BlazinThat - Soil - Woody Harrelson Kush - 2013

alright some harvest photos! So even with the issues this round harvest still seemed better then I had thought it would. I'm a little disappointed with how early I chopped but between my schedule and my partner this was only thing to do. no trics were Amber and I'm pretty sure a few were cloudy but it's better then nothing.









Right now I have 2 autos going that are about 2-3 weeks old and I'm building my soil for my next photoperiod.
this is what I'm working on for next round soil.

soil. 2 cu ft
ewc. 5-8 pounds
6/5/3 mix. 3.5 cups
mycos. 1/4 cup
azomite. 1/8 cup
epsom salt. 1.5 tablespoon
kelp. 1 tablespoon
alfalfa. 1 tablespoon

veg tea:
soil 1 cup
ewc. 1 cup
mycos. 1/8 cup
azomite. 1/8 cup
kelp. 1/8 cup
alfalfa. 1/8 cup
cold pressed squid
Hey Guys, thanks for the words! I got about 3 ounces dry, but they still need some trim work done.

The smoke is a nice head high and real uplifting, decently strong but not very long lasting.

I will have this journal closed, and might start another.

Thanks for being a part of this ride!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.
Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheertwo:

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Hope all is well in your world.
Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine. :Namaste:
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