Blue Planet Powered 18 Strain Hempy

You ask and you shall recieve INTRODUCING PAPAYA DAY 28


White widow coming a lil later :peacetwo:
So Ive started into the "Twelve12" movement I will start 2 of his 2 liter DWC hempies ive made 2 and will put in clones in a couple days and a quick question before pics hey 12 if I dont use panty hose like JUICYSOIL do you think I will lose alot of media through my holes ? I will figure a way to slowly fill res with disturbing to much media and ill really pack it in too. But enough talk too the pics


Ok I have been promising pics of her for a while shes the same age as the papaya here she is my bad bi$@h WHITE WIDOW

And a close up umm :yummy: :MoreNutes:

What do you guys and Sqwheels think of her frosty huh? :namaste:
Mrgivemethat great to see you're giving the 2L DWC-H a try. What grow medium will you be using? I don't think the panty hose is needed in your case the holes are quite small. Pack in the grow medium and run a few cups of water through. Immediately you'll be able to tell if the panty hose is needed. Juicysoil had bigger holes and the use of panty hose was a good call. Looking good I have added you to the list.
Hey u have an amazing garden bro. Happy to see it all come together so nicely
One of d mobies I grew out also hermied slightly. The buds were completely seedless but I collected 8 seeds from one of the branches. Each seed was in a single lone calyx at d node. Weird right? D plant yielded very well but then again I vegged for close to 2 months :p
Can't wait to see how d buds continue maturing in dat jungle of yours!
Mrgivemethat great to see you're giving the 2L DWC-H a try. What grow medium will you be using? I don't think the panty hose is needed in your case the holes are quite small. Pack in the grow medium and run a few cups of water through. Immediately you'll be able to tell if the panty hose is needed. Juicysoil had bigger holes and the use of panty hose was a good call. Looking good I have added you to the list.

Hey Twelve12 thanks you to leading I will be giving them a try :thanks: I will be using perlite vermciulite, I was also wonering do you think JuicySoils panty hose will keep roots from hitting res for to long?

They look healthy, Mrgivemethat. :goodjob:

Thanks PC im trying but my first batch is stunted I pulled leaves at wrong dates and now my buds are tiny sad face!!

Hey u have an amazing garden bro. Happy to see it all come together so nicely
One of d mobies I grew out also hermied slightly. The buds were completely seedless but I collected 8 seeds from one of the branches. Each seed was in a single lone calyx at d node. Weird right? D plant yielded very well but then again I vegged for close to 2 months :p
Can't wait to see how d buds continue maturing in dat jungle of yours!

Thanks Herbfarma im trying to manage this jungle and get my 6 inch inline up its starting to reek in here but 100 plants should huh? I think im gonna keep 1 moby and pull any nanners I see with tweezers when I see them wish me luck, yea thats wierd about your moby yea buds are getting bigger everyday even on the stunted ones they are nowhere near the size of my first harvest earlier in this journal but I might get enough to last until next months harvest I hope.:peace:
Ok guys and SQWHEELS im gonna do an update tonight but with all the strains it takes forever too upload if I take 2 pics of every strain so I was wondering which strains you would wanna see up close and personal ill take a pic of every strain but will have 3 strains in a picture instead of 1 so its up too you guys let me know something :namaste:
Mgmt, looking good over here. As far as which strain to showcase, why not do a couple different ones every week.

I love that idea HMG :thanks: I think thats what ill do 6 strains a week with close ups, and your paise is always wanted :thankyou: :namaste:

haha, im 28 as well:allgood:
ha ha ill be 29 next month il have big birthday buds :woohoo: :party: :party:
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