
Juanita la Lagrimosa - 8.8% CBD , 6.8% THC
Dutch passion
CBD Kush - 7% CBD and 7 % THC
CBD skunk haze - 5% CBD and 5 % THC
Compassion - 6% CBD and 6% THC
Dance world - 11 % CBD and 12 % THC
Royal highness - 12 % CBD and 14 % THC
Royal medic - 12 % CBD and 10 % THC , ratio 1:1
Euphoria - 10 % CBD and 9 % THC
Medical mass - 11 % CBD and 10 % THC
Painkiller XL - 1:1 9 % THC and CBD
CBD crew
CBD Critical Mass - 5% CBD and 5% THC
CBD Mango Haze - 8% CBD and 6% THC >> 10% CBD, 8% THC
CBD Medi Haze - 8% CBD and 4 % THC
CBD nordle - 5.5% CBD and 5.5% THC >> 8.93% CBD , 6.13 % THC
CBD outdoor mix - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 11.6% CBD , 6.82% THC
CBD shark - 6% CBD and 6% THC
CBD Skunk Haze - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 11.12% CBD , 12,5% THC
CBD Sweet 'n Sour Widow - 6%>8% CBD and 6%>8% THC >>> 10.47% CBD , 8.31% THC
CBD yummy - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 9% CBD , 8% THC
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