Burrr's Perpetual Medical Grow - WaterFarms - 3 at a Time

Day 3 in bloom. The Maui is in back, then the large leaves of the v-19, then the romulan poking up behind the budding plants.


this is the 1st place, day 17 bloom


day 2 in the bloom room.

Here's a little update on the garden.
Things are looking very good with the Maui, V19 and Romulan. they have been in bloom for a couple weeks now, and the Romulan is setting the fast pace for bud growth. I've been running the nutes nice and low, about 600-700 ppm. I'm very pleased with the dyna-grow.

The plants that are in Veg were showing a strange pattern on the leaves, but it's clearing up now that I've moved them from small hempie cups and into the waterfarms.
I was running my nutes a little too hot at first, maybe that caused the weird spots.
Now that I've dropped back from 900 to 500, I'm getting a lighter green and fast growth.

The 1st place thats been in bloom for 4 weeks is looking good. I tried ramping my nutes up to 1200, but saw immediate sign of burn. I dropped her back down to 550ppm and she's digging it.

I have 3 new clones for the next round, Durban Poison. I saw some adults from this line, and they are very stanky sativas.
Well SHIT. I've battled mites, and fungas gnats. Thought I was running clean... but noooooo.
I'm pretty sure some of my plants have tobacco mosaic virus. shit shit shit.
I was wondering what the hell nute problem could have caused the weird pattern on my leaves. It's only the 1st place strain that has issues. so far. Anyone with experience with this shit?
I'm still not sure about the mosaic virus. I'm almost certain now that it was nute burn, on a finicky plant. I'm running my nutes super low right now, and the plants I was concerned about are all showing improvements. I was running about 600-700 ppm, and thought that was a safe number with no chance of nute burn.
The sativa dominate had no trouble running high ppm, but the indica and romulan can't handle it. I am running about 375 ppm now, and the girls are digging it!
They are drinking twice as much water as they were a few days ago.
In 24 hours the ppm stayed about the same, but they drank about a gallon per plant.
once again I have to remind my self that less is more whn it comes to nutes.

We are still looking at a real nice harvest, with the maui looking to be a big producer.
Th indica is slow to build bud, but may kick in later.
Th romulan suffered a little burn at 700 ppm, but is starting to rebound. she should be able to bulk up in the next 3 to 4 weeks.

I read that one of the benefits of running low ppm's is the increased oxygen content of the water. Highly nuted water holds less O2.
I'll get some pics soon.
Or just build your own for a couple a quid if ya feelin skint, he's some free building plans, with a video Free Building Plans Hydroponics Drip System Plans the only prob with these air lift water pump, is well their f/@in noisy here's another showing the hydroponic drip system, maybe not what you're after, if ya after peace and quite Top Feed Hydroponic Drip System - Air Lift but fun to build yourself, and them plants do love this system but wouldn't pay for one though peeps.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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