Can you get stoned from trimming weed?

Can you get stoned from trimming with bare hands?

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Wearing rubber gloves also saves on alcohol if it's a lengthy trim session and you don't want to get your hand stuck to your pecker when you go take a leak. Probably not a problem you've experienced, lol, but...
All cannabinoids contained within the trichomes of raw cannabis flowers have an extra carboxyl ring or group (COOH) attached to their chain. For example, Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid(THCA) is synthesized in prevalence within the trichome heads of freshly harvested cannabis flowers. In most regulated markets, cannabis distributed in dispensaries contains labels detailing the product’s cannabinoid contents. THCA, in many cases, prevails as the highest cannabinoid present in items that have not been decarboxylated.

THCA has a number of known benefits when consumed, including having anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective qualities. But THCA is not intoxicating, and must be converted into THC through decarboxylation before any effects can be felt.

So no, you can not get "high" from trimming your cannabis.

Hey bro - did you just get done trimming? Cause you seem high. lol

OK lets say THC is not an oil based substance and it cant be adsorbed into your skin.

What about terpines? They are alcohols and it's what we can smell and its being ingested and you know this because you can actually smell it.

Terpines definitely get you high. Durban Poison maybe has 12-15% THC and +5% terpines. It will make your skin crawl and the dogs howl.

I don't puff while I'm trimming.
I get high AF trimming.
I don't wear gloves.
I handle with care and don't eat the finger hash. Although I might start now.

I dont get high cause I know im going to get high af, I dont wanna trim my fingers, do I stop trimming when I cant see the flowers anymore. <--- See what I did there?
Wearing rubber gloves also saves on alcohol if it's a lengthy trim session and you don't want to get your hand stuck to your pecker when you go take a leak. Probably not a problem you've experienced, lol, but...

My wood likes to get high. Just an observation! lol
Well terpines are alcohol based so they can make thc aeresol.... breath in boom high as a kite you are.

Pro Tip:
I as a general rule do not drive vehicles after trimming. Sometimes I cant even focus my eyes well enough to see where I'm going.
Tiny little parasites on the plant matter. So small you can't even see them with the naked eye. They sensed that the plants were dead and drying. So they quickly transferred to a new viable host - you! Fair warning, the little monsters have a voracious appetite. I suspect you'll be eating lots of stuff, and at odd hours of the day/night over the next few months. I'm reliably informed that they even like dill pickle juice, straight out of the jar. And Totinos Pizza Rolls dipped into way too much Hellman's Real Mayonnaise. They're stimulated by light, too... Don't be surprised if you open the refrigerator to grab one little thing and end up standing there, nibbling, for 15 minutes. . . .
Well terpines are alcohol based so they can make thc aeresol.... breath in boom high as a kite you are.

Pro Tip:
I as a general rule do not drive vehicles after trimming. Sometimes I cant even focus my eyes well enough to see where I'm going.
I agree with you on this topic bobrown14 , I think we are not getting a thc stoned high from fresh cut trimming, but more of a drunk high from the terpines which are alcohol ,that we are ingesting in our lungs and skin while we trim our buds. kinda like when people get piss drunk after sniffing fumes off a cap of high proof moonshine fresh off a still, So yes you will get a buzz from trimming, Just on a different chemical compound that this amazing plant has to offer us other then thc, cbd and the list goes on... ;)
I made the mistake of trimming one plant early in the morning before I went to work. I didn't wear gloves because I was going to take a shower anyways before I left. I was stoned off my ass by the time I was done I had to call in saying I'd be a couple hours late. I didn't smoke any of it nor did I get it near my mouth. And it happens every time I don't wear gloves.
I rarely smoke. And when I do it's very low %. 5% and under. I grow high potency stuff for friends. I just finished trimming for 2 hours and I am quite high right now. I think if you have a low tolerance it does get you high.
I don’t buy the placebo effect idea at all. Like everyone else here I know what being stoned feels like. When you haven’t smoked anything and are completely straight, do a trimming session, walk outside and you’re like - ‘holy fuck I am a little stoned’... It’s just not at all difficult to figure out. I trim with my girlfriend sometimes. She doesn’t smoke and generally reacts badly to it. She also got stoned the first few times till she started being more careful.
I react badly to most indica stuff- it makes me feel like crap for the most part. So that’s another reason I’m not always keen to ingest what I’m trimming. Always wearing gloves helps so it must not be just fumes causing this.
It could be just small amounts finding their way into my mouth. My gf also smokes tobacco so getting trace amounts on the smokes is an obvious source to watch out for.
i was trimming off dead leaf's from plants at back of tent, and got covered in trichomes reaching in, i feel pretty stoned at mo , hands arms all sticky then wiped face and mouth, got a big bang off it, was not expecting it, was not until talking to mate on phone , i realised as weed gives me mad mental blocks on short term memory, and was struggling to hold conversation with him
Considering that the THC was not decarboxylated, it’s probably psychological, not chemical.


I once gave a guy a bud, a tiny one, probably only half a gram. His wife came home, so he panicked and popped it into his mouth. Then he started to chew it like a piece of gum or something and, finally, parked it between his gum and cheek. She left about 45 minutes later, and he spat it out. Later, he claimed to have been high as a kite for hours.

Some people... They can easily be convinced to believe just about anything (even when they, themselves, are doing the convincing). When I was a little kid, I read a lot of history, and that kind of mental... infirmity explained a lot of things people said and did, even when they were being figuratively slapped upside the head with facts/evidence that put more holes in their beliefs than there are in a screen door. But the failing wasn't left in the Middle Ages - it's still present today in WAY too many people. It's no wonder Fat Donnie managed to get elected once, and still has supporters to this day. It's even present - to some little degree - in the "science crowd," and has been known to cause bias when a person is setting up an experiment, or processing the results of same, even though skepticism is common sense, and postsecondary education institutions are supposed to be teaching people how to think (no, not what to think), do research, understand that belief is bias, et cetera. They ought to all do it, at least for students older than six, but most primary and secondary education seems to be memorization, followed by regurgitation. Which is really a shame. And it should be a crime. Teaching youngsters how to use their minds isn't indoctrination. In fact, it's armor against that very thing.

Er... [/RANT].
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