BLS’s Grow Laboratory

Hey brother, had no idea you had this journal going. Im in homie :high-five:

You kinda scared me with that big black plastic glove youre using to transplant. I guess you use protection finger blasting :laugh:
Sparkey my man!! Good to have you along for the ride brother!!

haha yeah I was fist blasting the shit outta that dirt!! Lmao
Do you think your blue cheese is a girl ?and what is red dragon ?
I sure hope it’s a female. I’m going to clone a cutting off it soon and force the clone into flower to try and find that out early. I should have don’t it by now but I’m slackin... this basement is eating up all my time lol

Red dragon is
The crossing of a Pakistani Kush with a true Brazilian Sativa paved the way for one of our most exotic strains. RED DRAGON™ gives a distinctive and immediately exotic Sativa high, with a relaxing effect that lasts for hours.

The finished buds encapsulate the flavour and smell of Guava fruit within unique red and green colas. RED DRAGON™ grows medium short, and has a short 8 week flowering period. This plant gives a big yield of highly prized product, but finishes outdoor by the end of September.
Here’s a bit of an update,

I switched the plants to the big light in the tent and they were not happy. Took a lil while to adjust to it, I ended up having to Jack up the height of the light after a few days of being under the light.

I checked them last night before bed andgave them a drink of water. They were all pretty dry. They’ll get a feeding tonight.

all finished drywalling my laundry room and I started throwing tapes on in the bathroom and a few patches outside the bathroom. It’s gettin there!!

here’s some pics.






have a good day everyone!!
Is the football player garden gnome their guardian angel?
That’s my guardian Angel. Hell, the plants don’t need it! They drive them selves!! I’m the accident prone one!! I could have cut my big toe off last weekend with my sawzaw. Luckily I just cut it. I probably should have gone for stitches... but a bandaid fixed that up, and went back to work. It eventually stopped bleeding so I’m good to go! Lol

The gnome is named Jim. A Hawaiian named Jim... don’t ask me how, but he thinks he’s Hawaiian [shrugs]
could have cut my big toe off last weekend with my sawzaw. Luckily I just cut it.
Years ago, I was de-roofing an RV and I managed to stab myself in the leg with the hook end of a (dull) crowbar- that was back when I took a lot of vicodin, and I remember thinking "good thing I'm all f*cked up, or that would really hurt!"
I was laughing at the Jim thing - not the toe thing!!!!
Yeah yeah!! You were probably sitting behind that screen murmuring to you’re self, “haha take that, hope you lost you’re toe you son of a bitch! Make me grow more then 4 plants this upcoming season” :rofl:

Years ago, I was de-roofing an RV and I managed to stab myself in the leg with the hook end of a (dull) crowbar- that was back when I took a lot of vicodin, and I remember thinking "good thing I'm all f*cked up, or that would really hurt!"
Ouch!! Damn that must have hurt!! Good thing you were all doped up though!! Did you impale your self?

Just last week I was carrying a bundle of 6” track, 20 gauge. Which there is ten in a bundle.. the fawking thing is heavy, idk exactly how heavy but it’s over a hundred pounds easy. Had it on my shoulder and was walking along the Q deck on a roof building parapets. I said to my self, “don’t do it. It’s too heavy on this slippery deck.” Then I thought, “nahh it’s dry up to the corner, I’m good”

so I got up to this corner and said “ahh three more steps and you’re around the corner.” (Right where I needed it)

took two extra steps, and slipped on the third.

bundle of track went flying. I hit the roof. What goes up, must come down. The bundle landed right on my left thigh.

I was embarrassed, so I sprung right up and brushed my self off then kept working. I easily could have broken my leg. Luckily I didn’t. Just a big arse bruise and a limp for a week. I got lucky.
Did you impale your self?
Oh, yeah- it went in about an inch- I missed the veins and arteries, so it hardly bled at all- in fact I didn't really know how bad it was till I got home and took a shower...probably should of had stitches, but you know how that goes...unless they're sewing something back on, stitches aren't really's gonna heal up with or without them, right?

I was embarrassed, so I sprung right up and brushed my self off then kept working.
Hell yeah- just act like you meant to do it, and no one's the wiser :oops:
Oh, yeah- it went in about an inch- I missed the veins and arteries, so it hardly bled at all- in fact I didn't really know how bad it was till I got home and took a shower...probably should of had stitches, but you know how that goes...unless they're sewing something back on, stitches aren't really's gonna heal up with or without them, right?

Hell yeah- just act like you meant to do it, and no one's the wiser :oops:
Damn! You got some lucky that didn’t hit an Artie!! Lol you must have been swinging like a mad man!!

I once got over 300 stitches in my leg, over a metre of lacerations. I tell people when they see my scars, that I was bit by a shark... but in all reality, I was just young, dumb and full of cum!

put my leg through a window, when I was drunk. It was supposed to be the night my brother and his fiancé got married, but my brother passed away a month or two before the wedding. So we were all a drunk mess.

I cut in behind my knee, and they said if it was a millimeter deeper I would have hit my main vein and bled to death. I had already lost a shit ton of blood and was about to walk away from the hospital doors as no one was answering them. As I got to the other side of the parking lot, someone opened the door with a wheel chair and called for me to come back. They said they saw me bleeding on the camera and ran to get a wheel chair.

I’ll post a picture of my leg here in the Alberta grow lounge after I send this.

Looking good Mr Growguru :)
Is he here? Damn I must have just missed him!! I’ve got a bone to pick with that guru you speak of!!!

lmao thanks trala:battingeyelashes:
I feel your pain brother.

I'm about 85% completed with my upstairs bathroom total remodel.
Ohh man! Being 85% done seems like I’m never going to be at that stage. Must feel really good!!

wife and I ordered the shower valve, and shower head last weekend. That’ll be here early February. The vanity will be here the end of February. I’m at the stage right now of mudding and tapeing the walls. Trying to get that all caught up in my laundry room and bathroom. Need to buy some more of that schluter system paper wrap, so I can water proof the shower. Then I can start putting tile on.

the wife wouldn’t let me work down there this weekend. So everything’s sitting idle... burning me up inside knowing what needs to be done, and can’t work on anything this weekend... but at least spending time with the kids is always fun!!

the plants are definitely coming back around!!

was a lil iffy shortly after moving them under the big light, but seem to have done a 180 degree turn.

they were fed last night again, and I was able to get some pictures a couple days ago, but these aren’t from last night.


a little dis-colouring leaves happening on those clones... I’m not too worried about them though. They’re just experiments. They’ve had a rough life from the get go. Neglected ponderously, and they out grew they’re small pots a long time before they were transplanted.
In the front we have strawberry banana grape (SBG), the right we have red dragon, the back we have blue power, and the left we have blu cheeze

I’m amazed at how short this red dragon is. Mind boggling actually. The under sides of the plants are dried and burnt up. That’s the oldest growth, and like I said they took a turn for the worst. They were in shock from being moved from the small T5 light to the nextlight core model. I also had the light too close, and when I transplanted the SBG and blue power, I should not have, as the root ball wasn’t formed yet. Now I’m getting closer to needing to transplant the blu cheeze and red dragon. I should have waited on all of them, but getting a head of my self is part of this patience thing us growers constantly talk about. Patience is a virtue they say... we all need to practice it from time to time!!

stay safe everyone!!
Hope you guys enjoyed the video... I had no feedback on it lol

two days ago they were all fed, with Remo nutrients, about 15 ml per 1.5 gallons of water. They enjoyed the feeding.

I plan on topping these plants soon. I will try to clone all four tops. That’s why I’ve gone this long, is because I like to let the plant go a bit higher then the 5th node... (probably around the 8th). Then I top above the fifth internode, remove the bottom two internodes and leave three in tact for a hexline.

here’s the photos from last night.

have a great day everyone!!
Hope you guys enjoyed the video... I had no feedback on it lol

two days ago they were all fed, with Remo nutrients, about 15 ml per 1.5 gallons of water. They enjoyed the feeding.

I plan on topping these plants soon. I will try to clone all four tops. That’s why I’ve gone this long, is because I like to let the plant go a bit higher then the 5th node... (probably around the 8th). Then I top above the fifth internode, remove the bottom two internodes and leave three in tact for a hexline.

here’s the photos from last night.

have a great day everyone!!
Looking good man,
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