Can some autoflower strains take 79 days before first week of flower


Well-Known Member
Can some autoflower strains take 79 days before first week of flower???... the 2 big plants started veg on the 14th of April and today is the first start of flower the 2 smaller plants that I know for sure are autoflowers just started flowering today as well... the plants that started veg in April I was told are Cinderella Jack autos and I read that its up to 11 weeks for that strain wound take to harvest.

The light cycle is 18/6 give or take some days it maybe on only 17hrs but 98% of the time it's 18/6....... first time growing...
Btw I did top the "Cinderella jack " and did some lst could that set an auto back from flowering do to the stress?





🤔I was thinking the same that they're probably photos but I thought that photos won't start flowering unless you switch the light cycle to 12hr on 12 off and their still on 18/6
Yes same, same.

If they were autos they should have started flowering weeks ago… even on any light schedule like 24 hours on continuously, autos can go into flower regardless of light hours

And the 18/6 is enough to keep them in veg so I’m feeling pretty confident you’ve got photos and they won’t begin to flower until after you flip.

I find plants like consistent hours and cheapie pin type timer is the ticket, I like the newer pin type timers that have a clear cover so I don’t bump the pins and hose up the schedule accidentally.
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