Can you own firearms and have recreational marijuana?


Well-Known Member
In the United States, federal law prohibits individuals from owning firearms while using recreational marijuana. This is due to the fact that marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance at the federal level.

In the United States, federal law prohibits individuals from owning firearms while using recreational marijuana. This is due to the fact that marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance at the federal level.

This is an odd law that has little to no reinforcement. I purchased a pistol while being a medical card holder, having a diagnosis for PTSD and Bi polar disorder, and was stoned on recreational cannabis I grew in my attic. There’s no way to actually enforce a law like this proactively that doesn’t violate the hell out of our rights or privacy.

I imagine if you get caught lying it can sting quite a bit. However you’re probably already in deep shit if you’re in a situation where this lie is exposed
I purchased a pistol while being a medical card holder, having a diagnosis for PTSD and Bi polar disorder,....
When they users or drug related convictions since there was none. The current background checks go to national databases of felony convictions. If I am remembering right domestic abuse and other 'red flag' issues are on a state/local level.

The more recent revisions of the 4473 now have a warning on them that even with a 'medical card' it is still illegal to possess or use marijuana of any kind.

I imagine if you get caught lying it can sting quite a bit.
And there it is. Lying on the 4473 moves the person up from local or state level courts to Federal offenses, prosecutors, and judges. No more slaps on the wrist with $300 fines and 6 months probation.
This is an odd law that has little to no reinforcement. I purchased a pistol while being a medical card holder, having a diagnosis for PTSD and Bi polar disorder, and was stoned on recreational cannabis I grew in my attic. There’s no way to actually enforce a law like this proactively that doesn’t violate the hell out of our rights or privacy.

I imagine if you get caught lying it can sting quite a bit. However you’re probably already in deep shit if you’re in a situation where this lie is exposed
Exactly, and some do want take away your rights, and it's not as hard as you think. with the right people in place.
Exactly, and some do want take away your rights, and it's not as hard as you think. with the right people in place.
I would think family.
You pick your friends, not your family.
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