Canada Guy's Medical Fusion Grow

Quick little update. I got up for work this morning and checked on the girls... all I can say is wtf.. and I need to do something about this asap. I trust my little digital thermometer, not the big walmart pos.

Ok lets work this out...youre running 600w HPS in a 4x8 tent in a garage. Is the HPS running at 100%? How close to the plants is it? Whats your ambient temp in the garage? Is your passive intake up high or down low?

Yup. It's running at 110% lol. It's about 16 inches from the canopy. Ambient temps are between 5 degrees and 20 degrees. It's not a insulated or heated garage. Intake is down low, exhaust is up high. I was going to move the light closer now that they have been under the MH for a week. I didn't want to overload them with massive amounts of light right away. They had enough stress moving outside lol.
Id move them closer and move your intake up high, might be a couple degrees warmer. Also maybe put some insulation in your stand you built. Ive got my tents on foam mats and Im betting it helps
I will be moving the light tomorrow. In a couple weeks it will be much warmer, they will live lol.
Day 16

After much needed monitoring and tweaking, my night time temps and humidity are finally good. At night temps are around 19 degrees and humidity is around 60%. Assuming the hygrometer is accurate. Tomorrow I will be up potting the girls, and maybe I'll even water them lol. My wife says it's the high humidity that's causing them to not drink as much...

The ladies.


Time to up pot


Thank you for following along.
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