Canada Guy's Medical Fusion Grow

Other than one seed found a few weeks ago, not any more have been seen with my ladies..?..weird. Your gals look awesome. Your harvest will exceed your expectations.
So far I found 1 seed on Diesel 2, 2 seeds on Diesel 4, and 2 seeds on LSD 2. All lower down and closer to that one vent. I wonder if I plant a seed that I just found, if it will grow a normal plant? Or is the seed not yet mature? Either way the girls got a good pruning today lol. I hope so, this is the first time growing in a big boy tent with real lights and stuff. Outdoors is much easier lol.
13.75 ounces (389 grams), dry. :thumb:

Been a great ride so far, should be a fun finish.

I would be elated with that number! Seriously I think maybe 9 ounces... maybe. Thanks for following along with my grow!

I'm with UrbanAchiever, guessing a little bit over 14. Lets say 399 grams for a nice round number.

So far I found 1 seed on Diesel 2, 2 seeds on Diesel 4, and 2 seeds on LSD 2. All lower down and closer to that one vent. I wonder if I plant a seed that I just found, if it will grow a normal plant? Or is the seed not yet mature? Either way the girls got a good pruning today lol. I hope so, this is the first time growing in a big boy tent with real lights and stuff. Outdoors is much easier lol.

It could be light from a vent, but it I've never had a light leak issue. I've had lots of 1 seed, 2 seed harvests from 'nanners which is just a last desperate attempt by a really healthy girl to get herself polinated by doing it herself.

If the seed looks good, it probably is good but I think you need to wait a couple of months for the seed to dry and age before planting. I'm not sure. I've always waited with my seeds. Stored casually at room temperature, I've had as good luck with volunteer seeds as I have from purchased seeds.

If you get a bunch of seeds that means male pollen and regular seeds. If you only get one or two seeds, they might be feminized seeds - I'm not sure.
they might be feminized seeds - I'm not sure.

That is my hope, from what I am reading this may be what happened. That would be great as I could put all my effort into maximizing bud sites rather than worrying if it's a boy. All my previous breeding programs involved buds FULL of seeds and they were all regular seeds.
Day 113

Day 54 of flower. Today Diesel #2 recieved 4 liters of plain water. Also LSD 3 used to drink every other day, and today is the 4th day and she is still wet... I may have over watered at some point... Took some more small branches. So far I have possibly 2 grams in samples. It may seem strange but this pruning will focus all the energy to the main buds and hopefully help us achieve some donkey dicks!

The ladies





Some colas, only about 10 this size



The outdoor girl


Ah, nature... with any luck she'll start exuding masses of protective resins soon.
I was actually considering a soapy wash... but I have left these girls to fend for themselves and the buds were still pretty good. I just wanted to do something to help her along... maybe recruit a team of spiders from around the house?
I was actually considering a soapy wash... but I have left these girls to fend for themselves and the buds were still pretty good. I just wanted to do something to help her along... maybe recruit a team of spiders from around the house?

I was spraying Bayer Neem Oil on my fungus gnats. I have always wanted to buy a box of lady bugs just out of curiosity. Maybe you could put a net over the plant to keep them from flying away? (I saw a video on YouTube in which the guy was feeding his lady bugs raisins!?)
I was spraying Bayer Neem Oil on my fungus gnats. I have always wanted to buy a box of lady bugs just out of curiosity. Maybe you could put a net over the plant to keep them from flying away? (I saw a video on YouTube in which the guy was feeding his lady bugs raisins!?)

I kept my indoor ladybugs alive (from November to January) with honey drops on a popsicle stick

Radogast in November said:
Looking at the newly erected tongue depressor plant labels, I placed a drop of homey on the tip of a wooden tongue depressor. Within minutes a ladybug discovered the honey.


Success on one stick translated into success on other sticks and the rim of one pot.


Ladybugs following honey up and down a stick seems to mimic their normal feeding.

I kept my indoor ladybugs alive (from November to January) with honey drops on a popsicle stick

I love the idea of ladybugs living on honey drops. (It sound like something out of a children's book.) I'm surprised they don't need a protein source, though. Maybe they're finding tiny bits of proteinaceous stuff to eat in the soil or something?

Thanks for posting those photos!
Day 114

Day 54 of flower. LSD #1 got 4.5 liters of plain water. She is very thirsty all the time. Every other day it's 4 liters. LSD #3 is finally drying out, she will get water tomorrow. So far only clear Trichomes in the tent. Diesel #4 has more seeds right by the vent, the seed I picked off yesterday was all squishy and yucky today.

The ladies


Small seeded bud











Monstercrop update


Thanks for following along.
Looks fantastic CG! I wonder if one of those makes broke out a flower earlier in the grow.
That outdoor is amazing for all it's been through, do we know for sure it's female?
I honestly think it's something to do with light stress.. the outdoor is 100% female, and 110% photoperiod! So why is she flowering with 15 hour days? I think it's the weather not just the amount of light... many plants seem to know when winter is coming, and some act different depending on how cold it will be. We can only observe in hindsight, but as an example the tree in my neighbours yard has berries, when his tree makes a TON of berries it's going to be a long cold winter. I'm starting to think cannabis also shows us more than we realize, we just need to learn to read our beloved plants a little better.

Pistils outside


I think I closer to pulling my 24Ks than you are Diesels. I'm seeing a fair number of milky trichomes at this point, maybe 25-50%. How long did you expect on the diesels? I expected somewhere around 77 days give or take a week for mine, breeder said 63-70.
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