Bloom is over for 1 week - Where is the problem?

Hello green friend Bill. Last night, I sprayed the leaves with calMg. When I checked in the morning, the upper pale colors started to look better. Should I spray the leaves with calMg again this evening?
Hello green friend Bill. Last night, I sprayed the leaves with calMg. When I checked in the morning, the upper pale colors started to look better. Should I spray the leaves with calMg again this evening?
I generally wait a couple days between spraying.
Just to let her absorb the spray and acclimate again.
I'd wait a day at least before doing it again. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The problem is that there is a tall plant in what looks like a small bucket of some type of potting soil mix. The bigger the plant the more it will need. Since the roots cannot expand out past the sides of the bucket they will not be able to find the raw nutrients the plant needs except for what is in the bucket.

On top of that, once the plant starts to go into flower it needs even more nutrients than it was needed before when it was just growing.

I use advanced chemical fertilizer, soil light mix, will there be a problem?
What is "advanced chemical fertilizer"? Whatever it is, follow the instructions on the bottle or bag of fertilizer. Not only the amounts of fertilizer to amounts of water but also follow what is says about how often to give the fertilizer.

What is the "soil light mix" that you mention? There should be a company name and then the product name. Then somewhere on the bag should be important info such as what the soil mix is made out of and sometimes the basic ratio of ingredients.

Most likely the problem is that the soil mix is not able to supply the amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium the plant needs at this stage. Everything that the roots can get are being used for photosynthesis and for the flower development And, it will get worse because as the flower buds get larger the plant needs even more than the day before. The group is making some excellent suggestions so follow along.

As far as I can see it is best to continue with the advanced chemical fertilizer and use the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium as a bonus. Things to keep in mind include that at this stage the plant has slowed down the growth of new roots so do as little as possible to damage what is already there. Also, the plant has pretty much stopped the growth of new large fan leaves--it is growing new sugar leaves and small fan leaves but those big ones that are used for photosynthesis and nutrient & sucrose storage are what you see.

Do not cut off any of the leaves that are turning yellow until they are completely yellow just like the yellow on a traffic signal. Better yet, let them fall off on their own.
The problem is that there is a tall plant in what looks like a small bucket of some type of potting soil mix. The bigger the plant the more it will need. Since the roots cannot expand out past the sides of the bucket they will not be able to find the raw nutrients the plant needs except for what is in the bucket.

On top of that, once the plant starts to go into flower it needs even more nutrients than it was needed before when it was just growing.

advanced chemical fertilizer"? Whatever it is, follow the instructions on the bottle or bag of fertilizer. Not only the amounts of fertilizer to amounts of water but also follow what is says about how often to give the fertilizer.

soil light mix" that you mention? There should be a company name and then the product name. Then somewhere on the bag should be important info such as what the soil mix is made out of and sometimes the basic ratio of ingredients.

Most likely the problem is that the soil mix is not able to supply the amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium the plant needs at this stage. Everything that the roots can get are being used for photosynthesis and for the flower development And, it will get worse because as the flower buds get larger the plant needs even more than the day before. The group is making some excellent suggestions so follow along.

As far as I can see it is best to continue with the advanced chemical fertilizer and use the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium as a bonus. Things to keep in mind include that at this stage the plant has slowed down the growth of new roots so do as little as possible to damage what is already there. Also, the plant has pretty much stopped the growth of new large fan leaves--it is growing new sugar leaves and small fan leaves but those big ones that are used for photosynthesis and nutrient & sucrose storage are what you see.

Do not cut off any of the leaves that are turning yellow until they are completely yellow just like the yellow on a traffic signal. Better yet, let them fall off on their own.
These are my fertilizers, I have to water after 2 or 3 days. Which ones do you recommend I give? By the way, I changed the pot twice, my last pot is 6 gallons and the roots have filled every part of it. A finger can't even get into it!! What do you recommend?

Which ones do you recommend I give?
What are the names of the fertilizers you have. Saying "advanced chemical fertilizer" is not saying which ones you have. Company name and name of the product helps a lot. The closest I see in the picture is the Micro, Grow and Bloom. Use that at the dose recommended for the age of your plant. I believe the dose recommended by the company will change by the week or at least every couple of weeks.

By the way, I changed the pot twice, my last pot is 6 gallons and the roots have filled every part of it. A finger can't even get into it!! What do you recommend?
Yes, I have had the same thing happen just about every time I put a plant into the flowering tent. Not much of a problem since that layer of roots seems to absorb the water quickly. I just make sure that I give enough water to make it past those roots and soak the lower portion of the pot so the soil there stays moist.

I will use a big kitchen spoon or small gardener's trowel and break up the roots and soil around the edge to help when watering and still leave. The mat of small roots has come up in the How to Water a Potted Plant thread and if not there the author of that thread mentioned it several times in her other writings.
There is a leftover water reservoir under my flower pot. The bottom of the flower pot has holes. Other nutrients in the photo are related to PK. Have you used them before? Besides microbloomgroow, I will do the irrigation in front of me with Calmg+pk.
This bitch is living with the problem, it is still very yellow and the leaves are falling off, only a few 2 or 3 fans are turning yellow on the side heads at the top, I gave calmg + npk yesterday.


7831CBD6-ADF3-433C-AB90-8A1E0B76372C.jpeg is still very yellow and the leaves are falling off, only a few 2 or 3 fans are turning yellow on the side heads at the top, I gave calmg + npk yesterday.
I feel that you are doing what you can. It will not fix the problem but it might slow down how soon new leaves start to turn yellow. It looks like a classic case of not enough Nitrogen and Potassium being available to the plant in the final weeks of the vegetative stage.

Once flowering starts the plant is concentrating on flowering and not root or leaf production. The development of flowers still requires Nitrogen for the growth of all those green sugar leaves and the smaller stems that are part of the flower buds. And, it still needs a good amount of Potassium for the same increase in flowers. At this point they plant is taking the needed nutrients from the large fan leaves are moving it to the flowering areas. As far as I can tell there is no way to stop this once it starts. The best thing I have noticed is to give the plant a source of mild levels of water-soluble Nitrogen and Potassium as a way to slow down the yellowing of those fan leaves.

For the last 10 years people have been saying to start a Calcium feeding schedule if growing inside while using artificial lighting, especially LED lights. I am not sure that there is a need to be giving weekly doses of Calcium at this stage of flower development if the plant is outside under sunlight.
I feel that you are doing what you can. It will not fix the problem but it might slow down how soon new leaves start to turn yellow. It looks like a classic case of not enough Nitrogen and Potassium being available to the plant in the final weeks of the vegetative stage.

Once flowering starts the plant is concentrating on flowering and not root or leaf production. The development of flowers still requires Nitrogen for the growth of all those green sugar leaves and the smaller stems that are part of the flower buds. And, it still needs a good amount of Potassium for the same increase in flowers. At this point they plant is taking the needed nutrients from the large fan leaves are moving it to the flowering areas. As far as I can tell there is no way to stop this once it starts. The best thing I have noticed is to give the plant a source of mild levels of water-soluble Nitrogen and Potassium as a way to slow down the yellowing of those fan leaves.

For the last 10 years people have been saying to start a Calcium feeding schedule if growing inside while using artificial lighting, especially LED lights. I am not sure that there is a need to be giving weekly doses of Calcium at this stage of flower development if the plant is outside under sunlight.
You are right bro, look, it was like this on July 23, there has been such a problem since the time of Veg, how can we save this woman?
You are right brother, look, it was like this on July 23, there has been such a problem since the time of Veg, how can we save this woman? soryy
Feed it full strength nutrients at 6.3 ph. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Feed it full strength nutrients at 6.3 ph. :Namaste:
What Bill said. Use the fertilizers at the dose that the manufacturer has on the bottle or bag and at the schedule they recommend.

Once the leaves start to turn yellow it is very hard to make it stop. The plant is taking the nutrients it needs from what was stored in those leaves. By giving it the recommended amounts of fertilizer there is a bit less demand being placed on the leaves.

The two nutrients that are needed are Nitrogen and Potassium. What I do is add a small amount of Nitrogen in between the feedings of the main fertilizers. I will use a liquid fish product with a NPK rating of 3-1-1 or 5-1-1 about once every two weeks. To give the Potassium I will used a product made from Kelp.

Keep in mind that the yellow leaves have already started and also remember that the plant is now concentrating on flower production and not on growing more leaves or stems. The best I have been able to do at this stage is slow down how fast the yellowing of leaves continues.

The real solution to the problem is to plan ahead. The gardener has to remember this issue for the next season or the next indoor grow. Then two to three weeks before flowering will start they should already be giving some mild doses of the Nitrogen and Potassium. This way the plant will take longer before it has removed those nutrients from the fan leaves so it takes longer before they start turning yellow.
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