Canada Guy's Medical Fusion Grow

Day 30

The girls are pretty thirsty so they got a little drink. I need to go buy more perlite. So I will up pot tomorrow at the 1 month mark.

The ladies

Day 31

Happy 1 month birthday! Things are going awesome, everyone is super. Check out those balls... root balls that is. I think I'm doing something right. . Today the girls got up potted and took 24 Liters of nutrified water. Nutes are at full strength now. The soil I mixed is 6 parts Promix HP, 5 parts Perlite, and 2 parts earthworm castings. I just used a solo cup for measuring.

Round 2


The girls out for some sun


Check out these balls


A nice new home


Back in the tent loving life


Thanks for following along.
Day 32

Things are going well, the girls are adjusting to their new pots. Diesel #3 actually perked up today. The other cool plants complimented her nice green leaves so her spirits are a little lifted. Later on tonight she will realize that her leaves are just like the others, shes not special at all, and she will go back to being sad. Lol. Diesel #1 got a re top, i dont want 1 main cola damn it... LSD #3 is showing some nice growth from betwixt her fused leaves. It's almost time to get some LST going, woohoo!

The ladies


LSD #3


I planted my garden today. Yay!

I know the 420 rules too - don't post non-420 photos in grow journals.

Well I MAYBE know the rules, they posted something a couple of month ago about cat pictures being OK, so I really have no idea now - I'll go take a photo.
Lol. Well... I had a cat pic and now I have a garden pic so.... it's all good man, don't get in crap cuz of me. .
Being the great forum that this site is, does allow for us to post pics of everything we have/do that makes our lives better. This includes photos of our meds in progress and those "pets" that are as good as our meds for making us feel better. So if a pic of a loved one is posted, we all love our gardens, I am of the belief that no rules will be broken.
Being the great forum that this site is, does allow for us to post pics of everything we have/do that makes our lives better. This includes photos of our meds in progress and those "pets" that are as good as our meds for making us feel better. So if a pic of a loved one is posted, we all love our gardens, I am of the belief that no rules will be broken.

Over the years, I've had dozens of photos moved to my off-topic (garden) journal :) I almost got a closeup of a bumblebee and a pelican today - but no photos to prove it :)
Day 33

Everyone is doing well today. The girls are getting used to the newly found room to put down roots. I began some LST today. Diesel #2, LSD #1, and LSD #3 got tied down a little. I was a bit too aggressive with LSD #1, and one of her branches got pulled a bit too hard. Hopefully she recovers that branch. Overall I have so much time still that even if I broke it right off we would still be OK.

The ladies


After a little LST action


LSD #3 - Damn girl you look funky

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