Formerly Known as LabRat
we need people to buy from the legal market or else they're gonna take away our growing lol. i was reading an article in the news section here about how they really lost some money and also lost / losing the confidence of the buyers.
I just wanna grow my 4 plants in peace lol.
I'm pretty sure that had the conservatives won the last election that they may very well have removed the 4 plant grow to boost the profits of their corporate masters.
None of the parties will mess with the medical grow setup tho. Those rules are carved into parlimentary stone now.
Even tho I've had a 12g/day doctor's permit for 5 years and now my wife has 6/g/day we still haven't applied for a legal medical grow. We may soon but I'm still paranoid about being on a gov't hit list in case the rules change.
I've been growing here for almost 20 years without a problem so why upset the apple cart eh.