Blue Mystic

re: Blue Mystic

Took some pics tonight. She is almost 1/3 the way LST'd around the rim of the airpot so I will prolly let her grow out a little bit more then throw into flower, so prolly another week or so? We will have to see. here are some pics.






Let me know what yah think, they are lookin healthy so far.
re: Blue Mystic

Took some pics tonight. She is almost 1/3 the way LST'd around the rim of the airpot so I will prolly let her grow out a little bit more then throw into flower, so prolly another week or so? We will have to see. here are some pics.






Let me know what yah think, they are lookin healthy so far.

looking super good man!!:thumb::goodjob::bravo:
I'm subd how long have you been vegging for?? all under the hps?
re: Blue Mystic

yea all under the hps. I have been prolly vegging for a little over a month. It was a little slow at first due to some temperature issues being winter and all but i since i got the little oil based heater to maintain ideal temps she has taken off. Thanks for the compliment. :)

what were your temps? what size is your box? have you started veg nutes if so what age? sorry if its an overload of questions I have a similar setup and have 6x45w cfls vegging my baby plant at the moment but after seeing yours Im thinking just throw the 150hps with my 2 42w 2700k and 2x26w2700k in there right now haha my first grow my lighting schedule was 24/0 but I started this one at 18/6 and now at 20/4 for the rest of the veg cycle.
re: Blue Mystic

I ran the lights on a 20/4 schedule with just the hps in a 36"x24"x60" grow tent that i picked up for like 80 bucks. My temps to start were high 60's low 70's lights on and mid to high 50's with lights off so not to ideal and didnt get any explosive growth. After i added the heater lights on were about mid 70's and lights off about mid 60's. I am using a soilless medium so i started the nutes off right away 2 or 3 days after sprout and its been working well. I used the BP feeding schedule found on Corey's site. Dont knock the 150w hps, if you are growing one plant and use some side cfl lighting during mid to late flower you can get some killer bud.

I plan on lsting the crap out of them when i start the 12/12 flower stretch. I will be looking for a nice flat and wide canopy to utilize my lighting to its full potential.

Thanks for the drop by guys!! Will keep you all posted!!

re: Blue Mystic

I ran the lights on a 20/4 schedule with just the hps in a 36"x24"x60" grow tent that i picked up for like 80 bucks. My temps to start were high 60's low 70's lights on and mid to high 50's with lights off so not to ideal and didnt get any explosive growth. After i added the heater lights on were about mid 70's and lights off about mid 60's. I am using a soilless medium so i started the nutes off right away 2 or 3 days after sprout and its been working well. I used the BP feeding schedule found on Corey's site. Dont knock the 150w hps, if you are growing one plant and use some side cfl lighting during mid to late flower you can get some killer bud.

I plan on lsting the crap out of them when i start the 12/12 flower stretch. I will be looking for a nice flat and wide canopy to utilize my lighting to its full potential.

Thanks for the drop by guys!! Will keep you all posted!!


Oh I know trust I already finished a grow with my 150 hps lst'd but not at a young age kinda messed my lighting up but I am going to lst 2 plants and have 4 supplemental cfls over it, your using coco yes?
re: Blue Mystic

well here they are, 5 days into 12/12. You can see how some of the leaves got curled after the flush but it is recovering nicely. You can see the pistils pokin out on the second picture so it is a certified girl, lets hope for no balls.




Going to let her get real dry just in case the curl was from overwatering during the flush. She is real sensative to nutes so I will continue the transitioning feeding regimine into next week then start the first week of flower regimine the week after. Let me know what yah think!
re: Blue Mystic

Whats good wranglerpx,

You know, I thought the same thing, til I got tired of having to use pH down for my tap water, I went out and got me some distilled water, just for giggles I thought I would test it, water only, and it shows the same pH.

re: Blue Mystic

Ok so I lollipopped her tonight and gave her a nice watering. It looks like she is going to have about 9 or 10 colas and they appear to be developing pretty similar due to the nice even canopy under the light. I like how the LST worked out on this one, I never did it before this.She is about 1.5 feet tall so far but nice and bushy. Hopefully she will make 2 feet or so but it doesnt matter to me, I am a light toker. 1-2 ounces will last me 3 months. She is also my first experiment growing anything in a soilless medium, I am very pleased with it so far. Well here are my latest pics from tonight.









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