Blue Cheese - My First Grow

hey Vapedogg223 wats up?

i am currently doing like an lst scrog type think al put pics up today so u can see my efforts

yeah i haven't the option for dimming the light as the ballast is very plain:peace:

Ah! I only read LST before... with SCROG you would fill in the screen and then flower, the screen also supports all those dank buds that will hopefully be forming!

Are you planning on adding a screen of some kind, or are you just going for sort of a SCROG effect by LSTing?

I don't think it's showing the signs of being ready yet...
here this is what they should look like when they are ready to flower.

Hope this clears that up for ya brotha...

thanks for that guys and going to do some sort of scrog lst'ing lol


I have flushed my smaller bitch but all the leaves are burning off, do u think its becaUSE its to close to the light? they are going yellow, think i might lose this plant because it doesnt seem to take up nutes good or light.
Mr Ganja said:
thanks for that guys and going to do some sort of scrog lst'ing lol


I have flushed my smaller bitch but all the leaves are burning off, do u think its becaUSE its to close to the light? they are going yellow, think i might lose this plant because it doesnt seem to take up nutes good or light.

Pics dude!!
hi there here's the pics, how do i fix the heat burn if its that and the second bad bitch deosnt seem to grow

check them out






do u think it could be the tin foil around the room that's causing the burning even though the other plant is in the same room and its not burning!!!!?????
the other plant has now slightly started to burn so i have transported them back on to my two cfl's until i can paint the room flat white.

i am so fuckin pissed off it's no even funny :-@

if i place them under the cfl's for a bit, willl they regain their true colour?

this is fukin harder than i thought, will i lose my plants because of this ???
come on guys kindaa need some speedy INPUT
Mr Ganja said:
come on guys kindaa need some speedy INPUT

I would say its not heat burn. It looks like the upper leafs are fine.. Only the lowers are affected... What kind of nutes are you using? It kinda looks like a calcium deficiency I dealt with.. Do you add calcium at all? If not grind up a calcium pill or 2, put it in a gallon of water and dump it on em! A calcium def will yellow the leaves until they dry up!
recommended 5ml per 1 litre of formulex 2.4 : 0.9 : 3.4
After readin up on it i have only used 2ml per 1 litre just now
But completley flushed the bad one
not really monitoring ma ph due to financial reasons, if it was calcium deficencey would it not be on both plants?
Mr Ganja said:
not really monitoring ma ph due to financial reasons, if it was calcium deficencey would it not be on both plants?

My calcium def was only on 2 of my plants. But once I noticed it I gave all of the plants calcium and within a day they were happy as hell!! Have they started drooping yet? By the time I figured out what was wrong they were practically dead lol but they will bounce back just give em some cal
My calcium def was only on 2 of my plants. But once I noticed it I gave all of the plants calcium and within a day they were happy as hell!! Have they started drooping yet? By the time I figured out what was wrong they were practically dead lol but they will bounce back just give em some cal

hi guys a have moved the plants under the cfl's just till i remove all the tinfoil and paint white, the yellowing has stopped, i was told by one of my friends to trim the yellow off the bad plant so it puts energy into new growth.

what can i use from my house to some supplement calcium and if its not a calcium deffeciencey can adding calcium have adverse affects?
You don't want to go too heavy on the calcium because you don't want to create other deficiencies so just add one calcium pill (yes the kind you take yourself) to a gallon of water. You'll need to crush it up first and then shake the gallon till its cloudy. Evenly give it to all your girls and then just wait a day or 2. You can get the pills at any Walmart or pharmacy.
the plants yellowing has stopped and new growth has emerged slightly, so i think it was the heat i will put pics up tommorow :-)
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