Can you recognize if the offsprings are good?

It looks like a lot with one of my laidies...i will upload foto later to compare...
Leaves looks like similar a lot
This is a plant look likes to gorilla glue..
Accidental i place this one to the same pot i used to have the male gorilla
Leaves and potency are similar in this plant I have. the offspring of the g/g.


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I think I am catching up. I didn't mean to trash the seeds you have. Sounds like the last batch are doing pretty good. Basically you have a strain there. Improving it is possible if you can selectively breed. You are not being selective now so it is hit and miss.

Not knowing Auto's I can only explain how I would do things if I was trying to bred a Autoflower. That is the only reason I mentioned the Lowryder it is the most solid Autoflower strain I know of. In the situation you are in we will just continue with what you have or have coming.

Question time again.
Do you pollinate all your plants every time?

What regular strains do you have coming?

Do you still have Amnesia autoflower seeds left?

A new word for how we are getting through the language barrier is a good thing LMAO. I will try and slow down some on the ideas. It is only creating more confusion.

Here is a basic idea of the F-1 thing. When you breed 2 different strains together they are a F-1 hybrid. When you cross 2 of the offspring of the hybrid it will be a F-2. Breed the offspring again it is a F-3. These are not a bad thing if you are trying to breed for a certain thing. It does not do as well with random breeding.
Question time again.
Do you pollinate all your plants every time?

What regular strains do you have coming?

Do you still have Amnesia autoflower seeds left?
Before replying just to write this.
Hi...well thanks again for replying..
I want to say that the f1 offsprings wasnt so many and i didn't found any Autoflowering.these are f2 but for second time i wasn't carefully pollinated her and i get only seeds.these f2 i wanted to get some smoke and maybe a branch of seeds from each plant to have the new generation 100%>
But i didnt close the fan for second time.

If i am pollinated everytime?

Only those times for breeding.other times i want sensimilia.what i am doing is :
I pollinated all the plants i breed and name them so i know which strain to use.for example the one who is at these fotos is pretty much a nice plant..
The potency is good ... smell...and some other characteristics.
I would like to have separate the seeds to try it this summer.
I think i won't back cross again.
The only Reason i keep back cross was to get autos ..the Reason i have many is to find a nice strain.
Well..sorry i have to read 2-3 times carefully to be sure what i am reading at.
2nd question. Cant understand...
Regular? Well i have some regular seeds from the grow before (like the ones i plant and we talk about) and tje ones i will have on a couple of week's.
Do u mean something else by saying regulars?
And the 3rd question...yea i do have autoflower fem seeds but not amnesia.
I have 2 beans one tutachamon and one anubis.(just beans) and i have 4 plants autos one northern light ,one Anesthesia auto one ot called something like best og or something..the northern light is the one i try with colloidal silver.
I also try colloidal silver to one branch with some pistils on(like pop corn) at the anesthesia.
I forgot to tell u...the mother of these seeds is an Anesthesia auto.and right now i grow up an Anesthesia auto.
I wrote too many i get confused my self...i hope i am not make u tired ...
Here is a basic idea of the F-1 thing. When you breed 2 different strains together they are a F-1 hybrid. When you cross 2 of the offspring of the hybrid it will be a F-2. Breed the offspring again it is a F-3. These are not a bad thing if you are trying to breed for a certain thing. It does not do as well with random breeding
Yes i am on f3 then....the plants i have are f2 and the seeds on is f3
I do have one question..
I feel or i know somehow ,these plants i have now are nice even with full of seeds.
I believe the seeds are on the plants will give me the strain i like.
So how to stop breeding now ?
Which one to choose to use the offsprings?
Is it a good idea to get 10 seess from each plant and germinate them?
I say this coz if i do so i can see what plants i create.
If i use 5 plant's seeds 5x10 =50
And waiting to see Which offsprings will give me the best results and then i will keep this strain by using colloidal silver.
Is it a good Idea?
I am really sorry.
I don't know how to express my self to let u understand what exactly i am meaning.
Next order will be lowryders only.
I will give a try there as well.
I wont stop trying even if it gets me 5 years to succeed.
I am very curious to see the new seeds what plants will give me?
If i am a bit lucky and i do have a strain in the seeds i will get from these plants then i will keep it there...
The problem is how to stabilization the strain...
Well i already found some mature seeds and let them dry.
I collect small containers to use as many seeds as i can without give my position to nosey neighbors.
I hope i will have something good.
Forgot to tell u ..i still have pollen from begin...i still have seeds same as the plants i have.same offsprings.u know.
If tje next generation goes worst and not better i will use again the f2 seeds.
This is how i have it on my head until now.
The one on the last fotos is the one i like to keep it.ot is full of seeds but it is full of trichomes as well ...and looks great.
I think I am catching up. I didn't mean to trash the seeds you have. Sounds like the last batch are doing pretty good
This is what i am trying to avoid..
Not to trash the seeds.but if the seeds worth nothing why to keep them.
I was thinking to get some of the past pollen i have and to give a try to pollinated a small branch from the anesthesia auto i have ...
The pollen is made from g/g and an anesthesia auto.
U know what i mean?
The mother of all tjese seeds and pollen is anesthesia auto and right now i do have one more anesthesia auto..
If i cross a small branch on plant Which have similar genes ?
Would this work? Or i just waisting my time space and money?
Cross a male from the regular seeds to the hybrid. You only need to pollinate one or 2 plants to get lots of seeds.
The other day u told me this....
If i do this with the anesthesia auto hybrid?
Isn it a good idea ?
The regular's mom is an anesthesia auto.
I wrote this about the anesthesia so many times..u see...i can write English but cant use the words right.
I do have one question..
I feel or i know somehow ,these plants i have now are nice even with full of seeds.
I believe the seeds are on the plants will give me the strain i like.
So how to stop breeding now ?
Which one to choose to use the offsprings?
Is it a good idea to get 10 seess from each plant and germinate them?
I say this coz if i do so i can see what plants i create.
If i use 5 plant's seeds 5x10 =50
And waiting to see Which offsprings will give me the best results and then i will keep this strain by using colloidal silver.
Is it a good Idea?
I am really sorry.
I don't know how to express my self to let u understand what exactly i am meaning.

It is probably more than you. I just need to explain what I am talking about better.

I know you will be able to self one with colloidal silver. It is best if you look into a seperate thread for finding out the best way to do that. I use a different product and have not had great luck with my feminized seeds. There should be a few threads that can help with that part.

You are right. If you like what you are getting then keep growing them. Plants that small should produce more than just a few seeds. Even at only a foot tall they should have hundreds with regular pollen. That is what has me confused. I understand that you pollinated a lot of plants so you could grow the seeds from the best ones. There should have been enough seeds from the good ones to last you longer than one grow. You should only need to make seeds every few years. Then the plants you are growing will have higher THC because they are grown unseeded.

How to choose the best plant? Hopefully you have a few more of those F-2's that you like. If so save them for the grow you plan to pollinate. Look at the plants you have going now. They are going to be different as you pictures show. Here are the main traits you should look for.
Amount of trichomes
Flavor and smell
Internode spacing. (How close the branches are together)
Growth pattern.

Of these the amount of trichomes is the most important. You will want to pick out the frostiest plants. All the rest have their place. Different people will want different things so their importance is different. Production is not always the best way to go.You are probably not going to get any plant that has it all. IF YOU DO THAT'S THE PLANT. Mostly you choose the plant that has the most of those things. Like I mentioned trichomes have to be there. So the frostier the better.

If you know what the plant you want to pollinate looks like early then you can find the right one early enough to pollinate it. When you pollinate plants do it a few times over a few days. You want those plants to get all the pollen they can handle. Your goal will be hundreds of seeds of just a couple plants.
Next order will be lowryders only.
I will give a try there as well.
I wont stop trying even if it gets me 5 years to succeed.
I am very curious to see the new seeds what plants will give me?
If i am a bit lucky and i do have a strain in the seeds i will get from these plants then i will keep it there...
The problem is how to stabilization the strain...
Well i already found some mature seeds and let them dry.
I collect small containers to use as many seeds as i can without give my position to nosey neighbors.
I hope i will have something good.
Forgot to tell u ..i still have pollen from begin...i still have seeds same as the plants i have.same offsprings.u know.
If tje next generation goes worst and not better i will use again the f2 seeds.
This is how i have it on my head until now.
The one on the last fotos is the one i like to keep it.ot is full of seeds but it is full of trichomes as well ...and looks great.

It is up to you about getting Lowryder seeds. If you do go with the Lowryder 2. We can work with what you have so you may not need to order more seeds. Amnesia is a heck of a strain amale from it should do fine.

If the pollen you are using is still from the original male then you are not aking F-2 and on seeds. It is a back cross. The offspring are now 2 part's dad and one part mom.That is a really good thing and probably has a lot to do with your success. The saved pollen might also have something to do with the low seed count this time. It may not be as viable as it was to start.

Stabilizing a strain is a really hard thing to do. In this day in age it is easier to just self it with colloidal silver. Dealing with autoflower strains would make stabilizing it even harder.
This is what i am trying to avoid..
Not to trash the seeds.but if the seeds worth nothing why to keep them.
I was thinking to get some of the past pollen i have and to give a try to pollinated a small branch from the anesthesia auto i have ...
The pollen is made from g/g and an anesthesia auto.
U know what i mean?
The mother of all tjese seeds and pollen is anesthesia auto and right now i do have one more anesthesia auto..
If i cross a small branch on plant Which have similar genes ?
Would this work? Or i just waisting my time space and money?

Yes if you have a Amnesia growing now pollinate it with the pollen you have. As long as you have it you may as well use it. I just didn't want you choosing a random male every grow to pollinate with.

Sounds like you were well on your way to stabilizing your strain if you have only been using the same pollen. Backcrossing is one way of getting there.

Bringing in fresh autoflower genetics will help you keep the autoflower traits.

Who made your Amnesia seeds?
Are the Autos you have coming from the same breeder?

I need to mention. The only seeds that you need to get rid of are the ones from bad plants. If the mother was great don't grow the seeds from it. All the rest will be fine and can be worked with.

I am only here once a day so it takes me a bit to get back to you. At this time slower is better to get past the language barrier. By the time you are ready to start your regular seeds weshould have it worked out.
Bringing in fresh autoflower genetics will help you keep the autoflower traits.

Who made your Amnesia seeds?
Are the Autos you have coming from the same breeder
Well my friend....i always use same pollen...i dont have amnesia.i have 2 seeds one anubis and one tutachamon.yhese are beans.not germinate.
And i have one og something (not kush)
I have an northern light
I have an anesthesia Auto...
And another one cant remember the name.
Well the seeds and the plants i have ,have auti anesthesia parent's...with gg.
Would it be better to use some pollen to the anesthesia auto as this strain is the one i use to produce the f1 seeds.
Mother anesthesia auto and father gorilla glue.
Ok now we are to where we need to be.

With the new regular Amnesia Autoflower you have coming. You can give your genetics a Autoflower boost. Or that is the plan.
Here is how I would go about it from here.

When you start the regular seeds that are coming. Plant them along with the Amnesia auto you already have. The seeds you have made are not F-2's but for now we will refer to them as that. You will want to start some of the F-2 seeds also. That is why you need to figure out which is the best F-2 pheno.

From the 3 strains you will be growing we will make some hybrids. Pollen for seeds will come from only the pollen you have saved. Plus pollen from the males you get from the regular Amnesia seeds.

2 ways to look at the males you will get. Choosing the best can be difficult. Because of this it might be best to use all the males to make sure you pass along all the genetics you can. One male will probably be better than the other . It is hard to tell in the time autoflowers give you to decide. Using just one will give you a more stable outcome. Thing is if you choose the wrong one you are screwed. I suggest using more than one if you get them.

Ok now we have 2 types of pollen. Here is how I would use it.

With the original pollen you have you will want to pollinate the best looking female of the new regular Amnesia Autoflower seeds. You are going to make the same hybrid 2 ways.

With the new male or males you will want to pollinate the old Amnesia autoflower you have. Plus you will want to pollinate the best pheno of the F-2 seeds you are growing. This will be the second hybrid. The hybrids you will have will be.
Your Strain x Amnesia Auto and you will have Amnesia Auto x Your Strain. One of these might be better in some ways.

If you pollinate the hell out of the plants they should produce a couple hundred seeds per plant. Then you won't have to make more for a few years. By then you should know enough about selfing plants with colloidal silver. Then you can feminize the best plants you have.

The thing about lots of seeds from your plants is. You can grow them a couple times to better know which are the best plants. Plus you need to know how to notice them early enough so you can self it.

To answer a earlier question. NO you are not wasting your time and money. You are actually in a better place than I originally thought.
Language barrier or not I got the joke LMAO.
I feel better.i though Maybe u didnt get ...
I google LMAO ,and i see whats this...hahahhaha...
I help my father right now to the shop and after that i will study ur reply to see whats next..
Tjank u very much one more time..
Hello guys again...
Today i had a busy day and VERY VERY STRESSFUL DAY. Trying to catch my breath without moving...just From stress..
I just lie down trying to read it carefully but i can't understand nothing...
U wrote this correct...
My eyes cant synchronise with my brain.:cough:
I want to smoke a joint and sleep.i want this day to leave.
Wow much stress for nothing.
Just to say sorry ...
To thank u and to say goodnight.
Tomorrow morning with my coffee and my mind clear i will finish it...
From the little i understand it sounds u have a nice plan there
There should have been enough seeds from the good ones to last you longer than one grow. You should only need to make seeds every few years. Then the plants you are growing will have higher THC because they are grown unseeded
Well if i can do this ....then i must stop..
Because i said a few but i mean a fre hindreds or a few thousands...
Yes those seeds can last me forever.
So maybe i should stop and keep only with femised seeds.
If the pollen you are using is still from the original male then you are not aking F-2 and on seeds. It is a back cross.
I just understand what f2 -3 and what backcross mean...i dint use the pollen from the original male..i use pollen from the offsprings.
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