Can anyone tell me if this is mj or not?


New Member
Ok, I germed 30 seeds a couple of months ago and planted them directly outside. I thought only 1 survived but I thought I would take a look at 2 spots that just never sprouted today and found what might be the plants I planted there. I planted 2 next to each other in both spots and coincidentally there are 2 of these crazy lookin things growing next to each other in both spots. Here's a picture of 1 of them:

The leaves look like mj to me anyway, but the stems are purple, really skinny, and just laying on top of the tall grass around it growing sideways. They are about 3 feet long on each of them, they look more like vines to me but again it's coincidental that there are 2 growing next to each other in both spots I planted them, and the leaves sure look like mj to me.

Now if they are mj, is there any way to revive them? They seem to still be growing, there's new growth on the ends of all of them. They get full sun from morning until mid afternoon as they are along the east side of a tree line.

I'm new at this so any help is greatly appreciated!
They should look like small plants not vines. If it is, it is deficient in nutrients and competing with nearby plants for survival (nutrients, sun and water). Transplant them in soil rich in Nitrogen (we prefer chicken-shit enriched soil and add fish emulsion to their water) and put in a spot where they get full sun. Good luck.
looks like cannabis, do you see a lot of other plants that look the same around your planting area? virginia creeping vine can look a lot like marijuana with its five pointed leaves, but they tend to be single leaves coming from a long vine. if those plants are growing in a more upwards fashion, then they are probably your weed seeds. the stems might be purple from not getting enough nutrients. give her some food and see what happens, hopefully you can get a couple of nice plants from it.
If that is a cannabis plant, it has got a very strange growth pattern. Not your typical looking plant that is for sure.

...just smoke it and find out

Smoke what? The leaves?

I strongly advise against that approach. :peace:
Ok, I germed 30 seeds a couple of months ago and planted them directly outside. I thought only 1 survived but I thought I would take a look at 2 spots that just never sprouted today and found what might be the plants I planted there. I planted 2 next to each other in both spots and coincidentally there are 2 of these crazy lookin things growing next to each other in both spots. Here's a picture of 1 of them:

The leaves look like mj to me anyway, but the stems are purple, really skinny, and just laying on top of the tall grass around it growing sideways. They are about 3 feet long on each of them, they look more like vines to me but again it's coincidental that there are 2 growing next to each other in both spots I planted them, and the leaves sure look like mj to me.

Now if they are mj, is there any way to revive them? They seem to still be growing, there's new growth on the ends of all of them. They get full sun from morning until mid afternoon as they are along the east side of a tree line.

I'm new at this so any help is greatly appreciated!
Looks like virginia creeper to me , if so yank it out , it will take over.
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