AutoFlower Strains, Flowering Time Questions

Good morning to all!! So yesterday I received my 60x magnifier in the mail that hooked to my phone camera, which I love by the way!! I was taking a look at this girl last night and found some Amber tricombs lingering throughout the buds, alot seemed hazy "milky" and some clear. I will provide pics later after work but is this a sign she may be ready to chop? I did do a flush about 4 days ago and her soil still seems to be saturated. Anyway, tall have a great day and pics will come later on.
Can't wait.
@stoneotter @Mr. Krip
Ok so here is pics of the tricombs, plant and buds.. What do yall think? I really dont wanna harvest too late. Advise is much appreciated!! To me it looks to have about 70% milky, 10% Amber and 30% clear Trics... Just my Opinion though
I'd let her go about another 5-7 days (possibly a little more, depending on preference). Still a lot of clear trichomes but, more important, your pic from this past Thursday looked like she was about 10 -14 days away. She'll put on some good weight in the next week or so. Look for more of those white pistils to amber up and get "absorbed" by the buds as they swell. You'll also notice she'll be drinking a lot less water. Great job, so far, though! She looks good! :welldone:
I'd let her go about another 5-7 days (possibly a little more, depending on preference). Still a lot of clear trichomes but, more important, your pic from this past Thursday looked like she was about 10 -14 days away. She'll put on some good weight in the next week or so. Look for more of those white pistils to amber up and get "absorbed" by the buds as they swell. You'll also notice she'll be drinking a lot less water. Great job, so far, though! She looks good! :welldone:
That's what I was thinking possibly this coming Sunday would be a good time to cut her cuz I work so much during the week and that would be a good day for me to cut, trim, blah blah and hang her up in my wardrobe box from U-Haul as my drying area!! Krip you should check out my other blueberry journal man.. Shes looking to hopfully make this first bluberry a little
@Mr. Krip Dude I have one more question then I'll leave ya alone again..hahaha. :rolleyes: On my moister checker for the soil it is still in the green zone but should I do another flush? I did the first one about 4 days ago.
@Mr. Krip Dude I have one more question then I'll leave ya alone again..hahaha. :rolleyes: On my mister checker for the soil it is still in the green zone but should I do another flush? I did the first one about 4 days ago.
If you already did a pre-harvest flush and have been giving plain H2O since, you don't need to do another flush. Just keep giving her plain water when she needs it. Like I said, the drinking slows down as you get close to harvest time.
Cool.. Thank for all the support and help through this mission.. My next post on her will be the cut branches and trimmed up flowers!! Have a great day, week and weekend yall!!
I agree with @Mr. Krip brother. Last couple weeks is when they fill out and get denser. Also a good idea to check trichs that are lower on the plant. Trichs on top buds closest to light source will mature faster than the rest of the plant. Nice job so far cuz krips took good care of you
I agree with @Mr. Krip brother. Last couple weeks is when they fill out and get denser. Also a good idea to check trichs that are lower on the plant. Trichs on top buds closest to light source will mature faster than the rest of the plant. Nice job so far cuz krips took good care of you

Thanks, Brother, but probably the most valuable advice I gave this whole grow was simply to not stress out and let the plant do her thing. @Tim did all the hard work and kept the plant healthy, even if he didn't know it at the time! :rofl:
Thanks guys I appreciate all.. I'm glad I joined 420 magazine and got into the community!! There's a lot of great people, great advice and information on here for everybody!!! Appreciate everything and everyone putting up with my ass expecially @Mr. Krip :rofl: :thanks::thumb:
When I did a greenhouse grow of Blueberry autos last summer, it took almost 12 weeks to complete. Contrast with my last two grows of White Widow autos: I just chopped the most recent grow - 68 days from germ to harvest, so yeah, it can vary. My current grow (Lambs Breath Auto) is at day 27 from germ and already starting to flower. Photo is of the Lambs Breath; you can see the mature grow of White Widow Auto in the background under my bloom lights (I chopped and hung the White Widow today). Your patience will be HEAVILY rewarded, especially under your super-duper LED set up!

Lambs Breath Auto Grow Journal #1 - Day 27 (p-3).jpg
Thanks, Brother, but probably the most valuable advice I gave this whole grow was simply to not stress out and let the plant do her thing. @Tim did all the hard work and kept the plant healthy, even if he didn't know it at the time! :rofl:
Number one biggest hurdle in my opinion is getting over the worry and stress part. Even when things do go wrong lol.
Good afternoon to all.. So I do have a question?? I harvested my blueberry 3 days ago due to trichs color. They have been drying in a Box with an exhaust fan at the bottom, not sure of the temps or humidity until I get back home after work. I just placed a gauge in there this morning.

So I noticed the past day and half or so it smells of cut grass/hay in my room and in t
he box. Is this normal during the dry and cure process?? Keep in mind this is my first ever harvest, trim, dry and cure!! So it may not look as good on the trim, idk. @Mr. Krip
Very nice mate! My blueberry auto from zamnesia is only 20 days old, what genetics did you have?

Canada ruderalis x Blueberry line is the only genetics it shows on the website. I purchased the seeds from GYO Seedbank and GYO was the breeder for these seeds. I'm sure if I emailed them to get the specifics they would email me back but I just haven't done that. One thing I did not like about this blueberry compared to others I've seen is the buds weren't super fat there was quite a bit I didn't train her very well because it was my first grow and she became 42 in tall like a Christmas tree so I just did the best I could to get light to every part of the plant. I guess in a couple of weeks I'll find out how good she smells and how good she smokes.
Canada ruderalis x Blueberry line is the only genetics it shows on the website. I purchased the seeds from GYO Seedbank and GYO was the breeder for these seeds. I'm sure if I emailed them to get the specifics they would email me back but I just haven't done that. One thing I did not like about this blueberry compared to others I've seen is the buds weren't super fat there was quite a bit I didn't train her very well because it was my first grow and she became 42 in tall like a Christmas tree so I just did the best I could to get light to every part of the plant. I guess in a couple of weeks I'll find out how good she smells and how good she smokes.
I see mate, by the looks of the pictures you will still get a whole lot of good bud! Yeah I heard that some kind of training, LST, topping etc is necessary to maximize the yield. Following the thread if you can please come back with how much dry weight you got off her!
I see mate, by the looks of the pictures you will still get a whole lot of good bud! Yeah I heard that some kind of training, LST, topping etc is necessary to maximize the yield. Following the thread if you can please come back with how much dry weight you got off her!
Oh for sure brother I will definitely update her weight in a few days once she is dry!!
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