Canadian Growers Group & Friends

These Cafe Racers are only 5 weeks into flower, have 5 -7 to go. It's 10 days ilder then the one on the right. Reason...Don't want to ush the trimming. The colas are the best ever from an indoor grow. Dumping thee dehumidifier twice a day to keep yje RH under 60.
They are going to be SWEET!!!


These Cafe Racers are only 5 weeks into flower, have 5 -7 to go. It's 10 days ilder then the one on the right. Reason...Don't want to ush the trimming. The colas are the best ever from an indoor grow. Dumping thee dehumidifier twice a day to keep yje RH under 60.
They are going to be SWEET!!!


This racer seems to be very productive in other peoples posts also. Looks very good there Scott.

Well the stretch is pretty well done on these girls now. The 11/13 may have helped since I had them on that schedual from the beginning of the flip3 and 1/2 weeks ago. Now its time to put on some bulk before the beginning of Sept.

Well the stretch is pretty well done on these girls now. The 11/13 may have helped since I had them on that schedual from the beginning of the flip3 and 1/2 weeks ago. Now its time to put on some bulk before the beginning of Sept.

My Cafe Racers have 9-10 weeks to go.

10 days apart, younger not showing.
Look at these cola's, Chungo!
Just loving it! :yahoo:
I have only 10 inches left to lift my lights and the 11/13 has helped, Thank you! :thanks:
Great to see you getting the pm under control!
Made a mistake though. The eldest had 6, now 5 weeks to go. Keeping the RH under 60 and good ventillation in my work shop.
Will be, by far, my best indoor grow.

Have a Great Happy Canada Day and long week-end, fellow Canucks!
Home. :thumb: . My plants.Two little ones are autos, Jelly Donutz and Strawberry Cheesecake. Seed germinated outdoors on May 6. Mostly cold and overcast weather kind of kept the size down. Buds are real nice so far and have me rethinking autos! Bigger plants are a gift from Aruba. Grows sativa like but a bit early. Soon time for 20g. pots. I use bags for potatoes. Works big time. :laughtwo:

Home. :thumb: . My plants.Two little ones are autos, Jelly Donutz and Strawberry Cheesecake. Seed germinated outdoors on May 6. Mostly cold and overcast weather kind of kept the size down. Buds are real nice so far and have me rethinking autos! Bigger plants are a gift from Aruba. Grows sativa like but a bit early. Soon time for 20g. pots. I use bags for potatoes. Works big time. :laughtwo:

Absolutely Beautiful my friend :love:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

A month after the flip to 11/13 seems to have shortened the time on the stretch and also the stretch it's self. The other photo is of the Thailand Golden Tiger 3.0. They have been waiting outside for a month for their turn under the lights. One more trim in probably 2 weeks then just try and keep her as flat as possible.


My 2 GT 3.0 are outside and toped at the 3rd node and in about another week they will get their second and final topping. They are already about 15 in. tall at the 3rd node which is crazy. I will have to be aggressive with tieing them down. And hope the 11/13 slows the stretch down in Sept. This variety Golden Tiger 3.0 was tall last time under lights only and grew tall but this is nuts this time.
Lots of folks in my neck of the woods get high with their eyes and equate quality with size being the most important phenotype expression. Just like people eating with their eyes. Most potent plant i ever had was an ugly little thing that had the dog taking me for a walk. Super warm here today, no plants in the shed but I'll be hanging out with the air conditioner.
My autos had to go into climate control. Buds where filling out to nicely to be able to handle 0.0 vpd fog. No doubt my big plants will go to shit in the fall without help. Every year is supposed to be my last outdoors but I keep putting myself through it. The autos are really impressive compared to what I've grown in the past and no shame, I'm a far cry from their home in California. 9 cents a kwh for power in Quebec, now I know why they put out so much product. 19 cents or so for me.
My autos had to go into climate control. Buds where filling out to nicely to be able to handle 0.0 vpd fog. No doubt my big plants will go to shit in the fall without help. Every year is supposed to be my last outdoors but I keep putting myself through it. The autos are really impressive compared to what I've grown in the past and no shame, I'm a far cry from their home in California. 9 cents a kwh for power in Quebec, now I know why they put out so much product. 19 cents or so for me.
Where in PQ?
Greenfield Park here.
If I was from Newfoundland I would slice the transmission lines to Quebec from Churchill Falls :laughtwo:. Jimmy Cournoyer started out a small time grower and ended up supplying the eastern seaboard. Quite a story. The whole indoor growing industry is massive compared to where I'm from. RayonLed will be be my next Led purchase, you guys have that too! Never sent for seeds yet, always went to Montreal. Got these years ago from a little shop on St. Dennis. They're on St. Laureant now but no more seeds. Only got one seed left. :)

If I was from Newfoundland I would slice the transmission lines to Quebec from Churchill Falls :laughtwo:. Jimmy Cournoyer started out a small time grower and ended up supplying the eastern seaboard. Quite a story. The whole indoor growing industry is massive compared to where I'm from. RayonLed will be be my next Led purchase, you guys have that too! Never sent for seeds yet, always went to Montreal. Got these years ago from a little shop on St. Dennis. They're on St. Laureant now but no more seeds. Only got one seed left. :)


I have two finishing in 2 and 4 weeks!

Congrats OJ! Hope you have the height in your grow room.

Never had the 50/50 though.

PS Question went unanswered..... :rofl:

This KA5 Haze is supposed to have 4 pheno types that range from approx 65 to 90 days in flower. So they aren't F1's. I am thinking these are leaning towards a shorter flower as they are showing amber pistels already at about 45 days. The longer the better but I guess I'll take what I get.

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