Cannabis Oil Experience

I don't mind the ride, it's the shaking and shivering that freaks me right out. <lol>

With every batch of oil I make, during cleanup, I test the potency of the oil. I do this by licking the oil off the spatula and bowls.
Get extremely high so I just sit back and let it take me where it takes me.
THC concentration in edibles is always a problem, you could be eating 50 mg or 500mg, you just don't know till it kicks in. There are a lot of times when you can't really tell it's kicked in until you try and do something and suddenly go, OMG am I ever buzzed! You can ride it or it can ride you. Either way it will pass.
Have read that you can chew some citrus peels or peppercorns that may soften the high, not sure how effective or even how quickly it takes to work.
Have read that you can chew some citrus peels or peppercorns that may soften the high, not sure how effective or even how quickly it takes to work.

I have not heard that. Only that mangos make it last longer.
And mangoes also decrease the risk of tumors, solve the munchy problem, which in turn helps a weight problem. Totally groovy if you ask me.

Does anyone experience shaking/shivering when overdoing it a bit with a edible or oil. I find the feeling very uncomfortable. Lasts about 30-45 minutes. The feeling just before and after is fine. Assume it's just the peak and overdoing it I suppose, but curious if others experience the same.
ooooh yeah...the one time I was too high on weed was when i ate too many special brownies...yowza!
Have read that you can chew some citrus peels or peppercorns that may soften the high, not sure how effective or even how quickly it takes to work.

And my question I why, just ride the buzz, you ain't gonna die. Less people have died from ingesting cannabis than being gored by a unicorn.
:rofl: :laugh::rofl:

I've had a few very long rides off a short pier with edibles.
I'd say the vast majority of people can reach that point on edibles.
I had one my wife and I call "The Pot Incident" pot referring to an actual kitchen pot.
I had made oil using 200 proof alchohol in that pot and had scraped what I thought was 99+% of it out but apparently there was a lot more left in this pot than I realized.
I figured that I would just make a pot of oatmeal in that pot and eat the "little tiny bit" stuck to the pot.
Within 5 minutes after eating the oatmeal I felt it coming on and I knew right then I was phucked.
I ran upstairs and laid down and went through a full blown Dowd trip.
I was literally rooted to the bed for hours, I seriously doubt that if the house caught on fire that I could have made it out.
I was torched for 17 hours.

Eating cannabis is completely different than smoking it.
Just to funny thanx for that even all these years later lol
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