Calcium problem (I think) how to fix?


Well-Known Member
I think I have a calcium problem starting and don’t know the fix.

I’ve been using canna a+b. 1.5 tablespoons each per 3 gallons (22.?? mL for the metric crowd) with about 1-1.5 tsp cal mag.

pH’d to 5.8.



But the only reason I’m half dosing the cal mag is because the canna stuff is supposed to already have it

if you are under led, on RO, or have very soft water the canna won't carry enough calmag.

the ml equivalent on a measuring set is only dart board accurate. different spoon sets have a fair bit of variance between them. the measurements also are subjective to what the grower pours. syringes are always accurate and measure the same worldwide.
if you are under led, on RO, or have very soft water the canna won't carry enough calmag.

the ml equivalent on a measuring set is only dart board accurate. different spoon sets have a fair bit of variance between them. the measurements also are subjective to what the grower pours. syringes are always accurate and measure the same worldwide.
I’m under led and my water is far from soft.

I assumed the spoon measurement should, in theory, been good enough. It’s close but not lab-grade close.
Hi, @Gru, if I may, I'd like to add that I use graduated cylinders & graduated pipettes for all my liquid measurements and a digital scale to weigh solid ingredients for my nutrient solutions. That, and a lot of record-keeping, lol!
think I have a calcium problem starting and don’t know the fix.
I’ve been using canna a+b. 1.5 tablespoons each per 3 gallons (22.?? mL for the metric crowd) with about 1-1.5 tsp cal mag.
pH’d to 5.8.
Boost the dose of the separate Calcium-Magnesium product for starters.

If I am reading your msg correctly you are already under dosing the Canna A & B, maybe as much as 20%.

What date did the seed sprout?
Oh the woes of imperial measurements lol
So 3 US Gallon is 11L
22ml of feed is 2ml/L
7ml of CaMg is 0.3ml/L
The recommended rate is 4ml/L A/B and 1-1.5 ml/L CaMg
In 11L that is 44ml [3 Tbsp] A/B and 10-15ml [2-3 Tsp] CaMg
Oh the woes of imperial measurements lol
So 3 US Gallon is 11L
22ml of feed is 2ml/L
7ml of CaMg is 0.3ml/L
The recommended rate is 4ml/L A/B and 1-1.5 ml/L CaMg
In 11L that is 44ml [3 Tbsp] A/B and 10-15ml [2-3 Tsp] CaMg
That looks even worse than I thought after doing the numbers in my head. Still have to add in the increase in dosage for the A & B based on the age of the plant.
That looks even worse than I thought after doing the numbers in my head. Still have to add in the increase in dosage for the A & B based on the age of the plant.
Canna A/B is 5ml/L max, 4ml/L is fine for most plants
Oh the woes of imperial measurements lol
So 3 US Gallon is 11L
22ml of feed is 2ml/L
7ml of CaMg is 0.3ml/L
The recommended rate is 4ml/L A/B and 1-1.5 ml/L CaMg
In 11L that is 44ml [3 Tbsp] A/B and 10-15ml [2-3 Tsp] CaMg
I think I may be effing up the watering.

You posit, I’m under feeding, however one plant is definitely getting some nutrient burn.

Where I think my mess up might be is that I’m not watering until runoff. I think the bottom watering method may not work too well because I’m just shooting in the dark guessing is the roots are even at the bottom 1/3rd of the pot.

So this morning a I mixed 6 gallons of nutrients in two 3 gallon batches.
25 mL a+b (used the bottle measure) 1 Tbs of calmag and absolutely drenched the pots till runoff.
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