Cable TV and digital ballasts

Most modern power supplies are switch mode they are in everything. They are noisy. All you need is an analog power amp (tube) hooked up to some speakers, hum like a mofo. All is required is a X Capacitor across the line.

Can do that for both the switch mode supply to keep from generating noise and one for whatever device you don't want to hear noise with.

X Capacitor = across the line Capacitor.
Thanks for the info. I was told (not here) that drug detectives use info from utility companies to find growers. Under the premises that anyone having sudden heavier use of electricity is a sure sign of an indoor grow.
I am not currently living in the house I'm growing in. I am a healthcare provider and spend most of my time at my clients home.

Solar power = problems solved. Be pretty hard for them to know what I'm using power for since we generate extra electricity, grow weed and get paid for the electric.
They only notice major jumps or highs and lows when looking at electricity. Most any person growing for their own use probably wont create enough power to be noticed. I was told, a person could run a 1000 watt HID light per room in the house without too much notice. 3 bedroom house 3 lights. After that you could add a light here and there after 6 months to a year. One thing they can notice is start ups and stops in some case's. That is what I mean about the highs and lows. Low power usage for a while then high usage for 6 months then low usage for while then back up.

All this is different with LED lights. Not many growers are running more then 1000 watts for their lights. Mostly the power thing was for major grows. The guy that told me about this uses 7 600 watt lights and a 1000 watt light along with them. That is a lot of power to manage in a 2 bedroom house.
All very interesting, but as for Fibre Optics, they don’t pick up any radio signals as they are made of glass and can not carry electrical or magnetic current. This allows them to be immune to RF interference.

As for old or cheap ballasts causing interference, as someone suggested, if you can and it doesn’t cause heating issues with your ballast, put it in a sheet metal box, this keeps the RF from propagating outside of the box. As someone else mentioned, a Faraday Cage.
Most places that have Fiber Optics. Also run lines through out the house with hard lines. Not many places are totally fiber optic yet.
I see most people say digital is the interference offender but that the occasional person says magnetic cause interference and are detectable, even a block in the hydro shop said magnetic was bad for interference.. mmm confused
I was thinking of buying this but leaning towards a magnetic, says in advertisement "fanless design for optimal RF interference protection, controlable dimmable output. ensuring higher efficiency and longer life"
Yeh right I think good magnetic be better...?
Is this RF shielded or bull

And can smart metre give you away more with this instead of magnetic... My landlord unfortunately installed smart metre a wile back but what can ya do.. nothing.. what about led ,? Anything from them interference wise, or CMH
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