I think that there girls, phase lV of my perpetual are ready to be up-potted into a 3 galon air-pot and on of my DIY SIP's.
I noticed that the on with a gravel base drank the bottom feed twice as fast as the perlite so gravel it will be.
Did a clean-up of the bottom third a few days ago, the most I have ever done but am sure it will make harvesting less tedious. Unfortunately, even after a damn good soaking, as
@deltadubie suggested, the PM still comes back
Aggravating as hell!
On a lighter note, guys! Guess who got married last Saturday? After almost 15 years together, we decided to make it official!
I found out that day that my cousin, Deb, who works from home for a big bank, came down with a bout of depression. Cousin Scott to the rescue. Made a glycerin tincture with only 10 grams of trim and some dekydrated strawberries and cherries. The latter took about 36 hours. I put 2 ml under the tongue the next day. Not only did all my trimming, but went into a cleaning frenzy.
She has yet to get back to me but I sure as hell wish that I had this when I was depressed just over 20 years ago. So this batch is for me. Instead of doing 3 passes of glycerin I do it twice for a better quality. Pain in the ass keeping it at 185 degrees but the end results are perfect and tasty.
Hope all is well, my friends!