Canadian Growers Group & Friends

You must get some pretty nutrient rich vermi... love the Diy
I was surprised at how much I got from just two bins - done it early as well!! I didn't like the way my shaker sifter was working so now I'm working on a trommel type - I think I shook the guts out of the motor so I'm hoping that the trommel is quieter - the shaker was noisy as hell and caused me much stress - I ain't got time for that!!! I find that the compost is usually too wet to sift well and I'm hoping that the trommel style will handle it better. I also don't have the patience to wait til it dries out.
My wife was worried that the worms would get dizzy but they don't have inner ears so...only the ABV will cause them to swoon!!
I was surprised at how much I got from just two bins - done it early as well!! I didn't like the way my shaker sifter was working so now I'm working on a trommel type - I think I shook the guts out of the motor so I'm hoping that the trommel is quieter - the shaker was noisy as hell and caused me much stress - I ain't got time for that!!! I find that the compost is usually too wet to sift well and I'm hoping that the trommel style will handle it better. I also don't have the patience to wait til it dries out.
My wife was worried that the worms would get dizzy but they don't have inner ears so...only the ABV will cause them to swoon!!
Hmmm does...Dizzy worms = more poop?... I mean nutrients... might be on to something here! lol
I just got me red wigglers going too ,going to try and make some premium castings.

I went to peavy mart, not sure if you have those and got alfalfa pellets for 15$ , they sell it as horse feed in a huge bag.
We just got a peavy mart ....use to be our TSC store I'll have to check the place out. ... not bad $15 bag of alfalfa pellets and few scraps and you have yourself premium castings worth $100's :)
I went to peavy mart,
Yeah - I'm trying to decide if I need it - what I did was put about a cup of them in, maybe two litres of water and let them sit for a couple of hours and create a slurry and add more water if I wanted it soupier - they seem to flock to it!!
A 25 kg bag should last forever and feed thousands of them. They could be added as a pellet but might draw too much water out of your bedding - I figure I might as well make it as easy as possible for them.
YEah making a paste is a good idea. I was just gonna bust them up in the coffee grinder and feed them the way i do neem/kranja meal, kelp meal and MBP. I dont plan on actually using scraps, apparently most kitchen scraps have too much water and not much nutrients to add to the castings. I'm new to this but thats what I read from someone who seemed to know what they were doing.


Thats Canadian too. I originally bought it to use with my soils, but now im just going to feed the worms. LOL. it will last forever im sure. Hopefully it dont go bad.
Looking good!... When you do your revegging do you go strait to 12/12 or gradually reduce the light time from 18/6?
My plant made beaucoup resin and i've been trimming and getting blasted! 18/6 until i get a few nodes of normal growth then 12/12. The plants for seed will be flowered ahead of the pollen doner so they will be ready to make the maximum amount of seed.

Well, my chore for the day was running a bin of vermicompost thru the sifter - too damn cold to do anything else. It wasn't really ready but I wanted to give it a better start and I was bored. And I want to rework my sifter - my wobble motor is noisy as hell and I'm pretty sure I have wrecked it.

I have 8 bins that will need to be done so I want to get it streamlined - I'm still pleased with the amount of finished compost I get.
The County of Simcoe issues worm bins! Good stuff! My worms are outdoors in an insulated pile and you would need a pick axe to get into it. I'd go year round if I had erea for it. My wife use to live in Lake Dalrymple!
The County of Simcoe issues worm bins! Good stuff! My worms are outdoors in an insulated pile and you would need a pick axe to get into it. I'd go year round if I had erea for it. My wife use to live in Lake Dalrymple!
By Seabright?

Stay safe
The County of Simcoe issues worm bins
Yep - when they tore down our Community Hall a few found their way home and they have just switched us over to those big wheeled ones so...I was thinking I should see if I could get a few more - they would make good growing pots as well!!
Hi!... Folks seeing a lot of new faces on the thread lately, just curious where everyone is from, I'm near Lake Superior Ontario... :) Going to be starting my indoor grow soon can't wait another 2 months for the snow to melt... Trying to decide what strains to grow and breed this year?
Hi!... Folks seeing a lot of new faces on the thread lately, just curious where everyone is from, I'm near Lake Superior Ontario... :) Going to be starting my indoor grow soon can't wait another 2 months for the snow to melt... Trying to decide what strains to grow and breed this year?
Hello @Herby Paisley . I live in Alberta now. Super dry here so need to keep the humidifier running!! Happy growing!
Trying to decide what strains
I am totally Outdoor but I think I will try a couple of auto's this year - did one last year with no issues. But I'm going to try to keep from starting the photo's too early and see if I can keep them at a manageable size. When I say outdoor I also include my unheated greenhouse which I use for early and late season use.
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