So, I'm seeing the leaf anomaly on 3 of my 4 plants.
Both BCP crosses, and the taller Boptang
Starting to see some serious frost on the smaller BCP as well. She's definitely ahead of the rest of my group when it comes to tric production.
Didn't show very well in the pics, but she glistens like a diamond in a goat's ass!
Were around 26-27 days post flip now, had pistils around 8-9 days now.
They are all looking great!
Both BCP crosses, and the taller Boptang
Starting to see some serious frost on the smaller BCP as well. She's definitely ahead of the rest of my group when it comes to tric production.
Didn't show very well in the pics, but she glistens like a diamond in a goat's ass!
Were around 26-27 days post flip now, had pistils around 8-9 days now.
They are all looking great!