BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

Cas Grow

Well-Known Member
Hello this is my 8th grow so far haven't reached the 1g per watt goal.
I have crossed plants and harvested 1000s of good northern lights seeds.
I have two BB clones from an adopted plant my co worker needed gone.
Over the years i have 100% clone rate with just tap water and a bubbler with air stone.
The BB is being opened up using LST and SCRoG methods i have come fond of
Due to the crown having 15-20 nodes grow from it and limited space

6*4 closet
Whisper sonic inline fan
Carbon laced ducts

400 watt led

9. spectrum
3 blues
4 reds
1 IR
1 UV

Day 1 is new year of 2014 so far seeds are looking good the one clone was taken day 23 flowering and another day 30 (also was broken in half and took a week longer to show roots).
Two northern lights grown from seed one is second generation and another is 3rd ( feminized from herm plant)

Heres my grow. LEDs are hard to take photos under will get spotlighting soon for better pics.
Re: BlueBerry Bush. REVEG Clone. Spider LST and SCRoG

The grow box is a 5/6 gallon foam cooler lined with a thick trash bag.
Re: BlueBerry Bush. REVEG Clone. Spider LST and SCRoG



Re: BlueBerry Bush. REVEG Clone. Spider LST and SCRoG

As you can see the small clone was late into flowering and was broken in half. The top of the bud was dried enough to smoke and the new growth looks healthy. As for the BB its rooting good after the transplant two days ago. About to start 10-15-10 all purpose plant food. The NL seed plants are bushy and also good from transplant. Will keep updated grow will be harvested and dried by 4/20. All steps will be posted. Cloning trimming drying curing germination and maybe next grow ill cross the BB & NL.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

welcome to :420: journaling
Happy Munchday :thumb:
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

Thank you i like your grows too i looked at a few and nice buds. You use nutes or special soils ? What you get from each plant dried ?
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

Hello i was looking through your grows and i noticed you dont use the scrog method to super crop indoors. You have alot if wasted wattage not getting tight crowns. I see you use led and your light is way to high you should only be 1.5-2 ft away from tops. Hang a string from the box to get a good judgement on distance. Also dint notice if you dark day at time of harvest. Doing 48-72 hrs without water or light will enhance resin production and also release tons of moisture in your buds/room so vent regularly.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

Happy Tokerday Cas :thumb:
im in hydro my last seed plant was about 4.5 oz an afghan kush x skunk
the lights are mounted as high as possible and the plants are lowered or raised because to get the light as high as it is it needed to be fix mounted or the lights wouldn't be able to go high enough
its only super cropped because of the dwc buckets and having to be able to do res changes weekly
also because the flowering tent is always on 12/12 and I have plants on different schedules allowing a more perpetual grow
if not id use a flood and drain table and scrog off that since my res would be separate but at the same time then my flowering tent would no longer just be a flowering tent and I would have to take time to veg in there then causing me to not have a perpetual grow
its all about being able to have a perpetual harvest say 1 plant every 3-4 weeks
once in awhile sneak in 2 plants in one cycle so you get 2 to harvest every once in awhile if room allows in the tent right now I
kinda screwed myself cause everythings full and tight and the plant wont get as big if there isn't the room to do so
my tent stays open on light on with a fan blowing in from out of the tent
and the dark cycle has been tested to improve resin production and shown to be false
I chalk it up to being strain dependent
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

oh yea I don't use strings to measure I use a measuring tape :thumb:
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

I have a question for you too. My one plant is looking very wierd the leaves are swollen and puffy but no change in growth. I will post pic. Maybe its the genetics ? I did harvest feminized seeds from my 2nd prior harvest.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG


The leaves look like a whole different type of plant
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

before and after same plant?
might be ph if its the same plant
a good soil will stabilize the ph but the soil can also be mixed acidic or alkaline
this isn't a reveg plant is it?
if its different plants then one looks better than the other
and that would be the one really looks like ph
also as far as shape of the leaf if it isn't a reveg could just be genetics
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

No they are two different plants of the same strain the one is normal to compare how the leaf is all puffed. Im going to see what happens when i sex them. My blueberry will take most of my light to scrog anyways. Ill check ph but i didnt even start nutes yet so my water and soul is universal in all my plants.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

I might just keep a male and cross my sativa and my indica strains. Blueberry • Northern Lights mix. I have been looking into using a bag and transferring pollen from male to one branch of my female buds. Any input ? Thanks for the help. You can grow all your life and still learn new tricks every grow.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

yea you can use a bag and leave it on for a couple hrs shaking it now and then do it away from
other plants tho and after the couple hrs you should be able to take the bag off and wet it down so the pollen doesn't
get on other plants
or you could use the brush method use a brush and brush on the pollen to selected buds away from other plants make sure no fan or wind blowing leave it for a few hrs then wet it down and put it back
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

I will have updates soon im getting regular lights to take pics. The seed plants are still needing a transplant. These are rooting fast and already rootbound. The second gen looks amazing as always :thumb: but the third looks like i got the deformed genes. The plant is producing larger leaves and longer internodes. I willI will have updates soon im getting regular lights to take pics. The seed plants are still needing a transplant. These are rooting fast and already rootbound. The second gen looks amazing as always but the third looks like i got the deformed genes. The plant is producing large internodes so maybe not a bad thing :thumb: I will upload pics after transplant. Really rooted upload pics after transplant i need some advice. Either cut or maybe just add to scrog. Problem is space. The northern wants to grow tall but scrog wont be even with light. This strain is like a shrub ill get close up on nodes :Namaste: So maybe i can do another screen higher up and scrog whole grow room.

re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG


Transplanted the NL into two 5 gal bucket with a handle the small clone was put in the pot with the runt . Spread pvc over to the corners and cut my first level screen to size. Tape up sharp corners if trimming under growth. I need more pieces to put up the next level up and begin to string it. I will post a quick video on how i build my hemp screen.
re: BlueBerry Bush - Reveg Clone - Spider LST & SCRoG

that screens gonna fill out nicely :thumb:
Happy Munchday Cas :high-five:
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