Bruce Banner: This Is My 5th Grow

Mine to saying come lay down and watch tv with her but she comes in and helps me so she is good with it but like the end Results lol but here are the light I have now and a light I bought from one of the 420 sponsors Lights the picture is the one I’m waiting on

Heck yeah. Mine old school. Everything I got have done is all old school ways. I was here years ago growing . But now everything has changed so much all these nacronims I have no clue what hell they saying. I just water and they grow. . All this 5 ml of this that and meters and sht. To much for me. Give me good water and little cal mag. I'm good.
Heck yeah. Mine old school. Everything I got have done is all old school ways. I was here years ago growing . But now everything has changed so much all these nacronims I have no clue what hell they saying. I just water and they grow. . All this 5 ml of this that and meters and sht. To much for me. Give me good water and little cal mag. I'm good.
Man yeah I don’t try use them much either cause I never get it on point
Your plants look great and I bet they will be loving the new light. On to flower...
Happy Growing.
I get that I think that is why I really like LST because I get to spend an hour or two with my plants :) Are you planning on doing any training with yours?
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