Blue Dream, look ready for 7 day flush?

What are your temps in our tent? iv just harvested some super skunk that did exactly the same as this due to the plant not liking 28-28.5c temps, ran it 3 times now, twice at 28c ant turned out fox tailed ect, then a few more at 24c and they turned out perfect, it really makes a difference between a few c.

Check you temp gauge with another as i had 2 temp gauges in mine saying 25.8 and 26.2, they were both off by 2c! Sometimes they fail without us even noticing the heat change, may not have something to do with it you may never no.
temps lately has been 77 - 82f during lights on and roughtly the same during lights off. Res temps have been 80 to 82f.

i'm pretty convinced it was caused from the heat wave that came through when the AC broke :( Not too bad on the fox tailing though, could have been much worse. I've had foxtailing happen during my first grow from lights being too close so luckily i do have a little experience with seeing it.
Okay everyone, in my opinion these are ready to start a 7 day flush (maybe longer depending on how they look in 7 days flush time). Here's what they look like, i took trichome pics from all over, top, middle, bottom. You can see that foxtailing really got to it, BD + heat over 90f = bad lol. Even my GG#4 and SG did some foxtailing all over.

BD (3).jpg
BD (2).jpg
Sun Sep 23 07-21-15.jpgSun Sep 23 07-24-16.jpgSun Sep 23 07-26-00.jpgSun Sep 23 07-35-59.jpgSun Sep 23 07-36-20.jpgSun Sep 23 07-37-23.jpgSun Sep 23 07-37-31.jpg
And here is my Super Glue

SG (2).jpg
Sun Sep 23 06-59-21.jpgSun Sep 23 07-00-46.jpgSun Sep 23 07-02-14.jpgSun Sep 23 07-04-00.jpgSun Sep 23 07-06-52.jpgSun Sep 23 07-08-34.jpgSun Sep 23 07-15-24.jpg

Also here is the same plant but the monster cola i've had my entire grow. You can see its full of a LOT of white pistols still. They do go more orange the lower it goes, what im seeing could just be bad foxtailing, especially given that form that cola took but on the other hand if you look back on other pics in my journal when it was younger, it had a lot of limbs. I will let this one stay in the tent and flush longer if need be but what do u guys think?

SG pistols.jpg
And lastly is the Gorilla Glue which looks the most ready of them all. Still does have a good amount of white pistols on other cola's tho.

GG#4 (2).jpg
Sun Sep 23 06-44-22.jpgSun Sep 23 06-45-05.jpgSun Sep 23 06-45-48.jpgSun Sep 23 06-47-58.jpgSun Sep 23 06-49-08.jpg
I should note, i dont have to flush them all at the same time, i have little hole plugs so i can flush individual buckets of my RDWC system. Im really thinking of letting the BlueDream and SuperGlue continue eating and flush the GorillaGlue#4 as it looks the most ready. opinions on that? Here is a quick photo-shoot so u can see it as a whole.

its kinda hard to see orange pistols because its so easy to spot the white ones that are taking over everywhere lol. Up close in person you can see them much easier.

I am kinda on the edge of my seat wondering if it would be best to wait or chop. Just looking like it's too soon (I am referencing the BD) but what do I know. I did read you could change to a 11/13 or even 10/14 timer and force finish, maybe when you start to flush you could change the timers too.

My Blue Dream besides being 1/2 the size of yours is a few weeks behind (I flipped on 7/23 and saw button pistils start on 8/1).
I am kinda on the edge of my seat wondering if it would be best to wait or chop. Just looking like it's too soon (I am referencing the BD) but what do I know. I did read you could change to a 11/13 or even 10/14 timer and force finish, maybe when you start to flush you could change the timers too.

My Blue Dream besides being 1/2 the size of yours is a few weeks behind (I flipped on 7/23 and saw button pistils start on 8/1).

I know what you mean, im the same :eek: I cant decide if i should just flush them all or only flush the GG. I dont know how slow or fast the trichomes will degrade so it really makes me worry. My days off are Today and tomorrow so if i flush it WILL be for 7 days before i can check em / chop em if ready.

Great idea about the 11/13 or 10/14! I didnt think of that! That would work perfect in my case!

9 days after switching, not bad. Mine took far too long cause i switched out of veg at 48 days. If they were clones that were already mature, mine would have shown pistols by like day 6 or 7 likely. Instead i think it was something like 14 or 16 days before i could finally see a few pistols.
I only have an hour left before lights out. I'm going to leave them be until tonight at 11pm when lights on. Hopefully by then ill have more feedback and opinions.

edit: actually ill plug the hole for the GG#4 and start flushing it until i can decide what to do with the others. The GG is definitely ready for a flush and we'll see where the trichomes are in 7 days.
Man your plan is great IMO. I would do what you said. Start flushing the one which is closer to harvest and give the others time. I m in the same boat. Have a look at my last page when you have time. Good job by the way cause you ve managed to do very good! Regarding the foxtailing of the Blue Dream, I had the same phenomenon during my winter grow with temps never exceeding 75F. I think it s genetics. She keeps throwing white pistils again and again. But the more pistils the more flowers so it s great. We just have to be patient
I think an extra 2 weeks from today and the super glue should be nearly or if not matured and no hairs at all which will lock in more weight, as for your trichomes, try get a good look at the main bud trichs as the leaf trichomes mature a whole lot faster than bud trichs and believe me this can be a devastating result.

Out of curiosity what light setting have you been running in flower? iv never ran LED but im in the middle of buying a few from Mars so iv been reading a lot about them and im reading that people who do run on a more mixed spectrum end up having fox tail problems as well as stretch problems, no idea how true it is but it could be something to look into for next time.
Man your plan is great IMO. I would do what you said. Start flushing the one which is closer to harvest and give the others time. I m in the same boat. Have a look at my last page when you have time. Good job by the way cause you ve managed to do very good! Regarding the foxtailing of the Blue Dream, I had the same phenomenon during my winter grow with temps never exceeding 75F. I think it s genetics. She keeps throwing white pistils again and again. But the more pistils the more flowers so it s great. We just have to be patient

Blue dream is so fuc*ing weird! haha. Good to know that others have had the same happen to them with BD, and the fact that it was in 75f blows my mind. In my case, i even had the GG and SG foxtail a bit so it was due to that 90f+ heat wave :( I'm glad i now know to avoid 90f+ tho! Like i experienced it first hand so i know what to expect. I was thinking of not even bothering with BD in the future but now that i know its just a picky girl, thats eases me back a bit. I did squeeze some of the flowers and they are very dense!, even if they are skinny and long lol.

Thanks for the compliment, its always nice to hear it haha.

I didnt expect to be flowering for 84+ days! Hydro is definitely different lol. Likely my fault too for early vegging. I'll check out your journal as soon as im done here.
Blue dream is so fuc*ing weird! haha. Good to know that others have had the same happen to them with BD, and the fact that it was in 75f blows my mind. In my case, i even had the GG and SG foxtail a bit so it was due to that 90f+ heat wave :( I'm glad i now know to avoid 90f+ tho! Like i experienced it first hand so i know what to expect. I was thinking of not even bothering with BD in the future but now that i know its just a picky girl, thats eases me back a bit. I did squeeze some of the flowers and they are very dense!, even if they are skinny and long lol.

Thanks for the compliment, its always nice to hear it haha.

I didnt expect to be flowering for 84+ days! Hydro is definitely different lol. Likely my fault too for early vegging. I'll check out your journal as soon as im done here.

I think heat stress can delay things. It s what I ve experienced in my current grow. Maybe it s the same that happened to you
I think an extra 2 weeks from today and the super glue should be nearly or if not matured and no hairs at all which will lock in more weight, as for your trichomes, try get a good look at the main bud trichs as the leaf trichomes mature a whole lot faster than bud trichs and believe me this can be a devastating result.

Out of curiosity what light setting have you been running in flower? iv never ran LED but im in the middle of buying a few from Mars so iv been reading a lot about them and im reading that people who do run on a more mixed spectrum end up having fox tail problems as well as stretch problems, no idea how true it is but it could be something to look into for next time.

Ya all the images i got were of the bud trichomes. I always try to get a shot with a pistol poking out so it shows its definitely bud and there's no doubt for the viewer. Couple of those do look questionable tho haha.

I'm running 12x qb 132 3500k. Each board is 75 watts max (although it goes higher haha) for a total of 900 watts actual draw. If i push it past that max i know i can easily hit over 1000, i think i've seen 1100-1200 once but i didnt leave it there for more than a few seconds. No need for that extra heat and wear/tear.

I purchased the mars 2 1600 and started using that for this current grow. Everything was ok in veg, even with the plants outside directly under the light. The moment flowering time came however, it was bad. Not nearly enough plus thats where a lot of my stretching came from (i also wasnt used to the light as it was the first time i used it). I just was not happy at ALL with the spread so i looked into higher quality quantum boards :D Never lookin back. $480 down the drain lol. I suppose i can either sell it or start another tent for vegging and move those over to a flowering tent.
QB132 3500k.jpg
Okay everyone, in my opinion these are ready to start a 7 day flush (maybe longer depending on how they look in 7 days flush time). Here's what they look like, i took trichome pics from all over, top, middle, bottom. You can see that foxtailing really got to it, BD + heat over 90f = bad lol. Even my GG#4 and SG did some foxtailing all over.

BD (3).jpg
BD (2).jpg
Sun Sep 23 07-21-15.jpgSun Sep 23 07-24-16.jpgSun Sep 23 07-26-00.jpgSun Sep 23 07-35-59.jpgSun Sep 23 07-36-20.jpgSun Sep 23 07-37-23.jpgSun Sep 23 07-37-31.jpg
Yup,go ahead and start your flush on your plants.
They're ready.
I think an extra 2 weeks from today and the super glue should be nearly or if not matured and no hairs at all which will lock in more weight, as for your trichomes, try get a good look at the main bud trichs as the leaf trichomes mature a whole lot faster than bud trichs and believe me this can be a devastating result.

Out of curiosity what light setting have you been running in flower? iv never ran LED but im in the middle of buying a few from Mars so iv been reading a lot about them and im reading that people who do run on a more mixed spectrum end up having fox tail problems as well as stretch problems, no idea how true it is but it could be something to look into for next time.
I don't know what you were looking at but those plants have all mostly milky trichs and some amber ones.
It's time to flush them.
Where the trichs are now is the most thc.
I don't know what you were looking at but those plants have all mostly milky trichs and some amber ones.
It's time to flush them.
Where the trichs are now is the most thc.

maximum thc is what im going for :3 i dont mind a bit of amber but i'd hate to see above 20 or 30% amber at harvest.
Out of curiosity what light setting have you been running in flower? iv never ran LED but im in the middle of buying a few from Mars so iv been reading a lot about them and im reading that people who do run on a more mixed spectrum end up having fox tail problems as well as stretch problems, no idea how true it is but it could be something to look into for next time.
Currently i have each row running at 200 watts for a total of 600 watts. Using roughly $39/month on electricity, during flowering. $59/month during veg if still running at 600 watts but i tend to do half as much power during veg (or atleast im going to from here on with that beautiful light coverage haha) so veg price comes out to $29/month.
Absolutely,your plants are right where they need to be for the most thc.

Thanks :D Good to know my instinct to begin flush as soon as i saw some amber, was a right one. I think tomorrow ill go ahead and drain everything and refill with tap water. Gives more people time to put in their 2 cents as well.
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