Today there was a problem. A problem of the mold variety. What could have caused it? What will we do? Fret not my friends, for it is our victories in these struggles that make the journey worth while. . . so I went in to give the feeding bright and early like a good flower farmer. Here's what I discovered
my new camera hasn't arrived yet but I think you can still make out the fuzzies. So I rolled a joint and thought (this step is key to avoid kneejerk reactions). I decided I needed to remove the lowest leaves to improve air circulation across the top of the soil.
found this dirty dog hiding under a big leaf that was touching the soil. I removed the mold that I could see. I still fed and watered. I believe this issue will now be resolved. I'm not sure if the MGO helped the mold grow but I'd say the major contributing factor was my failure to maintain proper air circulation at the soil surface. The lower leaves are gone and the fan has been adjusted
I'll be watching closely to monitor the situation. Two more weeks til we'll consider the flip to flower. Hope all is well with everyone's grows .