Bud Washing

I started washing my buds and I can notice a much cleaner difference and curing ability. Though I don't use Doc buds recipe, I use SNS-311 and it works like a charm. I use warm water for the initial dips, and then I rinse with cooler water that's straight outta the tap.

Aside the particulate debris and things that we effectively remove, it can also rinse away microscopic fungal spores that aren't visible to the naked eye. Just the air we breathe contains up to 10,000 fungal spores per square meter (source: biology textbook), and so that accumulation over the growing period can be rinsed away with very minimal trichome depletion.

I'll always wash my buds now that I know how it works.
I started washing my buds and I can notice a much cleaner difference and curing ability. Though I don't use Doc buds recipe, I use SNS-311 and it works like a charm. I use warm water for the initial dips, and then I rinse with cooler water that's straight outta the tap.

Aside the particulate debris and things that we effectively remove, it can also rinse away microscopic fungal spores that aren't visible to the naked eye. Just the air we breathe contains up to 10,000 fungal spores per square meter (source: biology textbook), and so that accumulation over the growing period can be rinsed away with very minimal trichome depletion.

I'll always wash my buds now that I know how it works.

I've also used the SNS produce wash and it works better than my DIY version, but not enough to justify the expense, IMO. However, I might use the SNS on buds I was going to enter in a contest. It is better.
I've also used the SNS produce wash and it works better than my DIY version, but not enough to justify the expense, IMO. However, I might use the SNS on buds I was going to enter in a contest. It is better.

So I just finished reading this thread from start to finish, and even before I got past the first page, I was sold on the technique since so many successful and even regular growers use it with great results!

The only question I have, is can I cut the volume of water down and do the same with the baking soda/lemon juice/H2O2?? I am only going to be washing a single bud, roughly the size of a baseball, since the top of my plant had a little rot and I had tossed that part, but in the process, I may have nicked the stem too much with the scissors because the fan leaves are dying off like it's done, and the bud looks pretty damn close to being ready.. I didn't want to have to use 5gal of water for a 1/4oz of bud, but was thinking about using a gallon each..

Here's a picture of the upper bud that's left and ready for chopping..

Hell yeah!! COMMENCE WITH THE CHOP!! If you guys need anymore confirmation that this is good, let me know and I'll post my results.. Otherwise, I'd say 30 pages of people agreeing should be enough for anyone on the fence!! Especially some of the heavy-hitters around here!!! :)

Thanks guys for always bringing the cutting-edge stuff to the forum!!! (By cutting edge, I mean, proving that unconventional or newer concepts really can and do work!!)
Actually, thought of one more question: Lights-out is in about 4hrs.. Is that going to matter much for light for tonight, or should I wait until the morning when I'll have some more time in the lights for the first 24hrs?? Does it even matter, as long as it's drip-dried enough??

Thanks again guys!!
Go back and read a bit and that very issue is discussed. It requires a peroxide soak...the recipe is back a couple pages.

I think it was more towards the beginning, but I agree, go back and read it, very educational!
Hey doc does bud washing remove mold?

The way I see it is that

Bud washing won't remove internal botrytis clusters, but it can really help with powder mold spores that are on the outside (via the hydrogen peroxide rinsing).

Any parts with internal gray/black mold pockets should be cut, removed, and thrown away.

FWIW, I washed my harvest a few weeks back as I had a bad case of mold.. After having it cured and I've smoked a bit, I've only found 1 bud out of about a half ounce that had a little bit of internal mold still, but I cut tossed that bud and chalked it up as a loss.. The washing really sped up the drying time, and it definitely cleaned a ton of cat hair, dust and bug carcasses/turds out of the buds, not to mention I had to use some spray pesticides to get rid of spider mites.. Super-easy and I think the actual set-up for the washing took longer than the washing and hanging did afterwards..

I will definitely be washing every harvest I do from now on just by the shear amount of stuff that came off the buds.. As for flavor, I didn't set aside any to do a post-wash taste test, but the bud is extremely flavorful and aromatic when it's being cut up.. Buds are still super-super sticky..
FWIW, I washed my harvest a few weeks back as I had a bad case of mold.. After having it cured and I've smoked a bit, I've only found 1 bud out of about a half ounce that had a little bit of internal mold still, but I cut tossed that bud and chalked it up as a loss.. The washing really sped up the drying time, and it definitely cleaned a ton of cat hair, dust and bug carcasses/turds out of the buds, not to mention I had to use some spray pesticides to get rid of spider mites.. Super-easy and I think the actual set-up for the washing took longer than the washing and hanging did afterwards..

I will definitely be washing every harvest I do from now on just by the shear amount of stuff that came off the buds.. As for flavor, I didn't set aside any to do a post-wash taste test, but the bud is extremely flavorful and aromatic when it's being cut up.. Buds are still super-super sticky..

Yep. I figure after a few dozen hundred people report exactly what you did, bud washing might become the norm. It certainly is in my garden.....and my kitchen.
morning to all..... thanx Doc for the introduction of ''bud washing'' :thumb:

I read the whole thread and did the wash w/h202 , cause I had 3 small spots with the B-rot and I cut them out and continued with the washing, and that was that.....
i'll make this short and sweet, ''try it'' u may just like it, everything i read about ''bud-washing'' has come true,,,,it works.....

thanx Doc and everyone else who tried this method and reported on it , i know now what all of u were talking about, in the smoothness and it not being harsh.

i will say this, lol, i tried to explain to a few people about the ''B-washing'', and i don't think they really believe me, ya know , raised eyebrows and smart-ass remarks... lol well when they get to try it, then maybe they'll get it and try next season.....

it's :allgood:...thanx again

be well

morning to all..... thanx Doc for the introduction of ''bud washing'' :thumb:

I read the whole thread and did the wash w/h202 , cause I had 3 small spots with the B-rot and I cut them out and continued with the washing, and that was that.....
i'll make this short and sweet, ''try it'' u may just like it, everything i read about ''bud-washing'' has come true,,,,it works.....

thanx Doc and everyone else who tried this method and reported on it , i know now what all of u were talking about, in the smoothness and it not being harsh.

i will say this, lol, i tried to explain to a few people about the ''B-washing'', and i don't think they really believe me, ya know , raised eyebrows and smart-ass remarks... lol well when they get to try it, then maybe they'll get it and try next season.....

it's :allgood:...thanx again

be well


One of my favorite things to do is the watch the look on someone's face who is helping harvest and has never seen bud washing. Here we have these gorgeous buds, frosted up, smelling great.......and then we put them in a bucket of water, submerge them, gently agitate....then another bucket, then another......

They freak out. But the buds come out of the wash looking better, and then they can smell a jar, or try the produce from a previous harvest....and you can just see the wheels turning, the new information coming into their consciousness, etc.

I don't care what type of grower a person might be....organic, hydro, hempy, high brix.....doesn't matter. Washing produce before consumption is just a good idea. Period.

Edibles especially benefit from this.
hey guys

looking forward to washing my next harvest again in a couple of weeks!

my mrs just had a good idea and i wondered if anybody had tried it...anybody tested the ppm of the water before and after washing the bud?
just thought it would be pretty interesting to record that data in order to use it as proof of how effective it is
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