Can you smoke on a cruise ship?

Forgein jails really really suck. Be careful.
it is so ridiculiously easy to smoke on a cruise... One of the best times that I found to smoke was during the formal dinners that happen every night... Because almost everyone is getting drunk and eating in the main dinning hall. So grub really quick and go the back of the boat and get high as hell. or visa versa...just remember to get towards the back of the ship...because smoke goes downwind obviously
it is so ridiculiously easy to smoke on a cruise... One of the best times that I found to smoke was during the formal dinners that happen every night... Because almost everyone is getting drunk and eating in the main dinning hall. So grub really quick and go the back of the boat and get high as hell. or visa versa...just remember to get towards the back of the ship...because smoke goes downwind obviously

were there cameras? You pretty much know where the cameras are cause you can see them right? Last thing, were you guys the only ones smoking....that you knew of? Thanks man, I reallyappreciate it. :headbanger:
I was on a cruise and I couldn't find a place to smoke a cigar without being hassled except in one bar. That international smuggling thing would scare me. I'm at the age where my reasoning has passed my testosterone, so I would probably not carry weed. But, I would join you on the deck for a smoke. Ain't I just a coward!
I was on a cruise and I couldn't find a place to smoke a cigar without being hassled except in one bar. That international smuggling thing would scare me. I'm at the age where my reasoning has passed my testosterone, so I would probably not carry weed. But, I would join you on the deck for a smoke. Ain't I just a coward!

Yeah, but a MATURE one!

Many years ago (1998) I went on a short cruise (5 days) and took several pre-rolled cigs with me. I had a below-deck, interior-cabin I was sharing with a good friend. I kept them wrapped in foil, inside a plastic container, inside a metal lozenge cannister ... and the first night when we came back from dinner and opened our cabin door, THE SMELL OF HUMBOLDT COUNTY GOLD nearly knocked me over!!!

I managed to sneak up onto the pool deck a couple of times, late at night, to toke a little ... and the day before the cruise ended (when we all went to the photo center to purchase the shots taken by employees of the cruise passengers throughout the days and evenings) I was horrified to see a VERY GOOD close-up of me, lounging at 2a.m. in a deck chair all by myself ... smoking a joint!) THAT frightened the Hell out of me.

To make matters even worse, when we arrived to disembark, there was a couple "missing" from the check-out roster. Their room was empty, so it was presumed that they got off the boat in Mexico somewhere, and either missed getting back on in time, or they just needed to get into Mexico without calling attention to themselves, and it was all planned to just disappear. Anyway, the fall-out from this was ... we were all detained for 6 hours in dock while they searched the entire ship WITH DOGS! And I had one anxiety attack after another, everytime those dogs came through our detention area.

With time, experience, and age comes lots of valuable wisdom! I wouldn't even begin to risk something like this now... EDIBLES! It's the best solution to a smelly problem. And even THOSE can be detected by dogs...
You said Edibles, now I've got to go the kitchen and find food.
were there cameras? You pretty much know where the cameras are cause you can see them right? Last thing, were you guys the only ones smoking....that you knew of? Thanks man, I reallyappreciate it. :headbanger:

I was on a royal caribbean cruise from USA to mexico and the bahamas. I did not see any cameras... but I didn't look for them. My friend and I were not the only ones smoking on the ship because we could smell MJ just outside the night club thing on the top floor the the ship. Royal caribean might just be a lot easier on mj than other places I dont know... but other passengers were buying weed and other controlled substances in mexico and the bahamas. They brought all that back on the ship with no problems.
C'mon, I wanna hear from the people who blazed up in there cabin on their cruise! I know it's been done.... where you at???:bong:
This little device is easy to make and only allows the smoke you exhale into the room. Drill a hole in the center of a bottle top for a straw or pull out from a bong and drill 3 or 4 small holes around it for air to enter the chamber. Put your joint at the end of the straw, light it up and screw the bottle over it. Smoke away and then throw the bottle away. Next smoke, grab an empty soda bottle or water bottle and use the same bottle top.
I just checked with a friend from Scotland who takes 12 cruises a year. She called HER travel agent to ask about the Grand Cayman Islands, as well as other trips - The Mediterranean, Hawaii, etc. Her travel agent was quite outspoken. "ANYONE who travels with a banned or controlled sybstance - even with a limited prescription - is subject to International Law and will be detained and turned over to the local law enforcement agencies at the next Port of Call if the substance is found. Some Captains will accept bribes, but only in CASH - not wired monies or Travellers' Cheques - and IF one is held and turned over, one is subject to the Laws of the particular Port of Call in which you are turned over. IF your destination/home is a location in the U.S. where a prescription is NOT recognized, you can be prosecuted to the full extent of all applicable Federal Laws, including smuggling AND racketeering. U.S. Federal Law trumps ALL State and Local Ordinances, and the DEA has agreements signed with MOST equal Law Agencies in MOST other countries and territories.

If I were any of you, I wouldn't risk it, because I certainly DON'T see our State Department and Embassies running to your aid...
how about you just toke in the bathroom in your room on the ship? Close the door, put towels underneath. It's old fashioned. But on a ship it would probably be the best...
Hey, I just stay home . . . smoke a bowl or two . . . and take a virtual cruise. Never been hassled! Plus I had all the conveniences of home.
^^Good idea - and w/ the money you save, buy a pound.

Well....I should NOT respond to this but how can one help one's self from assisting the lifesyle of others....
Yep you can smoke, but ALOT of precautions must be taken and as always know your laws, and be willing to take a chance if it means that much to you.
I smoke EVERY day. I just hafta!!! I recently went on a 7 day Celebrity cruise and I smoked EVERY day. However, I took tons of precautions which I shall share...
First and foremost go the extra expensive way and book a balcony! BUT DO NOT smoke on that balcony! There are security cams all up and down that ship, and the balcony glass is mirrored. Ouch.
I personally had a brand new pipe made for myself. Never used. No pup gonna care about that.... Or you can buy one new. So I was a bit paranoid. I packed it in my regular luggage with my clothes. I carried my smoke upon my personal person onto the boat. "Closely" I might add for good measure.
Going into ports there is no problem man' but getting back onto the boat well you are subject to x-ray and to search if so warranted.
I smoked mainly on the boat itself. What I did was, use my new pipe, as well kept the door to my balcony open, me on the inside, I took bounce and made an "exhaling machine" with an empty toilet paper roll and a pony tail holder to exhale with. This works beautifuly by the way cuttin down odors. Also a fancy bath and body spray is recommended.
I would roll a joint to take into a port, but leave the remains there! Except in Jamaica. There ...hell yeah you can get it! And the good "it" BUT do NOT buy it down in the "touristy" area, and NO matter what DO not try to reboard with anything! PLEASE. Just be there smoke and enjoy the scenery! Be happy and no problems man! I did witness 11 passangers....handcuffed and removed from the boat before leaving Jamaica. They have "set up" sellers down in the tourist part of town who let the athorities know who bought, mainly young white bathrooms I might add. Once on the ship they will charge you with possession of an illegal substance on international waters. And you go to jail there, You do not pass go! You have to stay and pay, not only all the ungodly fines, BUT Carnival actually reports to charge the "fellons" with late docking fines, all the extra fuel used due to the delay, and 2 1/2 hours of over time for each and every single staff member on duty due to the delay. reported all 11 got to "share" in this added expensive bonus day in Jamaica! So just beware, you might have heard of a friend who had a friend.... who once had this friend...but I am here to tell witness of 11 who did not make it....
My advice has been this, do enjoy, BUT do not try to return home with presents!
For all the good smokin' for all mankind....and girl kinds too:cheer:
N' Keep tokin'
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