Bud Washing

My favorite is the vacuum hose. :cheesygrinsmiley: I cleaned out most of a wasp nest with a shop vac by sucking 'em up as they came and went from their entry hole. Pfftt, pfftt, pfftt ... one at a time, smacking against the side of the hose as they got sucked up. :laughtwo: Great fun!

Fire is cool too, but you have to chase the darned bugs.

Does bud washing help removing any neem oil? Had to use some for emergency at the beginning of 5th week of flowering... :(

Yes. Chemically any emulsifier will loosen the attachment of any oil - as in soap disolves grease.

I started bud washing before I started using neem oil. My family has enjoyed smoking buds that were treated with a neem oil/soap/water spray once every 2-3 days the entire length of flower (spider mite eradication.)

The neem oil on the outside of the buds will wash right off.

The main issue with neem oil taste and smoking/vaping would be if the neem oil is absorbed into the plant via pores or the roots - which doesn't seem to an issue, but I don't have any science on it.

Also, there is the possibility of neem oil clinging to small flowers and pistils that then gets trapped inside the bud - again, no issues, no science.

Neem oil on cannabis is not toxic to humans
Hello bud washers. I have a question for you.

I've been reading through this thread for a few days on and off as I have a case of powdery mildew on my ladies just days from harvest now and I'm scrambling to deal with it before harvest. I bought something called Ferminator, which is a fermented plant wash for use during and up to day of chop, but it's not an instant process and I'll be needing a solution to deal with the PM soon. Hence, my interest in bud wash.

My question is this: how much peroxide do I actually need? In the original recipe by Doc Bud it's a huge amount (basically a gallon per three gallons of water). However, the well-regarded Jorge Cervantes video on bud wash/PM has the recipe as only 1 cup per roughly the same amount of water. This is a huge difference. Nowadays (ie. Coronavirus) peroxide is hard to come by due to hoarding and paranoia, and is more expensive. I was on the verge of buying a gallon jug off Amazon and then saw Cervantes' video and then took a step back.

No one has posted in this thread since July so hopefully someone with good intel can respond to me since it could be any day now I'll need to do bathe my babies. :)
Quick question. I have some outdoor plants that have alot of aphids, dust, and dandelions. I was planning on cutting and washing today. I've never done this before. Should I just use the H2O2 or do I need the lemon juice and baking soda? Also after I dunk and shake off all the water how can I just leave in the sun to dry or should I use a fan directly on them and for how long?
Thanks Cannon
From what I've read here and elsewhere, the peroxide solution is for bugs, fungus and mold. You might want to do an H2O2 bath just to be safe. I'm sure someone else here with more expertise can chime in on this as I've never done it before.

Also, again from what I've read and seen in videos, some people will put a fan directly on them until they've dried off to the point of looking like they did before they got wet. I don't think putting them in the sun is advisable since sunlight degrades THC. Maybe a few hours fresh after chop wouldn't really matter, but why risk it?
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