Brick Pops His Cherry - CFL

I was on your shoes about a month or two ago. I was using CFLs with this beast...

And realized that just because CFLs give off very little heat, 22 CFLs output a quite a substantial amount heat. So I committed and spent money I didn't have (had, but shouldn't of spent :biglaugh:) and my temps went from 85F average (lights on) to 79F average (lights on). Also, I was consuming over 550 watts with CFLs. Increase heat from CFLs meant the fan had to be ran faster (dimmer) which consumes more watts. Increased heat output from my tent meant my house was warmer and my A/C kicked on more which obviously consumed a LOT more power. With my LED now, I consume 180 watts average. All that heat related power usage was no longer a problem.


My point is when you compare and contrast LEDs vs any other light source, there are too many benefits to making the switch. And as for my above story, one small change could affect your grow (in a good way) like a snowball down a hill.
But I'm excited to see you set up your HID! We all know there's no question if HID works. Lol
I'm double subbed.
You're going to produce way more with the setup you have now than I will... That's for sure. And your setup looks very clean by the way. I love that.

Maybe I missed it but what kind of training are you going to be doing for these gals?

I honestly haven't really decided yet, to be perfectly honest I kinda wanted to grow these fast so I got some smoke for New Years. So I probably won't be topping them but as they grow some more I may do some reading on LST.
Grouchy, I wish I'd thought of making a big cluster of CFLs like yours. That would have got me started just fine, and I already have some "Y" sockets. I just never thought of it. (I only recently found this site, and now I could spend all day reading it.) Excessive heat is not an issue bc I grow in the basement, so warm lights just make the temp about right (mid-70s).
Hi Brick,

How exciting. I'm subbing. I had a small indoor grow last spring. I went overboard and bought two 1000W HIDs, one for grow and one for bloom, because the cost wasn't much more than the 400s and I can't afford LEDs. (Prices were $800+ at the time and places I looked. I've seen some mentioned here for ~$100, though.) This is more than I need and power consumption is quite high. Keeping that sort of light under cover is a problem, too. But the plants like it. I have had the big bloomers out on the deck in full sun all summer, but will bring them back indoors under the bloom light pretty soon.
Hi Brick,

How exciting. I'm subbing. I had a small indoor grow last spring. I went overboard and bought two 1000W HIDs, one for grow and one for bloom, because the cost wasn't much more than the 400s and I can't afford LEDs. (Prices were $800+ at the time and places I looked. I've seen some mentioned here for ~$100, though.) This is more than I need and power consumption is quite high. Keeping that sort of light under cover is a problem, too. But the plants like it. I have had the big bloomers out on the deck in full sun all summer, but will bring them back indoors under the bloom light pretty soon.

Wow with those big lights I can only imagine how much you were able to pull! That sounds awesome!

Thanks for subbing my man! I really appreciate all the help you guys are giving. I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys!

I'm going out on a bird hunting trip with my father this weekend. We'll be leaving after work today, I'm gonna stop by my brothers house on the way home and give the plants a solid watering. Right now I'm thinking about 1-1 1/2 cup of water each plant.

We're only gonna be gone till Sunday so I'm not worried about the soil drying out.
I'll be sitting here watching, from the back of the class, chillin.

Welcome colesdad!!

I promise I didn't steal your "pop the cherry" line! Lol. I thought I was being original but you beat me to it! Haha

Hopefully I can make my first grow a success, I'm positive with the right guidance from the members of this forum, I'll be having some sexy ladies!
Welcome colesdad!!

I promise I didn't steal your "pop the cherry" line! Lol. I thought I was being original but you beat me to it! Haha

Hopefully I can make my first grow a success, I'm positive with the right guidance from the members of this forum, I'll be having some sexy ladies!
That's cool, everyone has to have their cherry popped at some point!
Grouchy, I wish I'd thought of making a big cluster of CFLs like yours. That would have got me started just fine, and I already have some "Y" sockets. I just never thought of it. (I only recently found this site, and now I could spend all day reading it.) Excessive heat is not an issue bc I grow in the basement, so warm lights just make the temp about right (mid-70s).

You should consider making a grow journal. I've learned so much from people's input on my grow's. And welcome to :420:
Hey guys, the plants have exploded! Especially the OG kush Autoflower! But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave you guys with some suspense. Not going to take pictures till day 21 and that is tomorrow! Happy Labor Day! I'm off for the holiday tomorrow so I'll be posting pictures in the afternoon!

You're gonna wanna see this
Day 21

We've hit the three week mark! Woo!!!

The plants are looking amazing! The regular photoperiod plants are very compact. Not sure if it's a bad thing but I assume it's not. I haven't had to give much as far as nutrients since the soil is holding up well with what it's got. I've only fed them once but a very light feeding of grow big and big bloom. I've raised the light from 50% power to 75% and the heat is getting to about 84 during the day when home ac is on, about 88 when home ac is off.

Okay let's get to some pictures..

The family

Autoflower OG Kush
This girl has exploded! She's just over 7"s tall now!

White Castle

She's definitely looking better, I'm wondering should I cut off the dying leaves from earlier in her life?

DJs Gold
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