Man I don't even watch the news. It doesn't change the fact the bill doesn't make any sense.
You won't even be able to google news now because google would need to pay a link tax.
Link tax doesn't make sense man. That's all I'm pointing out. Plus it only favors the media giants (bell, rogers, cbc, ...)
And I mean if it starts with news corporations, what's to say it doesn't extend to other shit later on.
It's pretty much an internet breaking law. The internet works by linking to content man. lol
Not to mention the news stations were posting their own stories on facebook so wtf... why should facebook need to pay them. They have a lack of understanding because refferals were driving trafic to their site. They're going to realize so quickly that they were better off before. Anyway clearly the wrong people to have this discussion with.
If you think I'm being political you're wrong but I don't think this is something that should've been allowed to happen.
You won't even be able to google news now because google would need to pay a link tax.
Link tax doesn't make sense man. That's all I'm pointing out. Plus it only favors the media giants (bell, rogers, cbc, ...)
And I mean if it starts with news corporations, what's to say it doesn't extend to other shit later on.
It's pretty much an internet breaking law. The internet works by linking to content man. lol
Not to mention the news stations were posting their own stories on facebook so wtf... why should facebook need to pay them. They have a lack of understanding because refferals were driving trafic to their site. They're going to realize so quickly that they were better off before. Anyway clearly the wrong people to have this discussion with.
If you think I'm being political you're wrong but I don't think this is something that should've been allowed to happen.