Blue Angel 2019

So I’ve been doing a lil digging, reading up on deficiencies. For a while now, before I gave them the flush, when I first started noticing problems. I truly should have listened to my gut and just transplanted them. Instead I was blind sided by the thought of them having a deficiency, and ignored the fact that I knew they needed to be uprooted, and focused on trying to curve the “deficiency”.

I was reading this morning on calcium deficiency, and I started to think (cause I’m worried about them, and they didn’t look all too happy this morning) maybe they do have a deficiency. Well maybe they do, as I was reading, everything started to kinda make sense(was still blurry, but the light was getting brighter).


There where it says roots may turn brown, so I thought back to the pictures I took of the roots, which you can clearly see some of the roots are turning brown.


There where it says, coco coir that hasn’t been supplemented with calcium or below 6.2 range.

Which I never pre-supplemented my coco before using it. Also the majority of it, is the left over/ recycled from my previous grow.

Which really had me thinking, I’ve read that you can re-use coco again for the next grow, but I never pre supplemented it with anything extra, other then my normal nutrients. That right there could be the “major” problem...:hmmmm: the previous grow used up the majority of nutrients leaving it too bare? So I really started to lean towards it having a calcium deficiency.

Then I searched root bound issues, it says,

  • Plant is getting root or nutrient problems – A cannabis plant can start showing rootor nutrient problems when it's kept in a too-small container or if it's become root-bound. These root problems can cause the plant to become droopy, or show unexpected leaf symptoms or deficiencies (such as spots or yellowing leaves). Whenever literally everything else is right but you're still experiencing these problems, it may be a sign you need to transplant.

That right there. The plant at the bottom of that picture is exactly what my girls are doing. :idea:

The light bulb goes off, It’s not as blurry anymore, it’s clear.

“Strange symptoms that almost look like nutrient deficiencies and/or overwatering”

I’ve experienced all of that. Yes it still may have some sort of a deficiency, As it progressed since I waited so long, but I’m thinking my problem this entire time has been the roots not being happy. Such a simple, stupid mistake. Again, these are the cards I’ve been dealt, I just need to roll with it.
Thanks @Pbass much appreciate brothern!!

The plant has been planted into a new pot for the time being. There isn’t much new coco underneath the old coco, so it’s just a temporary fix, a week, two if I’m lucky.

Last night I started soaking some more coco, I’m going to mix it tonight and try break up all of the large chunks. Let it sit for another day, then start draining it tomorrow, for a day or two. Get my 5 gallon cloth pots ready, and start pre filling them, just to see if I soaked enough coco or if I need to soak some more.

I don’t want to stress the plants out by doing another transplant right away, so like I said before I’m going to give it at least a week.:lot-o-toke:

I will snag some photos later and post them (if I remember)

:passitleft: Pass to the left, readers. =)

Well, the girls seem happier, not where I would like to see them, but we’re on a uphill swing.

Pots were feeling much lighter so I gave them some food. High quality H20 (regular tap water) [shrugs it off] with some nutrients added. :Rasta:
I was able to snap these photos before giving them a drink.:popcorn:



There is a few leaves that will be sure to come off soon, tomorrow I’m thinking.

I’m also thinking of topping soon. Ren and stimpy I topped at the third internode, my Green Crack and my Black Diamond I topped at the 7th internode. I think my BC and DA are working on the 7th right now.

I’m going to drain my coco tonight, see how it sits tomorrow evening.


I know, I know, it’s a bad picture. :blunt:I took a picture through my little viewing window I have in the side of my tent. As soon as I open the storage room door, BAM there’s the window! I at times get obsessed with this window. Gazing in as if I’m going to miss something while I’m away. I took the picture because, come on! I’m giving you guys the full experience here! :yummy:

More to come, soon!

I had the same problem with my current crop, the old crop is drying out in my only tent and I didnt up size the pot for them. I got excited and planted my seeds a week early :p

Did you say some leaves were coming off? By that do you the bottom yellows?
I had the same problem with my current crop, the old crop is drying out in my only tent and I didnt up size the pot for them. I got excited and planted my seeds a week early :p

Did you say some leaves were coming off? By that do you the bottom yellows?

Thanks man!! The tent has been great to me! It’s kind of a temporary setup untill I get into a bigger place and can set it up a bit better.

Yeah the yellow/dead leaves at the bottom I planned on taking off yesterday, just super busy. :bongrip:

I’ll get back to your other messages after super and all that Jazz.
I've read those bottom leaves usually go yellow if they touch the soil, some people put rocks under the leaves, but I think that's if you're purely into aesthetics. They don't produce anything for me so I just let em go and trim them.

After a long night last night, and a disastrous mess. I got the girls transplanted and wasn’t finished till about 11pm. I tried to post this last night but the server would not connect and nothing would load for some reason:hmmmm:

So I transplanted the ladies into their final home. 5 gallon cloth pots. Again, it wasn’t easy, and I made a mess. The old pots weren’t settled long enough and the coco did not hold. I saw it coming, but was not expecting the mess I made! They will be stressed out for a few days, but should bounce back (hopefully).

I raised the light, and put it back to about 16 inches above the tops of the plants, because the pots are much taller. I will let them settle into their new homes, then it’s edward scissor hands time. Those tops will be coming off. Snip snip! :rollit:

I will also keep a close eye on the coco, to be ready for a good feeding with nutrients. I will be upping my dose from early veg, to late veg next time they need food.


I did mix perlite in as I went, just to push the small amount of coco farther then what I had. I finished the tops of the pots with straight coco, as it was getting late, and the rest is mixed with perlite so no harm done here. Except for the stress I put them through during the transplant.


Thanks for dropping in! More to come, soon!!


Brought the girls out and gave them their first dose of food since being put in the 5 gallon Pots.



I also snipped the tops off as well, after being put back in the tent. Snip snip! :blunt:
I took the picture through my glasses though, so hopefully it’ll look somewhat normal.


Let me pass this to the left, :passitleft:
Well, it’s been one hell of a week. Without going to much into details, I’ve been extremely stressed. With everything going on, I’ve been neglecting the girls a bit this past week.

I knew when I gave them water last time, I didn’t get as much run off as I like to, was too busy to mix some more food so, I called it good. I have 1.5 gallons sitting in a watering container waiting for my lights to turn on, so I can mix up some food and give them a drink. They will get 3/4 gallon of water each. Last time I gave them 1/2 a gallon each. This is a new/ bigger water container then I used last time, my old one was only a 3/4 gallon jug and this one is a 2 gallon, when I fed my girls with the 3/4 gallon jug, it was perfect with the amount of run off I had. 1/2 wasn’t enough in the 5 gallon containers and 1 gallon was almost too much. I’ll stick to 3/4 for now and adjust as needed.

A couple days ago, I plucked all of the dead fan leaves I had on the bottom part of my blue Cookie.

I snapped a picture of the girls here not long ago, while the lights are still off. The plant on the left is much drier because it’s pretty much directly underneath the fan, as I’ve been neglecting the tent and what not these past two weeeks I haven’t been able to drop the fan a bit as it’s still set up for my flowering plants. So it’s basically pointed down towards the girls. So I switched the two around for the mean time untill they get some food.


They seem to be growing, which makes me happy to see, they must be happier in their new homes.

I also need to get in there and start tying branches down.

Will post again when I manage to spend some time with my girls.
Here, I’ll pass this to the left.



Gave them both a really good drink. Gave them both, about a gallon, or just over. I wanted to see that runoff. I also Did some some LST by bending down all of the branches down, instead of tying them down. I’ll let them grow a bit before doing so.

They definitely look to be lacking nutrients. Hopefully they bounce back after this feeding.

Fingers crossed.

I brought the ladies out for a bit of a late evening restraining.

I plucked a few of the the big fan leaves towards the center of the plant to allow some more light to reach the bottom branches.

Damn it’s really hard to type this out right now, I smashed my left thumb with a hammer last week, I popped the blood blister and now the skin is dead and falling off. My phone barely recognizes my thumb touching the screen haha :headbanger:







I was able to drop the fan in my tent a bit as well, not too close but just enough that I can see some movement in the leaves.


I also have some sensi cal-mag xtra ordered and should be here by Wednesday.

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