Bowl trimmers

Why all the negativity about trim? If a person likes clean buds or leafy buds who frickin cares? I for one hate leafy buds, its ugly, harsh and leaves a bag of shake at the end. I can think of half a dozen things to do with my trim other than leave it on my buds.....although it'd shorten the trim time significantly I still prefer clean bud. I also think leaf is harsh to smoke. However I will not go outta my way to call names or bash someone for their decision on their product. We can have discussions and argue but what the hell is with the name calling? Over damn leaf!
It comes down to situational circumstances and personal preference. Close sugar shakes leaves are NOT harsh to smoke, if they are, it's a curing technique issue and has nothing to do with the leaf itself. If you are smoking ugly NON thc leaves or very little(thc on them), save it for the extracts and make some bubble hash Rosin. :yummy:
It comes down to situational circumstances and personal preference. Close sugar shakes leaves are NOT harsh to smoke, if they are, it's a curing technique issue and has nothing to do with the leaf itself. If you are smoking ugly NON thc leaves or very little(thc on them), save it for the extracts and make some bubble hash Rosin. :yummy:

Agree to disagree. And it is definitely not a curing problem on my end. Just glad you did not say because I did not flush properly.
Thanks for showing the results.

I sent Hybrid a link so she could check it out too.

Looks like it does a pretty good job.

Honestly i think there could be a fine line between underdry bud and the trim bag not working and overdrying bud to get it to work. A person will have to monitor things! I have a harvest coming up in 1 week. It won't get trimmed until thanksgiving time but i will go in depth on what RH my buds are, time it takes to trim, anything and everything involved. If you want you should sub into my journal below, it has been inactive for a bit but im doing some experiments with BUDGET LED lights with lab tested results, new strain, trim bag.... I will be getting that journal goin again very soon.
I wouldn't assume anything since I don't know your style of growing, I do know that my sugar shake doesn't taste harsh so it's all good.... we can agree to DISagree.
I chop, hang a day, breakdown into branches and shade leaf, then once dry enough I put in buckets and after a day RH will be a bit high, burp n burp until down to 62 RH. I cure in turkey bags in a food grade 5 gallon bucket for 4 to 8 weeks before trimming. Every few days i bust the buckets open, pull the bag n give a tumble. When ready to trim and actually get to it by the time buds are packaged for sale they are 8 to 9% moisture content. By the way i am a registered medical marijuana cultivator/dispensary, I am 100% legal!
I wash all my buds and are treated better than a commercial operation ever could. I would never "tumble" anything. I've been doing this a LONG time and I'm careful with every step. Apples and Oranges though, you are an operation, I simply... AM NOT!
I wouldn't assume anything since I don't know your style of growing, I do know that my sugar shake doesn't taste harsh so it's all good.... we can agree to DISagree.

Good. Glad you like it. Some of us don't. I grow enough that I don't need it or want it in my vape or joint. Make extract, hash or toss it but I am not smoking it.
As far as the Trim Bag you would have to see it for yourself. It is surprising how gentle it is on the buds, there wasn't even any kief in the trim side of the bag. I see nothing wrong with this other than a tiny bit of cleanup.

As far as treatment of product, maybe most operations but not all. I do everything myself, no help. I take just as much pride in my product as anyone.
And I would smoke it as is and see NOTHING wrong with it. All good, but that little bit of leaf will not affect anything other than the aesthetics of the product, it won't be harsh, but I trim up buds if you are paying me to do it.
Good. Glad you like it. Some of us don't. I grow enough that I don't need it or want it in my vape or joint. Make extract, hash or toss it but I am not smoking it.
Vaping shake is actually the best thing to do with sugar shake since you aren't burning it. So much to learn Grasshoppa'.
And ... finally broke it out after a month of trimming. Hadda plant that was mostly LAF after I trimmed up the nuggage.

Outdoor plant that was 12 feet tall so she hadda lot of lower laf. Put that laf thru the bowl trimmer now its primo hash making goodness and not a pile of trash. So good for prepping for hash or concentrates for sure. Not so much for nugs. It ruins them.
You're a dick head - there feel better now?
Vaping shake is actually the best thing to do with sugar shake since you aren't burning it. So much to learn Grasshoppa'.
lol...good one.
And I would smoke it as is and see NOTHING wrong with it. All good, but that little bit of leaf will not affect anything other than the aesthetics of the product, it won't be harsh, but I trim up buds if you are paying me to do it.

I agree that it is smokable and would be no difference. But if you take a bud and roll a joint compared to rolling a joint with just leaf there is a difference. Also on a larger scale all those little leaves gradually get broke off and create shake, shake is unappealing, i remember buying shakey bags back in the day. I was disappointed. I just think if I am going to take time to trim I am going to trim all of it.
Vaping shake is actually the best thing to do with sugar shake since you aren't burning it. So much to learn Grasshoppa'.

Really? Much to learn..... nope. at close to 60 and smoking since I was in my teens I have pretty much refined the way I prefer my bud. I used to take apart roaches and do one hits of them back in the day as well. Wouldn't catch me doing that again either. I have more bud than I know what to do with as it is.

You're welcome to my all my trim if you want it. Hell there are times i toss the larfy buds as well. By all means smoke it the way you want to. Myself an others just have different preferences.
Really? Much to learn..... nope. at close to 60 and smoking since I was in my teens I have pretty much refined the way I prefer my bud. I used to take apart roaches and do one hits of them back in the day as well. Wouldn't catch me doing that again either. I have more bud than I know what to do with as it is.

You're welcome to my all my trim if you want it. Hell there are times i toss the larfy buds as well. By all means smoke it the way you want to. Myself an others just have different preferences.

You got BCP? Is that the popular cut that made her way to some members or you start from seed?
You got BCP? Is that the popular cut that made her way to some members or you start from seed?
I ran mine from seed. In house genetics. Great strain and just loaded with resin. Didn't make any hash for extractions from it but will next time. Running their sluricane next run that I am starting next week.

That was from week 4 or 5. She turned purple and yellow. Also packed on a lot of weight for a shorter bushy plant.
very nice results there. You did a good job with her. How do your patients like it?

I give away / donate most of my grows to elderly people. I haven't given any of mine BCP yet. Smoke is super smooth on it. Not harsh at all.
I ran mine from seed. In house genetics. Great strain and just loaded with resin. Didn't make any hash for extractions from it but will next time. Running their sluricane next run that I am starting next week.

That was from week 4 or 5. She turned purple and yellow. Also packed on a lot of weight for a shorter bushy plant.
Black cherry pie or black cherry punch. I run both from time to time. I like the flavor of the pie better and it's a little less stoney but all good it's just a preference.

Pie in the morning punch in the afternoon.
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