Camping In The HashGround

Mr Big Stuff is looking good mate. Had to show @Sugarleaf for the Pierogi pics and she reckons you can fit seven more plants in there. She says if you’re not sweating doing up your zipper then you’re not trying, but she’s a hard woman to please ;)


That's funny because I actually ripped the stitching along the side of the zipper because it's so packed with large fabric pots ,,,,,, yes I need to press some hash but I need special micron bags ,,,,, I got some blonde bubble I've been saving to press ,,,,, I'm also looking into switching from the bottle jack to a Porta power ,,, I'm going to see if it's possible to run one
That's funny because I actually ripped the stitching along the side of the zipper because it's so packed with large fabric pots ,,,,,, yes I need to press some hash but I need special micron bags ,,,,, I got some blonde bubble I've been saving to press ,,,,, I'm also looking into switching from the bottle jack to a Porta power ,,, I'm going to see if it's possible to run one

A bigger tent?
I run a portapower on my press. It squeezes pretty damn well. If I had heard of rosin as a kid I’d have had a much better equipped engineering workshop.
Runny rosin from blond bubble sounds squiffy!
Step 3: add ice


- then add cannabis


-add ice again on top of cannabis , fill the bucket with only enough water to cover the layer of cannabis


- gently agitate with stick for roughly 15 minites, then wait 10 minutes and have a puff, we need time for trichomes to sink after agitation, making hash is a long boring process


Step 4: lift each bag 1 at a time until water drains into the next bag.
I put a spoon in the freezer to scrape up the hash , place hash on dry screen


Step 5: re stack the bags and pour the cold water back over the product , this is where the bubbling should start and the good hash making begins , notice all the bubbles , and how much more hash happens after the pour , you pouring the water in agitates it enough , no need to stir just keep using your back and repeat the process with draining collecting and pouring no stirring just pour drain collect pour drain collect pour drain collect , notice how the second run is blonder with a higher yield , don't worry it will stay blond this way we are not stirring just a long dumpy process

Hi sir I want to ask how much he uses to make hase
A bigger tent?
I run a portapower on my press. It squeezes pretty damn well. If I had heard of rosin as a kid I’d have had a much better equipped engineering workshop.
Runny rosin from blond bubble sounds squiffy!

What is a portapower and how does it help?
What is a portapower and how does it help?

Hey HG. The portapower is the red thing in these pictures.

Behind the 420Mag bumper sticker is an oil reservoir with a little ram at the business end to compress the hydraulic oil up the hose and into the main press.

The ten ton ram on my press doesn’t have a handle like a bottle jack and this is the only way to get this particular one to go. Advantage-wise you have great leverage over the compression when doing this by hand. If I had a gauge it would show better accuracy with pressures, but without the gauge it still gives me good control and repeatability by ‘feel’.

On a separate issue the question arises: how many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb? The obvious answer is of course ‘Fish!’ but you get extra points if you know the real answer is two. One to change the lightbulb and the other to fill the bathtub with red machine tools.
Well, DD, that is highly considerate of you. Yes, I have to try it. One thing though. Why would this be stronger than a nice clean hash? I mean, isn't the trichome the Higgs Boson particle of the plant? I'm not getting how it is more concentrated. Are the trichomes made up of smaller quarks that, when released, blows away all previous knowledge of a THC high?
Well, DD, that is highly considerate of you. Yes, I have to try it. One thing though. Why would this be stronger than a nice clean hash? I mean, isn't the trichome the Higgs Boson particle of the plant? I'm not getting how it is more concentrated. Are the trichomes made up of smaller quarks that, when released, blows away all previous knowledge of a THC high?

I like it! Yes, the press plates are maybe a bit like the Large Hadron Collider. The results can make you feel strangely charmed like a quark.
The difference between rosin and flower will be a bigger difference than that between rosin and hash. In both cases there is some fibrous material left behind when rosin is expressed. The extraction from hash should give you the contents of the trichomes without the trichome casings.
My understanding is that your rosin is going to be comprised of 80-90% cannabinoids (depending on your variety or strain, and other conditions) and of the remainder up to 5% will be terpenes. There are aromatics and flavonoids, thiols and such and the rest of it is phytolipids - fats and oils.
How do you smoke hash SO? By itself or mixed with other material? I generally mix my rosin with flower to smoke it. Now I’ve probably never tried hash as good as you, but I submit that the difference between smoking hash and smoking flower will be a bit like the difference between dabbing pure rosin and smoking hash. Maybe.
That said it is still just pot. Great pot, but still pot. It isn’t the blunt force trauma of say a heroin rush, but it will give you a smack.
Again with the physics: Stress=Force/Area
^ rosin changes the equation.
To be honest I find rosin very similar to my hash , taste the same , melts to a liquid the same , my hash melts and I need a small piece of bud or a small piece of tabacoo in the bottom of the bowl so it doesn't turn to liquid and get stuck in the pipe , but compared to your standard hash (black Afghani, or red leb , blonde leb , Hindu, charas yadda yadda) rosin is on a way way way higher level ,

Quality water hash or bubble hash takes long to extract and is hard on the back , rosin takes 3 min and is a guaranteed good if not better product !

And with rosin not being submerged in water it's basically good fresh off the press and you run zero risk of mold ,

It's a game changer for sure .

Ps I think the advantage with the pony pump or Porta power compared to the bottle jack is that when you crank down on the bottle jack you have to use your other hand to support the press or the leverage from the bottle jack handle will knock it over , I know for a fact with a Porta power it's would be much easier ,,,,,, my issues is how to custom fit the jack off the Porta power to work with a bottle jack style press
I really want to try to quality of hash you make HF. That was a really good explanation of your comparison of hash to rosin. A lot of points I never would have thought of. I haven’t regretted buying a press not one single day
I've always been interested in how hash was made. Now with the internet, you can find out how to do anything. I mostly moved to hash this time because I need to stop damaging my lungs so much. If I don't need to smoke leaves, why do it? This also pushes me toward concentrates. This means I get to have more tools. Can't have enough of those.
Looking at seedbanks, I see they say that Banana Kusk is a hybrid of OG Kush and a banana.. Is that supposed to be an old stoner joke? If they could do that, forget the banana, cross it with a poppy!
Hey guys I'm going to have to move some things around , the Mr big stuff is using the tent walls to hold her self up and is becoming weak . The big stuff is also showing a calnesium deficiency I've seen this once before on her and calmag seem to fix the problem fairly quick ,,,,, my plan is to move all 4 plants into my flower tent and bring my 2 plants and red spec lights into the little tent to finish flower
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