BOO - Bag of Oranges

Good afternoon everyone.

I have taken them to 8 and will now wait till I feel there’s enough on the branch to cover the area.

Most strains I have run were hybrids so the stretch at times was, “ please stop”.

But seeing how a couple pollen donors are doing I think it will be a couple weeks yet.

This morning . Ph solid 5.9 , ec 1.5.

I have moved and swapped corners on two plants as there is a bit more room at the front.
Patiently waiting for the one to come around and grow at a similar rate as the others.
Things seem to be heading in the right direction, so I will start cutting the light to promote fall like symptoms.

17-7 for a few days.

Leaves removed from the first nodes to give a chance for those lowers branches to be exposed.

Enjoying what the 6500 line offers but can see areas were is comes up short .

Tim Allen has a resolve “ More Power”

Enjoy everyone

A spray of wettable sulphur a few days back to assure me No pm exists.

Emptied 15 gallons and replaced, with some bloom nutes to get a mix of both grow and bloom.

Dosed up the Hygroben to go with the 15 gallons , Hygrozyme too. Great stuff.

Ph drops .5 maybe even more over 12hrs.
This has gone on for two days.
Twice I used 5 ml of silic to drive up and then ph up the rest.

And just like clockwork it stops.

Stability at your ph choosing , ec 1.4

This is a pic mid day of the 3rd 16 hour day.
Now 15hrs for three.


First night of 15-9. Three more days and 14-8 will trigger flowering.

What will boo bring?

Orange cones lathered in creamy crystal oozing the nectar to feeling better and calm.

Bring it on Useful Seeds , your no slouch when it comes to this genetic game.

Enjoy 👻

Added 5 gallons also , used bloom nutes again.
Thought what the hey , they look fine.

Leaves burning , not yet. Measuring about 470 ppfd at the tips of the tallest and they seem to be reaching out.

Ec 1.4 ph about 6 , water going down steadily 👍

Last night I raised the light 4-5 inches , same intensity which was close to full.

Nothing else to do , like u check the ph and such but that doesn’t change.

It’s a bit boring , plants grow like crazy.

I just twiddle my thumbs wait “patiently “.

A big bag of reefer is a good start.

And a calendar to keep track of progress.

Thanks again for stopping in a looking at my set up.

I try and keep it simple ish.

Your laid back rdwc , water falls , sprays , power head . Bubbles just for fun.
Converted air conditioner glycol chiller.
A bit underpowered, but getting off a good enough return that it’s difficult to justify spending more.


Bag of Oranges or maybe a bush of oranges.

I really did mainline these to just 8 but I have some first node branches poking through like there the dominant limb.

This would be the beginning of day 4 of the twelve hour shifts.

Tote was emptied and refreshed with bloom nutes.
Ro water 16ppm.
Calmag 180ppm
Base bloom 520ppm
700ppm or 1.4ec
Ph 6
Hygroben , Hygrozyme
also threw in hyshield and hyclean as I have couple smaller bottles to play with.

Lights hung about 2ft from canopy.
Trying to get them to stretch.

Steady ec and ph . I usually would see a ph drop but for some reason it didn’t after changing the water yesterday.

A trimming is needed .
This I were I would like to get the net going and maybe I would not have to take so many branches that are at the canopy level.

Bag of Oranges or maybe a bush of oranges.

I really did mainline these to just 8 but I have some first node branches poking through like there the dominant limb.

This would be the beginning of day 4 of the twelve hour shifts.

Tote was emptied and refreshed with bloom nutes.
Ro water 16ppm.
Calmag 180ppm
Base bloom 520ppm
700ppm or 1.4ec
Ph 6
Hygroben , Hygrozyme
also threw in hyshield and hyclean as I have couple smaller bottles to play with.

Lights hung about 2ft from canopy.
Trying to get them to stretch.

Steady ec and ph . I usually would see a ph drop but for some reason it didn’t after changing the water yesterday.

A trimming is needed .
This I were I would like to get the net going and maybe I would not have to take so many branches that are at the canopy level.

Garden is spectacular today my friend.
You fit a lot of good stuff into that grow space. :welldone:
Hope your having a great day.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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