Blue Cheese - Grown from Seed

Re: Blue Cheese (Grown from Seed)

Thanks Steve!

If the winning plant is destined for the cover of 420 mag, I would have to agree, even if this wasn't my plant. ;)

Guess we will just have to wait and see! One thing is for sure... I can't handle the suspense/stress of waiting for the final vote, (Part of my medical condition) so this is likely to be my last forray into the POTM contest regardless of how it turns out. :laughtwo:

If you do not continue to post your efforts in the contests then you will be putting all of us in the dark man. I love reading about your grows and I say it all the time, "these buds would win the cannabis cup". My WW will be done in a few months and I can't wait for you and everyone else to see them. I guess if your still going to reward us with details about your grows that I can live with that but I missed the opportunity to vote on your entry (was not a member yet). Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to watching your girls grow up. :thankyou:
Re: Blue Cheese (Grown from Seed)

Glad im throwing my two cents in on this strain while i still remember. Im a big fan of blueberry blue widow and the epic blue cheese. It has become not just a recommend type but a top choice for me and my choice to start when i grow if possible to get some. Is not a sativa high, bit it definitely made me focus and relaxed. but my main obsession is how calm i was. so clear mineded and peaceful. Its like the ah i feel really good and comfortable. easy the mind with Da Blue Cheese!
Oh man, I totally forgot about blue cheese! One of the best buds I have came across! Between this and the Ogre, man, awesome.. I can't remember which one was over-stinky.. but it could have been the cheese.
I am completely:high-five: stoked!!!!Your reveiw of (BLUE CHEESE) has got me fired up.A buddy blessed me with some clones of BC.Man i cant wait to get started.Great pics also.:tokin:
The plant structure and texture of those buds looks just like what a friend of mine's Dad was growing in Eureka about 30 years ago. The only difference is the buds were almost black in color. It was some heavy duty smoke. Beautiful pics.
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