C5Rftw's 2nd Deep Water Culture Grow

Christmas in March ! nice tree, you gonna put a few bulbs on that lady ?, she looks a little naked ! :peace: Didn't you just make a nice kief box too ? Freeze that trim ! :yummy: hash !
thanks for the info guys. so I decided to chop the rest today. here is the first. I am very happy and tired from all that trimming! lol



Bud hell!! that looks like a friggen cactus !! Whats that sucker ..a half pounder anda coke please !:yahoo:
Now that's a bud!

Thanks man. It is the biggest one of them and I just weight to see what she ways dry.

ul b high for a while now !!!!! awsome buds bro !!!:grinjoint:
thanks man, not as fast as yours but yah I how a good bit. I cant grow soil near as good as you SS, so its nice to have some hydro. The first batch in 9 days cured now and it gets me blazed

Bud hell!! that looks like a friggen cactus !! Whats that sucker ..a half pounder anda coke please !:yahoo:

lol, I hope its a 1/2 lb but based how this bud drys, it will be around 1/4 I think. this is the second half of the plant that I let flower more, so I might have a 6-7 oz plant here. That would be insane, its all drying now so I will know the weight in 6-7 days, I imagine this might take a while to dry.
Very nice and looks dense as hell! A sure winner! Congrats!
I really think I could win another one with this, if only I didn't chop the other half off on this plant, the picture would be even more insane.

Those are some MONSTARS man. You really do pull of the most amazingly large buds with CFLS...Please do share your secret!!!
well simply, I have 14 65w 4" away so it not that hard, it just positioning them right and I have a big closet. the walls are flat white which reflects 90%.

....now that's havin' coke and a SMILE! My goodness that is huge!

lol, good one. Its twice as big as my largest nug last grow and that thing was huge lol.
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