broken plant


New Member
During a bit of building work in my home today,one of my girls got accidentally broken..
As stupid as it might seem,iv actually put a splint on her break..
Will it help at all,or am i just living in hope?..she is in her second week of the 12-12 cycle and the break is 4inch from the top..
can i just add,its not snapped in two,but stem was at a ninety degree angle..

fingers crossed...
The way I do it is to use some pruning paint, it's black and looks like tar. I also use a lil of that green stretch tape you can get at most garden stores.
I tape the break up to where it is about as close to being together as I can get... then I paint the break so that it is more or less sealed up... this works very well for me.
I have done this to main stalks and saved the plant w/0% loss!
Good luck!
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